vegetarian facts |
Historic cause of of demise of great
civilizations: Topsoil depletion
Percentage of original U.S. topsoil
loss to date: 75
Amount of U.S. crop lost each year
to soil erosion: 4 million acres (size
of Connecticut)
Percentage of U.S. topsoil loss
directly associated with livestock raising: 85
Number of acres of U.S. forest
that have been cleared to create cropland to produce a
meat-centred diet: 260
How often an acre of trees disappears
in the U.S.: Every 8 seconds
Acres of trees spared pre year
by each individual who switches to a vegan diet:1
A driving force behind the destruction
of the tropical rain forests: American
meat habit
Amount of meat imported annually
by the U.S. from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala
Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama:
200 million pounds
Amount of meat eaten by average
person in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala
Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama:
then the average American house cat
Current rate of extinction due
to destruction of tropical rain forests and related habitats: 1,000
per year
User of more than half the water
used for all purposes in the United States: Live
stock production
Quantity of water used in the production
of the average cow sufficient to: Float
a destroyer
Water used to produce one pound
of wheat: 25 gallons
Water needed to produce one pound
of meat: 2,500 gallons
Cost of common hamburger if water
was not subsided by the U.S. taxpayers: US
$35 per pound
Current cost of one pound of protein
from wheat: US $1.50
Cost of one pound of protein from
beefsteak if U.S. taxpayers ceased subsiding meat industry's
use of water: US
Length of time world's petroleum
reserves would last if all human beings ate a meat centred diet:13
Length of time world's petroleum
reserves would last if all human beings ate a vegetarian diet: 260