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Episode 3: September 3rd!

Setting: K’s house
Guest star: Chris the groovy one

PrinceSass Lassy, PrinceSass Step and K were in K’s house getting ready to go to the Sasswalks Ball. They were very excited. PrinceSass Lassy was doing all their hair and K was doing all their makeup. The doorbell rang and K answered it. It was their guy friends who would be accompanying them to the Ball. At the door was Nel the Latin Alien, SuperMett the Lifeguard, and a new guy that the lasses hadn’t met yet. K asked “Hello guys. May I ask who your new friend is?”
“Certainly,” said Nel, “This is…” Nel was interrupted by the new guy.
“I can introduce myself thank you. Hello there, I’m am Chris…and they call me the groovy one. Who might I ask are you?” said Chris.
“Hello there. They call me K. Nice to meet you Chris. You should really meet my other friends but they are getting ready. You guys can stay here and listen to Latin beats while we get ready.” She went back upstairs to get dressed.
Finally the lasses were ready. The first gal that made her way down the stairs was K. She was dressed in a short gray skirt and a black tube top. The boyeez mouths dropped to the floor. Then came PrinceSass Step, she had a pair of Sassy pants and a blue tank top. The guys were speechless(literally). Then down came PrinceSass Lassy. She was wearing a short black skirt and sexy red top. The guys melted. As the lasses checked their hair one last time before leaving the guys picked themselves up off of the floor. After introductions were made they stepped out the door. They piled into the Sasscraft and made their way to the Ball.
They finally arrived at the Castle and it was beautiful. They were all in awe as they made their way inside. The floor was revolving and the walls were made of glass. At first, K, Chris and Mett were hestitant to go on the dancefloor. But the Lassy and Nel were itching to get on. Leaving the others behind they busted a few moves before the floor got too crowded. Finally the others made their way over figuring that they had to make fools of themselves eventually. But it wasn't like that, they all danced and had a blast. They danced around the room as the lights flashed and music pumped. A few members of the gang got glowsticks and danced around with them. When the floor got too crowded and they were getting tired of the music so they decided to check out what was going on upstairs. They entered the room, "THE BLU" and there were some wicked beats. They danced jungle style and never stopped. Eventually the crew needed a drink. They bought some beverages and just hung out at the bar. They drank, talked and laughed. Then out of the middle of the crowded dancefloor came Rusto.
“Oh no! He’s back…not again!!!” screamed Step.
Rusto came up to the group and said “You thought you’d get away with putting me in jail? Not to mention kicking me a few times before the police came by! Well…I busted out and there’s nothing you can do!” Step was scared and ran into the back room.
PrinceSass Lassy and K stepped up to Rusto and the Lassy said “Mother of Zeus! You’re the ugliest thing I’ve EVER seen! How about doing the world a favor and putting a paper bag over your head!?!”
He got mad and said “How dare you sass me up! You don’t know what you’re up against!”
“Well…don’t hold back on me!” said the Lass, "Who are we up against…you and your ugly face? Well, that IS quite a challenge but I think we’ll manage!”
Just as he was about to strike, she ducked came back and kicked him in the face. K kicked him in the face too and said "I guess my Jazz and your Irish dancing has finally paid off eh?" They strutted away while the guys beat his ass.
The police arrived and took Rusto away again. They assured them that he wouldn’t bother them again. They hoped so.
The crew finally decided to leave the Ball. It was late when they piled into the Sasscraft. As the made their way along the Lakeshore they saw police stopping every vehicle. When they finally pulled up, the police said "Did you have anything to drink tonight?"
Mett answered "No sir!"
"Have you seen any disoriented people tonight?"
"Well...there was this guy. His name is Rusto and he was bothering us at the Ball."
"Oh man. That's the guy. I hate to warn you but he has escaped."
"WHAT??", screamed Step, "Escape? How did he manage that?"
"Well...all I can say is that this really attractive officer of ours thought he was tough and strong and as she came onto him...let's just say that he got the key somehow."
"Oh gosh. That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard!" said Step as she gagged.
"Well...try to keep save. We'll get that ugly guy!" said the officer reassuringly.
"I hope so."
They drove away. After dropping off Step at her home the guys dropped off K and Princesass Lassy and headed home themselves. When the lasses got to their door they realised that they forgot their key. "What are we going to do now?" said the Lassy.
"We'll have to break into our own house! There is a ladder over by the side of the house!" K made her way over but suddenly stopped dead in her tracks.
"Oh my gosh! What is that??" K whispered, she was very scared.
Two eyes stared at her from the darkness. The piercing eyes blinked once...twice. The creature scurried off.
"Oh, that was just a sasscoon K! Ha ha, you were so scared!" Princesass Lassy laughed hysterically.
"Oh, shutup and help me with this ladder." They got the ladder to the window and K climbed up. She broke the screen and climbed in. Finally they were home. It was a memorable night indeed.

Special thanks goes to Karina, Chris, Matt, and Nelson for making this summer such a memorable one! Thanks guys. You guys are my inspriation.(pfft) I luv y'all always.