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~ PROM 2000 ~

Good day Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm forced to introduce myself, the name's Eileen, owner and creator of this entire site. Anybody who's anybody has known that we (meaning our "group") have been going on about prom for several long months now. We've built it up to be this big thing and now all we have to prove that it was is a few mushy comments on people's message boards. But for those of you who are DYING to know exactly what went on that night (which I'm sure is all of you...yes, even you!), this just might enlighten you a bit. You guys want my recap?? Can do. Here 'tis...
Let's do this thing in chronological order shall we?
The Thursday before prom: Of course we were all freaking out at school.."PROM IS TOMORROW!"..."prom is TOMORROW!"..."I KNOW! Oh my god!!"..."Oh man, all the PROMNESS that will be occuring tomorrow!!" Of course some of us still weren't ready...including me.
After School: We went to the mall! I still had to buy shoes and a matching bag for the big night. We spent a whole lotta time at Claire's, picking out accessories. We went from hairclips, to hairsnaps, to hair chopsticks, to hairbands and finally found the perfect hair items for Lally and Jay. Suddenly, "Where the hell is Alice? She said she'd be back! Jay, go get her!"...Jay comes back "She's talking to Matt and said she's not coming until we are ready to leave." "Go get her! She needs to buy a necklace anyway!" After a while trying to pry Alice away from that telephone, we found a nice necklace for Alice and got away from those rude sales girls! pfft!
Now it was off to the shoe stores. I went from "That's not the right colour!" to "Those aren't tall enough!" "What? you wanna be taller than Chris?" "Shutup!" to "These cost $170!" "Put the shoe down slowly and let's leave before we break something!" to "These are pretty much are they...oh...hurry let's go before she comes back!" to "I LOOK LIKE JESUS!". It was quite memorable.
After running into Rosanna and her SCARY looking boyfriend...yes, that one...I just decided "The hell with it! I'll just wear my black shoes and buy that matching bag!" So...I got the bag and I was happy.
"I'm so hungry! Let's go eat!" So off we went to the foodcourt. "Let's all have something we've never tried before!" "Well, Greek is good!" "Yeah, I've never tried that!" *While deciding what to have* "NEXT!! CAN I HELP YOU??" that guy was mean! *still discussing* "Hey Alice...tell them we'll dance for our food! Do the greek dance with me!" "No!! I'm not doing that in the middle of the food court!" "Come on! We have to do something outrageous before prom! But first we'll ask the guys if they're actually greek!" "Okay, fine."..."Are you actually greek?" "No!" "CRAP! Forget it then!"
While eating, we were having some VERY interesting conversations when "NAI TO THE FRONT DESK PLEASE. NAI TO THE FRONT DESK!" "Oh my god Jay, they just said NAI!!!" ha ha ha. Then, getting back to our conversation, suddenly..."OH MY GOD! IT'S REGISTRATION GUY!!" "WHERE WHERE??" As I try to stock him, I can't find him so back to our conversation. We run into Michelle and take sticker pictures and then we eventually realise that we've been at the mall for 5 hours..time to go home.
My mom finally finishes my dress that night and everything is looking good for the next day.
Morning of Promday: I wake up at about 11:30am...which is early for me. Take a shower, clean the house and rush off to get my hair done with Alice.
We both walk in at exactly 1:40pm and say "I'M LATE!" ha ha ha. Alice dumps all her sleeping stuff in the ultimate cut hair salon and we're all good. It's takes forever to get our hair done and since we were on opposite sides of a mirrow we waited in anticipation to see eachother's outcome. I get hit on and then Alice says, "Your hair looks so that what you wanted?" "I look like the statue of Liberty damnit! I'm so fixing this when I get home!"
My mom comes to pick us up and take us across the street to pick up our own corsages...yes, very "untraditional" but meh! We run into Ella and Mel cause their getting their hair done there too. Looking at our watch, we realise Jay, Lall and Maria were supposed to be at my house 15 mins ago. We rush back into the car and speed home to find no one waiting for us. *thank god*. Inside we go to do our lovely makeup and to pin down a few "liberty" curls.
3:45: The doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be Jay and them...go get it Alice." Alice opens the door to see Matt looking all cute in his suit. Yes, Matt was a "little" early but it was all good.
Next doorbell ring: It's Alice's to meet matt? maybe! ;)
Next doorbell: Sami...Alice's date#2....oops, sorry! ;)
Next doorbell: Finally, it's Jay, Maria and Lall. Lall: "Can you do my hair now?" Me: "Ummm...I could try to do something but we don't have much time!" I work miracles while Sami and Matt have a conversation. Until...
The BUS pulls up and no one's here yet!! Matt goes to talk to the bus guy to find out that he's leaving in 10mins. Me: "10MINS?? No, he's not! I told the guy 5 and that's when we're leaving damnit!" Matt: "that's what he said."
People just start walking in: Michelle and Emily then Jeff...then Nel and Karina. But where's Calen, Gina, Chris, Tom and Steph? They weren't here yet.
