Knights of Ramune

They WISH they were the Dirty Pair...

There's an impending crisis and it's up to the holy virgin Caco and her Virgin-in-training/best friend Parfait to defeat this terrible evil and save the universe. To do this, they have to find the fourth reincarnation of the Great Knight Ramunes, coincidentally these same holy virgins were the ones who helped the third incarnation of Ramunes save the galaxy last time so naturally the fact that both were madly in love with the former incarnation might make for some trouble... Particularly when the one claiming to BE the Knight is some spiky haired psycho whose thoughts of grandeur have warped his sense of reality and turned him into a twisted monster. Is he REALLY Ramunes IV? Will Parfait and Caco be able put a stop to his twisted ambitions? Will somebody kill that annoying talking blob-thing?!? For that matter, is this thing worth using as a DVD and NOT as a coaster with a hole in it? READ ON!!!

Why it sucks: You know, as an oversexed heterosexual male... I like the sight of breasts. I'm not ashamed to say it, men are visual creatures whose imagination is hampered by their overloading sex drive. And for Japanese men in the land of tentacle rape, this is no exception as Ramune here demonstrates... And to be brutally honest this turkey makes me bored with seeing the bare chests of overly developed young women. NO seriously, the T and A factor in this is just... annoying. Whenever Caco uses her psychic powers she begins to... orgasm and she has to be naked so we can all see her "merchandise". If that were it, I might like this anime a little more, but no. No no no. Instead, the spikey haird sicko who claims to be Ramunes keeps whipping and beating the hell out of all these really hot women under his command and is constantly fondling his personal assistant against her will. It's not something I'm personally big on, you know. It's not even done in a fashion that seems even slightly kinky, it's just awful. Besides that, you see SO MUCH nudity (save for any crotch shots, which is an anime norm) that it becomes tiresome. It's rare that I get sick of seeing breasts, animated or otherwise, and this turd of an anime does just that.
And on a different note, there's the story... it's terrible! I've seen hentai with better plots than this garbage, and considering most hentai anime that's saying quite a lot. I'm not sure just where this turd was intended to go but this... this is awful. Halfway through it I was desperate for something different so I began reading as a way to kill time and my horrified boredom, while looking up every now and again to see girls making out, getting brutally beaten and occasional mecha battles. Until thankfully, I got to the final episode. This whole thing reeks as an attempt to steal Dirty Pair's fire, but the way they make this whole series end up looking like a series aimed at young girls, but with all the nudity of hentai make it some unbearable whimsy of perversion and bad writing. Ick.

Why it rules: There's mecha, I like mecha. While you shouldn't hope for something like Gundam Wing or Evangelion battles, there's a few skirmishes. On the other hand, despite the wild, fast paced mecha battle scenes (sword wielding, missle pods, HUGE beam cannons, etc.) they show the girls' mecha going through the opening... you barely see anything remotely like that in the series. On the other hand, one neat quirk I noticed was that during the opening sequence, it changed for every other episode so that new characters were added as the story went on and others swapped places depending on the events taking place in the story. That's not something you see often and it was one of the cooler aspects of the series besides the assault of "courtesy breasts", which I already touched on in the above paragraphs.

Overall: Much like being beaten with a wrench would make you fear plumbers and act extremely nervous in a hardware store, KoR makes you want to keep your distance from breasts or at least the sight of animated breasts, that is if you can stomach the series long enough to SEE the nudity. Despite cutesy, inhumanly heavy chested, skinny girls running around in almost nothing, or alternatively wearing NOTHING AT ALL, this series had me just praying for its eventual end. I won't even start on how awful the english dub is because I listened to that for all of one minute before setting it to subtitled japanese, which itself wasn't all that great...
Basically, when I saw the trailer for this, I instantly knew what they were trying to do and that was their own version of the infamous Dirty Pair. If you don't know who they are then you've got a lot of anime homework in store for you, that is anime worth watching (unless you count Dirty Pair Flash >_<). Dirty Pair covers the misadventures of two special agents codenamed "Lovely Angels", but have instead gotten the notorious nickname "Dirty Pair", which offends them greatly. They got the nickname from constantly leaving unbridled destruction in their wake everywhere they go, which isn't necessarily ALWAYS their fault, but their involvement almost always leads to the destruction of planets, obliteration of space fleets, and eradication of innocents. Oops. But in any case, don't waste your money, time or shelf space on Knights of Ramune when you can either get some actual Hentai anime or, in the alternative see what Knights was trying to be by checking out the original Dirty Pair and all their various TV series, comics and movies. Finally, I'd like to note that a friend of mine overexaggerated Cutey Honey to sound like Knights of Ramune actually is, which is almost WALL TO WALL BOOBS! The boobies onslaught is just plain WRONG and makes me sad I watched it in its awful entirety. Don't make the same mistake I did, oh yeah and make sure to shoo the kids away from it.