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Episode 4: We're Back!

Much time has past...unfortunately, Sasswalk’s Land was "destroyed" by the evilness of AirCibets. Many survived the explosion thankfully. Those special people were PrinceSass Lassy, PrinceSass Steph, K, Nel the Latin Alien, Supermett (his new friend Maliss), Chris, and their new pack member Cayhead.
What could’ve possible happened to the planet that only these few survived? Well, that’s a story in itself. And here it is…

It was warm day, PrinceSass Lassy, Chris, and Cayhead were jamming in downtown SassWalk. They were having a great time on the beach and saw some weird guys doing some yoga. They ran around in the polluted water and were having so much fun until they noticed something struggling out in the middle of the ocean. Chris noticed this individual and told Cayhead to go out and save him because he happened to be the best swimmer out of all of us. Cayhead swam out and as he got closer he realised that the person wasn’t a person at all…but a sea animal of some sort. He dragged it into shore and the three guys examined what it might be. They didn’t know exactly what it was but they knew it was injured. They decided to take it to PrinceSass Lassy and Chris’ house (they did live together) to try and revive this animal.
When they finally arrived at the house, Chris went upstairs to get some towels to dry off the creature. He handed the towel to Cay and as he rubbed the animal, it started to change into...into...a GENIE!
There was lots of smoke and as it started to clear up they heard a woman’s voice “Hello, thank you for waking me, I’ve been a seaweed flipper fish for many years. You have one wish…what shall it be?”
Chris: “ONE wish? Hey, aren’t genie’s supposed to grant three?”
Cayhead: “yeah, what a rip off!”
Genie: “I’m not a regular Genie! So shutup!”
PrinceSass Lassy: “Cool it boys. So Genie, what shall we call you?”
Genie: “My name is Maliss…I’m from the planet of UFT.”
The three didn’t want to make their wish just yet because they wanted their friends to see the Genie…they would never believe it! Eventually, PrinceSass Steph, K, Nel the Latin Alien, and Supermett, arrived at the TurWestco household.
As soon as Supermett saw Maliss, he was in love. PrinceSass Lassy explained the situation to the group so that they could all come up with the best wish ever! Supermett only had one idea in mind…he wanted Maliss to be free so that he could be with her forever. He proposed his idea to the group but they weren’t too keen on it. Supermett went down on his knees and begged them to understand.
K: “Okay, how about you sleep on it and think about all the treasures you could have instead. If you still feel the same way tomorrow then maybe we’ll consider it.”
Everyone agreed and home they went.

The next day, they arrived at the house where Maliss was being kept. Supermett felt the same way so the gang decided to let him make the wish.
Chris: “But you’re not getting a Christmas present from me!”
They all laughed.
Supermett made the wish and Maliss was free forever. What none of them knew was the destruction that was to be caused by disturbing the forces of nature!! The world started to twist and shout. What were they to do?? The forces of JavHit were going to destroy the world!! Luckily, PrinceSass Lassy knew that the cellar was once a bomb shelter. The gang didn’t have time to warn the world so they piled into the shelter. As the waited for the horrific end, Supermett and Maliss were having a great time talking, laughing and eating Cheetos. After about an hour, everyone went outside to see what had happened. There were no people to be seen but the strangest thing was that the whole world was MADE OF CHOCOLATE!
PrinceSass Lassy and K were in HEAVEN! They all ran outside to enjoy their new world.

What adventures are next for the Scooby Gang?? No one knows! (except for me of course!)