Matt and I count busmoney for the thousandth time and we have to leave without them because the bus driver has a pole stuck up his ass. I run onto the bus and find everyone there including Calen and Gina! Too bad we can't wait for Tom, Chris and Steph. Then suddenly, "Oh I forgot the money inside." I run inside, get the money and tell my mom to tell anyone's who still hasn't come to just go to La Perla cause we're leaving. I run back onto the bus and we start to roll away as a car comes speeding down the road. YES! It's Chris, Tom and Steph. Chris shakes my mom's hand like she's some sort of celebrity and Tom throws her the keys. If I hadn't forgot that money..we would've been gone. Coincidence? I think not. Finally, everyone's on the bus together and we're off to La Perla. Pictures are taken galore and I've got some good one's to show for it.
Side note: All the guys looked absolutely amazing (yes, all of you!) and the gals were gorgeous (yes, all of you!). Calen to Chris: "I can't believe we wore the same thing! ha ha ha." Chris: *shakes fist*.
5:35pm: We arrive 30mins early for prom but we don't care. We take pictures inside and find that our table is right near the front...BONUS!
Peeps start arriving and the hall is filled with gorgeous people. My teacher told me that one of the managers of the building said "How old are these people?" teacher replied, "Only 17!", manager: "Woah!"...yeah, you know we looked great!
Everyone lounged around for a while until the dj's started getting pissed telling everyone to take a damn seat.
Dinner was served...first course: "interesting", second course: yummy! But I was already full from all that eggplant...riiiight, main course: POTATO BALLS! Tom, you know you love 'em! :)
We finished up, food stayed on our plates and off of me and now it was time for the "awards". I get the "person most likely to take Michael Flatley's place in 'Lord of the Dance' after his retirement (they're dumbass', he's already retired!!) and also after Mr.Coady's retirement". Bravinna gets the "most likely to become prime minister" and receives dirty looks from a certain "puffay tête". Then *censored* gets the "to be a nun" award and everyone cheers. Someone tells Calen why we're cheering and he starts laughing really hard! ha ha ha. Perky award?? let's not talk about that except for Tom's comment: "She should get her money back!" ha ha ha!
Finally it was time to bustamove. Steph and I are of course the first one's on the FUCKING dance floor. Songs go by...we Irish dance to one of them but stop when a crowd starts forming! Glowsticks are being passed around thanks to Karina and Nelson. All of a sudden Tom yells "FOLLOW ME!" And we all jam to "FOLLOW THA LEADER, LEADER, LEADER, FOLLOW THA LEADER *CLAP CLAP CLAP*" That was absolutely great!! What a workout. More songs go by...then I find the boys doing the SLC dance so we stood and cheered them on. A kartwheel here and a fall there ;) and they were finally done their moment of fame.
12:25am: I'm pushing everyone out of the hall to wait for the bus driver with the pole up his ass. We're all waiting around and my fav song comes on. I give my stuff to Steph and lead Chris back to the dancefloor to find Alice and Matt already there! We dance away and Nel and Karina join as the "graduation song" comes on. We slow dance in a circle and I mention that "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" And did you guys notice that that circle was just the SCOOBIES(plus Alice ;))?? Now I thought THAT was kinda weird in itself cause I didn't notice it at the time. Then we broke off into couples and finished the song.
Eventually and finally the bus arrives. We all start loading up and we're trying to organise how we're going to change for the beaches. I turn around in the bus to see.........MR.PICKETT?? WTF? Then on comes Mr.Lavery, Mr.Gardiner and waiting outside is Mrs.Fox and all the other teachers. They are yelling "BEER CHECK!" and "WHERE ARE WE GOING??" Until I tell them they're underage and then I kicked their asses out! The girls changed while the boys waited outside and then "someone" says: "Okay, Karina is naked, Nelson you may enter!" ha ha ha. Sorry. :)'s off the what we think is the beaches. A whole lotta mellow music and napping goes on as we drive around TO, only to discover that Lakeshore BLV is closed. DAMN!, it's the runner up...kareoke bar! Only to find that it's closed too! DAMN, WHY ISN'T ANYTHING OPEN AT 2 IN THE MORNING??'s back to my house to make horror movies...which we did do.
I'll leave the night to your imagination but I'll simply give you three statements: "THEY JUST MET!", "LAY OFF THE BEANS!", and "ARE YOU GUYS STILL ON HIGH?" ha ha ha. that was great. three statements for the morning..well "later morning"..."OH MY GOD...IT'S WAYNE!", "GOOD MORNING SIR!" and "HUH HUH HUH"
Calen had to leave at 6:45am...ha do some aircadet thing.
Matt had to leave at 8:45am...ha do some other aircadet thing.
Everyone else was gone by 1pm...cept Steph cause we went bike riding and she stayed for dinner. :)
So...*whew*, that's a whole lotta stuff! But, in conclusion, Prom was the best night of my life and I really wish I could live it all again...except I wouldn't change a single thing...everything was perfect....perfect.
Maybe we'll all live it sooner than we think. Renactment in Chris' basement? anyone?

This is Eileen signing off. Take care.
~Thank you Chris~