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Episode 1: Latin Flava!

Guest star: Nel (The Latin Alien)
Setting: The thick yet peaceful jungle of Sasswalk Land

PrinceSass Lassy and PrinceSass Step are making their way to the famous chocolate river know as "The Wonka River". If they are quiet enough they might catch a glimpse of a rare Oompaloompa. They creep up and hide behind a giant fern and wait. Sure enough, they see the orange face and green hair of a baby Oompaloompa. They watch as it drinks from the river when all of a sudden there is a loud russeling in the bushes nearby. The Oompaloompa was startled and ran away. PrinceSass Lassy and PrinceSass Step were very pissed off and were ready to sass up whatever came out of the jungle. Step was all ready with her lightsaber when out of the bushes stepped a handsom alien. Step was just about to charge when she saw the alien wearing two blacks belts!
PrinceSass Lassy held her back and said "Look! He's got one black belt for Karate and the other one for Latin dancing!"
"Oh yeah," said Step, "That's pretty cool. I wish I knew how to Latin dance! Wait, he's coming over!"
Nel the Latin alien made his way over to the PrinceSass'. "Hóla ladiez! Let me introduce myself! I am Nel the Latin alien! I come from the planet OLÉ!" Nel kissed the PrinceSass' hands and asked, "I was wondering if you fine ladiez could help me!"
"Of course we will," said PrinceSass Lassy, "What do you need?"
"Oh, my ship broke down and I need a few new parts!"
"Alright. Let us take you to the Sass-in-training. She'll give you what you need. But what will WE get in return?" Step asked sassily.
"I dunno. What would you ladiez like?"
PrinceSass Lassy said "We'll let you know!"
The three made their way back to the main town to get the parts for Nel's ship.
(in the town)"Hey K! How's it going?" Step asked the Sass-in-training(aka 'K').
"Hey guys! I'm all good. Who is this?" said K.
Nel jumped in! "Hóla! I am Nel the Latin alien. You must be the fair Sass-in-training!"
"Well hello. My friends call me 'K'! What do you need Nel?"
PrinceSass Lassy and PrinceSass Step left the two to handle business while they went to get a drink and discuss what they wanted from Nel. "I have an idea Step!" said PrinceSass Lassy excitedly.
"What is it?"
"Well...he has a black belt in Latin dancing...I like to dance...I don't know Latin you see where I'm going with this?"
" sassy devil!"
"Take notes babe!"
They made their way back to Nel and K to see if they were done.
"So, how is everything? Did you get what you needed Nel?"
"Nah. I gotta wait for the parts to come in. I'm stuck here in Sasswalk land for a week or two. At least that's what K tells me!"
PrinceSass Step turns to PrinceSass Lassy and whispers "Excellent! The plan is going along perfectly!"
Nel says "What was that?"
"Oh...nothing. Nothing at all! You'll see! Ha ha ha!"

to be continued...