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Berlin Germany


I made this special page to say hello to all of my relatives over in Berlin Germany who come to visit my homepage. There are so many of them over there that I won't be able to name them all, well not right away.If you click on some names you can see their pictures.

So here is a great big hug and kiss from all of us in Barrie. We love you all and miss you too. Please write to us often. Gerda, Horst, Susan, Henry, and kids.

GUENTER, PETRA AND DEBBIE: My wonderful cousins who come to visit us often. They spend alot of time traveling to many exciting places in the world. Must be nice ey. But when you work for a major airline its not hard to do or hard to afford, but its always exciting for us when we get the phone call or the letter that tells us they are comming on this day. The last time they were here I showed my cousin Debbie what I like to do on the internet. Well when I showed her the chat channels she was hooked. That was all she wanted to do, go into the chat channels and make new friends and she was doing really good at it. And with all the major chat channels they always have rooms that you can speak german in so that was even better. So now they have the internet at home and we email to each other all the time. The only thing they can't do is chat and it drives her nuts. Hey Debbie chatting is so great, too bad you can't get into it over there. I wonder if she is Swearing at me in English or in German right now.

TUNTE CRISTA: She is my aunt, Guenters mother. She looks after their home and their dog when they travel. It would be nice if she could come visit us more often. I would love it if she would get on the computor and type me an email but she is afraid of this high tech stuff. Well then I guess I have to settle for Debbie telling me in her letters "Tunte Christa sends her love".

UNCLE WERNER: He came to live with us for awhile when I was a little girl. He came to visit us a few years ago and It was so nice to see him again. Come on Uncle Werner. Another visit would be really nice and if you don't have someone special over there yet remember I can still find you a perfect Canadian Wife. Miss ya.

HARDY AND FAMILY: This is my cousin and his family. They to just got the internet and I have been writing emails to them. It was along time ago when I saw Hardy and at that time he always wanted to be a police officer. Hardy was always running after the girls when he was younger but now he is married with two girls Nicole and Yvonne.Hi you guys. He went from running after them to having a house full of them.

TUNTE VERA AND UNCLE KURT: My aunt and uncle who come to visit often too. Boy can Uncle kurt make you laugh. I have a few pictures of them that I would love to put up on here soon. And this year they will be celebrating their 50th wedding aniversary. Congradulations to the both of you and we hope to see you back here soon.

MOLLE AND FAMILY: Another one of my cousins. He came to stay with us one time when I was little and he use to scare all my friends away. He use to mess his hair up which was long at the time and in a scary voice tell them that he loved to eat little boys and girls and when ever he was around they never came to play with me. But I got him back, him and Guenter. When ever we went on a family site seeing tour with them they were always scanning the women out and when ever they would meet one and start to talk to them, I would run up to them and say "Daddy come on". Boy did that make them mad. I thought it was pretty funny but they didn't. Oh well paybacks are a bitch ey Molle.

Here is a picture of a very special women that started this great family of mine. My Oma or grandmother in english. She was such a strong women that brought 14 children into the world and raised all of them on her own. Wow...I would like to see someone do that now a days...She raised her children with strong morals and everyone helped each other out. No bad apples in that bunch. She was a great women and we all loved her very much.