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   Racial prejudice is a subject that is very complex to detect at times, it can come in alot of different forms. Racism could be in the form of selective anger or hate, social selections, terminology or even a joke, it could come in many ways. Almost every one in society is guilty of being racist at least once in their lives, it may come in the most sublime, naive way, or a totally direct hate.    The personal reason for racism, could stem from a variety of sources, it is usually a result of the way in which someone is raised by their parents or guardians. People take on the characteristics of their parents without realizing it, this is how racism is passed on, generation by generation. Because of this, racist attitudes change depending on the person. Unfortunately most racist attitudes which exist today in a problematic way (hate groups) usually exist in regional area's. Hate groups, usually in the form of white supremacist groups, ie the KKK, hold onto the racist attitudes that society houses in a smaller way. The reason these groups exist in regional areas more so then city bases areas because in a smaller group of people, a town for instance. This is because in a smaller group of people attitudes come from a smaller group of people, all of which in some cases interact with each other in some social sense. This is the overall appeal of a town for some, it is also what locks in the racist attitudes of long gone generations. In itself this is a very bad thing, but because it exists in regional areas, it creeps its way back into the bigger more densely populated areas of cites, of course these attitudes are only for the minority.

Racism occurs everyday on a small scale, it comes from business men or middle class mothers, it comes from anyone, simply people in their everyday lives, their everyday attitudes; which makes an impact on the victims lives in a big way.


   Well this is a very touchy subject, a lot of people would like to think that racism is non-conisistant in our modern day society. But of course it is not, racism is very much alive and doing well in the hypocrisy that makes up our everyday lives. What we (primarily whites) know of as society, is really just a breeding ground for the misconception of modern day social equality. But of course it is there, racism is a problem to people who even are not white, and not in the form of counter racism. But in the form of the self destructive entities which racism spurs in our every day lives. Because most people are passive towards racism it in turn makes us as, a society further apart from each other. This makes society a more dangerous place to live.

   Iam not getting self righteous here, if i were to say id been completely anti racist my whole life would be hypocritical. The fact of the matter is that iam as guilty as anyone for the accusations i just laid out, at least at one time in my life. But in an overall way, this is not the faulght of a child, a child doesn't recognize rights in a complex way. In all simplicity the only one we can blame for racism are the generations which have been gone for a long time. This is good in a way, but on the other hand, this is the in-direct way that we (younger generations) are brought up, its a kind of educational ripple effect. Of course in time this will change and racism on the whole will die, as multi culturalism becomes more and more common, migration becomes easier, attitudes will change, ethics will grow, and racism will go with it.

   Of course this doesn't change the overall requirement of an anti racist attitude within society on a mass scale. The only way this can happen in the short term, is through attacking the problem at the root. In everyday life interactions, this is the biggest problem of all. Educating what racism actually is and what it isn't, racial prejudice is when you consider someone who is of a different race to your own, less worthy of the right to be considered "normal" then someone of your own race. For example if your look at someone who is black just because they are black and you are white, that is in effect racism. Given It is not the same as saying "nigger" but it still is a racial prejudice reaction in a sense.

   So in effect the only real way to be racism free is by effectively putting yourself (whites) in the position of the prejudiced (non-whites), of course this isn't always the case, ie, blacks aiming at whites (counter racism), but for me it is, because iam white myself. So attempt to place yourself in the role of the major victims of racial intolerance, usually the minority race. A good program which outlines racial intolerance within society is "Blue Eyed, Brown Eyed". It is a must for anyone who wishes to abstain from racial intolerance within their everyday lives.

   What most people do not realize is that by not, in effect doing anything to stop racism, then you are effectively allowing it to happen, that's how it works. To effectively stop racism on a small scale doesn't take a whole lot of effort on your behalf, by simply realizing that racist jokes are hurtful and not laughing or telling them to your friends, you are taking the first step to stopping racism in your life. This may seem like an irrelevant problem, or to minuet for it to even make an impact on the overall problem. But it does to the people who are at the other side of the racist joke.

   Another small thing you can do to stop racism in your every day life is by not using racist terminology for people, based on their regional backgrounds, like nigga, wog, gook, etc. This may seem like an incredibly obvious thing to most of us, but to some people this is a big habit to break. Most people that will in effect use these terms in their everyday life, wont really care about the negative effects it has on the people of which they are aimed. So this information i guess is more so aimed directly at people who have friends or relatives, or just anyone you know who uses racial derogative terms towards people based on their race. Please try to educate these people into not using these terms in an open way at the very least, alot of people who are brought up to think that racism is okay, wont change their ways easily. But dont give up, the people who are at the firing line of racially derogative labels and terms dont get a chance too, so use the rights of the minority to keep you motivated in your goals.

