Conker's Bad Fur Day:
A drunken squirrel in Retrospect

Another creation of Rare's published by Nintendo for it's marginally sucessful great party system, the Nintendo 64. Conker's humble beginnings as a cartoony cutsie squirrel out to save his "friend", Berri, in the super sugary la la land evolved into something no one saw coming. Imagine everyone's surprise when a game that was once rated E (for everyone) suddenly changed to M(Mature), there was a damn good reason for this as a very stunned industry would soon find out.

Why it sucked: After searching for hours it can become frustrating when hunting for cash to further advance Conker, also some of the fights and levels can be somewhat cheap and frustrating. The multi player game could have been expanded a little as the one player is kind of annoying after awhile. And even when you crank up the amount of Squirrels/Tediz on your team, or adjust the AI to "BASTARD" level (I'm serious! It's the easiest is called "Inbred"!) the Tediz turn into bastards whilst your troop of Squirrels stay pretty useless.

Why it rules: This game is just too delicious. It defied belivabilty when it was unveiled and caused a ruckus when it was first released. Stupid parents unable to recognize their own stupid err to somehow NOT see that it clearly said M on the package, as well as had a label that said "NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 17" (even the guides were like that!)... of course that assuming they didn't notice the large pint of BEER the squirrel was holding on the front of the package next to the rather gifted Berri. Why mention this? Because I was in hysterics! I couldn't get over the fact that there were people stupid enough to believe it was simply a "Cute squirrel game" and when they saw Conker stumble out, drunk as a skunk (or squirrel), and throw up all over some nearby reptilian fellow they then blamed Nintendo for selling such a game in the first place. ^_^ AH, Good times. But then there's the game itself :) The game is something the Nintendo 64 lacked from the start, it had little or nothing in the way of games that appealed to the older crowd of gamers... and No, Turok does not count. Conker's Bad Fur Day starts with Conker spoofing A Clockwork Orange and goes on show Conker drunkenly lie to his girlfriend about being home late, then he wanders out of the bar only to pass out in a rather strange place where a sloppy, drunken scarecrow tells him how to get rid of a hangover! :D From there the game draws you into tons of hilarious spoofs with decent platform gameplay and worthy challenges. Since it was the sick blokes at Rare who were actually responsible to this, they are never ones to disappoint where extras are concerned as they included a decent amount of multi-player games. The shining jewel of which would be the Squirrel vs Tediz type games such as Beach or Bunker. Get 4 people playing that and they'll be there for some time shooting and maiming eachother while laughing until they piss themselves silly. Everything from the incredibly talented voice acting, to the twisted storytelling and just plain fun gameplay makes this a game you NEED in your collection!

Overall: I can't really say too much bad about this game! It's fun to play, even better with friends. I don't recommend this for kids and if you're one of those unhappy parents that did... you're an idiot. ^_^ Painfully british slang words and humor (Duh, cuz' Rare is based in England!) so if you could watch the movie Snatch or have a thing for Monty Python, you'll have no problems here. Other than that, I'd suggest you simply enjoy the mindless violence and dirty words as well as the engrossing gameplay this game offers. And right now at $20 it's a total bargain! ^_^