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Episode 2: The Fight!

Guest star: SuperMett (The lifeguard from the planet Sass)
Setting: In K's liar

PrinceSass Lassy and PrinceSass Step are waiting as K gets dressed so that they can all go to the beach. When all of them are ready they wait outside for Nel the Latin Alien to pick them up. Instead, to their surprise, the police come by and ask the ladiez what they are doing. At the very same moment Nel comes around the corner in his Sasscraft. If the policeman sees Nel the Latin Alien, who is actually here illegally from the planet OLÉ, then Nel will have to be deported!
"We're just waiting for a friend officer!" says PrinceSass Step.
"And where will you ladiez be heading today?" asked the police officer flirtingly.
Nel noticed the police and turned off into a nearby driveway well hidden by ferns.
"Just to the beach sir!" said K nervously.
"Well, have a good time now!" Just as the officer turned the corner the lasses ran to the driveway where Nel was hiding. They quickly got in.
"Whew! That was close Nel!" said PrinceSass Lassy.
"It sure was! Check if the coast is clear!"
"Yep, it is. Let's go par-tay!"
They arrived at the beach. "Let's go in the water!" suggested PrinceSass Step excitedly. They agreed and made their way across the sand.
"Look!" said K, "That lifeguard over there is looking at us!"
"Oh yeah. I wonder if he'll come over!" Sure enough, the lifeguard made his way over to K and Lassy and introduced himself.
"Hey there. I'm SuperMett. I come from the planet Sass, you look so familiar to me!" he said to PrinceSass Lassy.
"You're from the planet Sass? Wow! I'm from there! Didn't your family live in the next town over??"
"Yeah, just over the hill! Richman's Hill!"
"Oh right. I remember now. So what brings you to Sasswalks land?"
"Oh, there aren't many beaches in Sass as you know so I decided to come here to lifeguard!"
K asked curiously, "Why do they call you SuperMett anyways?"
"I'm not really sure how the name came to be...but if it's any consolation...I DO guard lives!"
The lasses giggled. "I guess that IS super! Well…If you have a break soon we can all go for ice cream or something" said PrinceSass Lassy.
"That would be cool! I can take my break right now."
PrinceSass Lassy called Nel and Step to get out of the water so that they could go eat. In the Ice cream Shop they all sat and got to know SuperMett. Then out of nowhere came Rico the evil ex-soldier of Darth's army. He was so bad that he even got banished from the evil side! He walked straight up to the owner of the shop and started to harrass her. His scummy face and bloodly horns were repulsive. It seemed that swearing was his first language. Nel couldn't stand for this, he told SuperMett his plan and they came up behind Rico. Nel broom-swept him to the floor and SuperMett held him down. While this was happening K was calling the police to come and arrest Rico for being so god damn ugly... oh yeah, and for disturbing the peace. As the Lassy took a few kicks at him the police finally arrived. One officer arrested Rico and took him to jail while the other one asked them questions.
"He was so ugly!" said PrinceSass Step.
"He just started to harrass the owner for no reason at all. Of course I couldn't stand for this so I did something!" said Nel.
"Wait a sec! You're from the planet OLÉ aren't you?" asked the policeman.
"Uh...yes. There's no denying my heritage! I'm proud to be a Latin Alien!" said Nel with his head held high.
"Normally I would have to report you, ya know? But since you and SuperMett saved the day...and since you're friends are such fine ladiez...I will let this one pass!" said the officer.
"Thank you." The officer left and Nel said "It's seems that I'm 'down' with a lot of authority around here!"
The lasses reminded Nel by saying "Didn't you hear the officer?'s because of US that you get to stay here!!"
"Oh...right. The ladieZ are always right!"

to be continued...