If you are really serious about at least minimizing the racism in your community then you can consider joining an organization or group which targets the minimization of racism as an overall goal, such groups do exist, you can find them on the net. If you cannot find an organization or group in your area you can try contacting a larger more resourceful group and request some information on how to start your own small scale group, get friends, relatives, colleagues involved. Most larger groups which aim at social change in their community from personal experience will help you out. This is because by helping you, if you are serious about taking action in the same direction of the group you are benefiting the overall cause of the organization, unless it is a profitable organization that is. Although most of these kinds of are non-profit and volunteer driven. So you can effectively create your own organization and target things that you disagree with about your community, like racist activities or attitudes in your community.

   What ever you accomplish and no matter how long your actions against racism take place, you are making an extreme impact on your surrounding community. Most people who live in a city or town have no active realization of how real and personally belittling racism is for people who are the target of it. By organizing a group and financing it on your own, people will have an idea of how serious a stand you are willing to take, and probably realize how serious a problem their is in society with racism. Of course these are just a small list of ideas that you could undertake in to minimize racism, you could easily create your own from scratch that iam sure are better and more effective if you put your mind to it. If you have suggestions or links which could help in this field please email me; .


   Yet Another age old problem is that of white supremacy movements, the first to come to mind is the KKK which for the un-knowing an acronym for Kue Klux Klan, you can find various links to the KKK on the net if you want to find out just how arrogant and small minded people can be. I would put a link to the major KKK pages on my site for educational purposes but due to the regulations of Angelfire i cannot.

   KKK members state that the white race is in affect supreme compared to all other races, this statement i imagine is based on, white races being more developed then other races in a technological sense. Of course this is a flawed and arrogant stament, as most white supremacy statements are. For a start whites are in a simplistic view considered to be socially more apt in a development sense then that of (for example) certain regions like certain parts of Africa or China, the main reasons for this is because the English went through a phase all those years ago of systematically colonizing every region that was not already under Monarch rule. In doing this they made certain every country they colonized and took under monarch rule had everything that England did at the disposal of the people responsible for the colonization of that particular country. In a direct effect they did two things which have made an incredible impact on our modern day society. One was giving the appearance of primarily white based societies being more advanced then every other region. Two was creating the complex and intricate racial intolerance problems we have in society today.

   The effect of white supremacy is based on the mere factor that because whites colonized most of the countries which are now considered "developed" The United States Of America, Australia, New Zealand etc. The direct reasons these countries are developed is because they are in effect created counties, they were created with the benefits of an already large, developed country, the colonizer's country; England. Now what makes a lot of other counties "undeveloped" is the fact that they are no on the same economic scale as the other "developed" countries, this is because they had no helping hand from an already "developed" country, mainly because other "developed" countries stand to gain nothing from it.

   What England stood to gain from in effect capturing and fortifying various countries around the world they were insuring the survivalism of their own cultures and beliefs. They also gained much more populations to train into soldiers and make bigger armies, they stood to loose nothing and gain everything.

   The only people who stood to loose from colonization were the original holders of the land, and they lost big time. Native American Indians are still fighting today to get more of their own rights, there is a lot of racial prejudice directed towards Native American Indians. This is possibly because white supremacists feel that the native american indians lost to the American settlers, this isn't true, they didn't loose, they were almost eradicated as far as a war effort is concerned. This is little suprise when you consider they were a people with little more then bows and arrows, the settlers had firearms, rifles and dynamite. The settlers also had a country of fully trained, armed soldiers on stand by. It is safe to say that the Native American Indians didn't give up to the American settlers, however the ideal curves when arrogance is involved.

   In modrn day America what were once a proud and incredible people, with some of the most diverse cultures to offer, has now be reduced to a minority population. A population working on getting its cultures and lifestyles back to what it once was, and they are well on the road to doing this which is a great thing for America's history, it was born in blood shed, as many "developed" countires were, but now it is repairing that and putting back into that culture.

    This is what white supremacy is based on in evidential effect. Of course in time other countries will develop into a more stronger nation, no thanks to colonization. They will grow into their own stronger and more socially fortified, own countries, keeping their own cultures and beliefs. This is highly relevant in Africa, they are well on the way to havig a quality of life equal to that of any colinized country. One of the best things that ever happened in Africa was the obolisment of the Apartite, white supremacy has no place in modern day society in any shape, way or form. It should be faught of all levels of social equality and human rights, no matter how big or small the offence is.