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Hello everyone and welcome to my room. Come on in and hang out with me for a bit. My name is Nicole but you can call me Nikki, almost everyone calls me that. I am 14 years old and I am in grade 9.

Just by looking at my room you can tell what my favorite sport is. I LOVE baseball, but because I am a girl I play girls softball. My Mom won't let me play boys hardball because she says i'm butch enough as it is. I have been playing softball since I was 6 years old. That is the age you can start in softball where I live. I didn't want to play T-Ball. I fell in love with Softball when I watched my Sister play and I told my mom when I'm old enough I want to play too. This is me all ready to play ball. This is my Mom,Sister and me

My Father has been my coach for the past three years now and he has taught me alot about softball, thats the good thing about having your coach as a father, you get more coaching time. He's always finding clinics to put me into, like pitching and backcatching clinics, and they are so much fun if you like the sport. My favorite position is catcher, but I also like to be short and 1st base. 4 is my favorite number. I put it on almost everything I own and I only wear ball uniforms with the number 4 on it.

The 1999 Barrie Storm Rep Team and Our Number One Fan **Tina** She got an award from all of us
I played with the Barrie storm rep team and I had alot of fun with them. We did alot of traveling together. I have met so many good friends in softball. Lori is a pitcher but now she plays second base on a rep team. She has been on my team almost every year and so has Cheryl. Her and I share catcher postion. My nick name on the team is SHORTY. Thats because I usually play shortstop and I was one of the shortest on my team. I love playing on a rep team because it is much better ball and we get to go to away tournaments and stay in hotels. We all have alot of fun hanging out together after the games. We spend alot of time together in the summer. Its like having a bunch of sisters and we always keep in touch in the winter months which isn't too hard because my dad is always having winter practices.

When I'm not involved in softball, I like to play other sports like basketball and street hockey with my friends. I also play indoor Soccer on a rep team. I like to listen to music although I dont really have a favorite group and I like to watch movies, anything with Leonardo DeCaprio in it. He's hot. As you can see from my background.

This is my special guardian angel, pretty isn't she. And this is my special poem that hangs over my bed. Its usually the last thing I look at before I fall off to sleep. Where ever I go I always take my guardian angel with me. She always watches over me. Did you know that you have a guardian angel with you. I have a few favorite things that I will find pictures of and post them around my room for you to look at. Like my lava lamp. One of my favorite gadgets. I'd like to have a bunch of them in my room and don't you just love those eyes.

Meet Cocoa my Firby buddy. Such a cute guy and always makes me laugh. If your thinking of adopting one have fun with him. Another favorite guy of mine would have to be my Bubba Bear. He even makes my mom laugh. She thinks Bubba is the best stuffed animal ever made and he says so many different things.

If you really like my homepage, tell a bunch of your friends to come on in.