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page updates                                                 

27 july 2003

Well its been a while scince ive edited this site, i finaly updated the site with my new email adress apoligies to anyone who has emailed me recently to PORTIA_GOAT13@HOTMAIL.COM please foward any emails to my new adress PORTIA_GOAT14@HOTMAIL.COM, as 13 is not with me any more i tried to get it back but hotmail told me someone eles took it - so i just spent a while updating every email link on the site to reflect those changes.

18 july 2002

well its been a long time scince i edited this site, ive been doing alot of things offline and have only just recently gotten back into the habbit of updating and maintaining sxethic, but ill try and keep it up to date as much as possible.

i added a new page the animal ingredients page its a comprehensive list of commanly found traces of animal produce in everyday household items, its very long and as far as a know acurate.

more updates soon.

9 october 2001

added a new message board that works well, have updated the whole look of the site, making it alot easier to read, and made smaller images that are quicker to load.

as iam leaving my home town for about 3 months - there wont be any updates other then that, i will still maintain my emails.


29 september 2001

added a new straight edge page, due to the major interest from viewers being of a straight edge nature, and made some graphical changes, nothing huge.

28 september 2001

added a message board today, its got an annoying popup but apart from that it works okay, until i can find something better anyway, if you have any sugestions email me at the usual adress.

i also cleaned up some of the html to make the load times a little bit faster, id like to update some more but i dont have the time right now.

thanks for your support.


14 july 2001

Well it has been quite some time scince i have updated this site, though iam planing on doing some small updates soon then a major overhaul in the future. thanks to all the people who keep emailing me and making this site a resource by passing on the url etc. thanks to everyone who emails me .. apart from the fact that i dont update this site much i still do email people back when i can - so dont hesitat to email me at the same email adress.

also i have removed the old msg board link that doesnt work no matter what i do, i will be looking out for a new msg board, i have also removed the aging Hardline page due many requests.

thanks again for your support.


11 august 2000

i havent had much time to update this site in a while, but iam back now and expect to see some new pages and some new features to the site soon, ive added a private feedback addon to the site, you can write me and email without giving me your email adress.

23 october 1999

finaly i got around to updating this site, new page; vivisection should be more new pages soon, a couple of new links too, not much though, if you have a site please send me your link, or sign the guest book and request a link exchange. i need some new links.

23 september 1999

new index page, two new pages, meat propaganda; not very big on text content but some might find it interesting, it will take a while for slower modems to fully load. gay cures; page outlining the plight of modern day homosexuals comming to terms with their sexual orientation. social desensitization page comming soon too.

6 september 1999

new straight edge page, focusing on the alternative side of the movemnet. new gay links and page to be added sometime in the near future. an interview added ... conducted with a white power supporter, check it out, alot more updates to be added soon, so keep on checking back and press reload often.

2 september 1999

okay ive been off the computer and spending heaps of time with my gf ... so thats why there is hardly any updates on this site, if your a regular iam sure you would have noticed that i like to add a new page at least every week. iam sorry about that ... there will be alot of new pages and things added to sxethic in the next week or so, i promise. in the mean time, you can catch up with me on icq 47481885 - please send me a message, i love to debate in chat - ill debate on almost anything to almost anyone, so if your looking for discussion, please send me a message.