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Animal House

Welcome to my animal house. A house would not be a home without a special room for my pets. This is the room I go to relax and spend time with my babies. Pets are the best thing to have and boy could they teach us a thing or two about real love.

Here are all of my babies. Click on their names to see their pictures.

TIGER ----------- He was our oldest cat and boy was he huge. He belonged to my husband. He use to love the outdoors until he was attacked by some very large dogs and nearly died. So he became an indoor cat. He had a nasty habbit of running his paws up and down the stereo speakers so we got him declawed. Tiger had to learn to be very gentle with other animals. Being our first cat, he's seen alot of newcommers entering the home and after awhile he would just look at the new arrival and give us his approval. Tiger was 12 years old but the biggest thing on him was his heart. He got sick and we had to put him down, we miss him very much.

FLUFFY-------- She is my cat. Has a bit of an attitude at times and does not like to be held but loves to be pampered. She is a real clean freak, the cleanest cat I have ever seen. One time she got fleas and we put powder all over her. She hid in the bedroom closet and wouldn't come out until all the flea powder was cleaned off. When she wants attention she swats at you until you give her some and she knows she can always get attention from me.

CALLEY------- This is my daughter Tanja's cat. She bought her at the Humane Society. She had a kitten and it passed away suddenly so we took her there to get a new one. She walked in there saying she was going to take the oddest looking one she could find and boy did she ever. Calley is a pink and grey calico. When she brought her home I was alittle shocked because I had never seen a pink cat before. She turned out to be a really sick kitten and would not eat or drink. Her and all the other kittens at the center had a virus in the intestines which was contagious. Well did we have a fight on our hands because the center kept telling us it was just a cold and she would get better soon. We had taken her to our vet. One week later and not to mention $491.00 which they had to pay,she was fine. While we were nursing her back to health all she did was suck on my daughters ear lobes for hours.She turned out to be the sweetest on of all. Has a very tiny "meow" and when she is excited or happy she has a mohawk on her back. One thing Calley did very well is give beautiful kittens which we have given to many of our friends and we kept one for ourselves, introducing:

GINGER-------- Hes our youngest and he belongs to my daughter Nicole. This cat feels no pain and boy what a personality he has. Always has to be involved in everything we do. When we are doing any cleaning, hes gotta be right in there, when we are taking a shower or bath, hes right in there, when ever you bend down to pick something up he jumps on your back and sits there. Gingy is an orange cat and has a very long tail and very loud "meow". Nothing like his mother Calley. He is a very playful cat and goes after anything that moves. All the cat toys belong to him but as playful as he is he is also very gentle. This cat never bites or uses his claws to scratch, which is great when playing with him. Ginger has a buddy that lives in this room and they get along great, introducing:

LACEY--------- This is my pride and joy, and surprisingly my husbands too. Lacey is a semi long haired Chihuahua, my little lap dog. She belongs to all of us and she is the biggest baby in the house. She will not eat anything unless it is hand fed to her. She is chocolate brown and tan, very pretty colours and has the cutest little face on her. She usually goes where we go unless no dogs are allowed. Lacey plays alot with Ginger cause they grew up together. She likes to think she rules the house over all the other animals. When she lies on the couch and one of the cats jumps on she shows her teeth and does a little growl. They all run away except of course Ginger. The only place Lacey rules is on my bed. When she is on there, no other animal is allowed to jump up, she gets nippy when they do.

PETIE---------- Petie is our pet cockatiel. He sits beside my computor and keeps me company while I chat to my net friends. He doesn't talk at all but boy can he sqwak good. When my Icq message comes up on the speakers he always answers them. My cats don't seem to pay much attention to him, well all of them except Ginger of course. He likes to sit in front of the cage and stare at Petie but he knows that is one bird he better not go after.

PEACHES and PEARL-------are my daughters two cockatiels. Peach is a white albino and pearl is a pearl cockatiel She got them for free from a pet store. Peach had some of her toes cut off of her one foot and was unable to be sold so my daughter took her home and nursed her. Pearl was born with a few toes missing from her one foot so they could not sell her either and of course who took her home....but even with their missing toes they are normal cockatiels and we love them both.

SASHA,MISCHIEF AND CHEEKO----- These three devils are Tanja's Ferret. They live in her bedroom where the cats can't get at them. Her bedroom is ferret proofed and my house is not. They can get into the smallest holes and you can't get them out again. They are strictly her pets and she takes good care of them. They are cute but I think I'd rather have a house full of cats.

SMOKEY AND COCO-------- They are my daughter Nicoles guinea pigs and they are so cute. Smokey is semi long haired grey and white and CoCo is short haired black and tan.They love to eat... and eat....and eat. I guess that is why they are called pigs.

Cammi--------This is Cammi. She is a Camillion. Cammi eats alot of crickets and I seem to find them wondering around my house alot.....yikes. She is my daughters pet and only responds to her but thats Cammi has many moods and changes colour alot....its really nice to see them......when she is angry, thats when I touch her lol, she turns a really dark dark green......and does alot of hissing.

JADE-------- Jade is my daughters Blue and Gold McCaw and one pet I thought I would never own. She bought Jade from a Home Breader. He was too young to come home with us so we would drive down there to feed and spend time with him until he was old enough to make the move. When we brought him home every animal in the house had to check him out....and of course the one that likes to play with him is Ginger. Jade is just learning to talk right now....but let me tell you he sure can scream. When he wants out of his cage, he lets out this ear piercing scream that im sure the neighbours can hear, and does this until we take him out. He is 6 months old and is still being hand fed, but he's down to one feeding now. Jade is a big baby and loves to smooch. We can't wait to teach him how to ride a bike....

NIKITA--------Nikita is the newest member to our home and I'm sure she won't be the last. She is a skink which my daughter bought from the pet store. Nikita is pregnant right now but we don't know when she will be we are just waiting for some signs. If she's anything like I was, then I'm sure the neighbours will hear her too.

So now you can see why I love to spend alot of time in this room. This is the room that loves you back.

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