Bubblegum Crisis: The Story of the KnightSabres
DVD Boxed set (2nd version)

I keep looking but I don't see gum! SHOW ME THE GUM!!!

An homage to the famous Kubrick work, BLADE RUNNER (itself based off the novel "Do androids dream of Electric Sheep?"), Bubblegum Crisis was set in a future where mankind had actually created robot workers following an earthquake that did what seemed to be irreparable damage to the city once known as Tokyo. These robots, known as "BOOMERS", had originally been designed for space exploration, they also had an astounding number of uses ranging from waitresses to military use. They created Megatokyo, a megalopolis with one of largest structures in the world, the Genom Tower, rising above it all. The Genom Corporation brought back hope everyone had lost following the earthquake and had a hand in EVERY aspect of daily life in Megatokyo, especially law enforcement... With connections in every conceivable place it was no wonder that Genom was out for more than profit, their agenda was domination on a global scale. GenomÕs product is far from perfect though, as its Boomers often malfunction and go on a rampage (often these are arranged by Genom as tests or distractions, boomers appear to usually be harmless except when invloved in crime).

A series set in a an extremely tense tine with everything ready to blow like a bubble filled with too much air (which is what the title is meant to refer to). This is the series that more or less defined the classic eighties rebellion theme that made a lot of anime cool back in the day. While not showing the more than likely, truly ugly results of a Boomer rampage (most of the time anyway ^_^;) they show the effort of both humans and boomers to try and coexist. An incredible series that I can easily say is my favorite anime of all time. But why should you think that? Read on.

Why it sucks!: This is one of the more sugary animes out there, not quite Sailor Moon sugary (the amount of violence in this makes that impossible), but it ranks up there when a group of 4 cute girls slide into pretty, high heeled armor to take on the most powerful corporation on earth. And absurd concept at first, but not as bad as some stuff out there. The characters start out really flat and totally unbelievable, the worst part is how high pitched and whiny Nene & Linna start out as (mostly in the dub, in the sub theyÕre not as bad) >_< It isnÕt until the last 2-3 episodes that they get their time to shine and show that theyÕre more than simple background noise. Priss hogs practically the entire series by herself, not that I'd complain about that because personally I'm nuts about Priss ^_^ If she's unable to negotiate her way around an obstacle, that usually means she intends to beat it down or blow it up! :D Unfortunately that does also express the depth they go through with Priss in much of the series. Imagine her running around yelling "Priss Smash!" randomly and that about covers a substantial amount of her screen time. ^_^; Sylia goes through a lot of flashbacks, swimming and mothering the Knight Sabres while watching to make sure her totally perverted brother, Mackie, isnÕt staring at her cleavage. Incest bad. :P Besides that, Sylia doesnÕt have a whole lot of character to her. At all actually. ItÕs as if she were... a robot? Some have tried to chalk this up to her actually being a boomer, kind of how they used Mackie in Tokyo 2040, but personally I chalk her odd behavior up to bad writing ^_^
Then thereÕs Leon, PrissÕ official AD Police stalker and secondly only to Johnny Bravo in being shot down every time he asks a girl out. While transforming into a serious bad ass when the chips are down, he tends to act like a total doofus in regard to dealing with Genom, Girls and his totally gay partner Daley. Daley is cool, as an incredible investigative asset to the ADP and the pacifier that keeps the Chief and Leon from killing one another, he more than proves his worth, but unfortunately he gets very little screen time. The Chief (Todo or Vantette or something... ^_^;) is constantly getting his head chewed off because he has to defend Leon to his Superiors who are more than likely on the take from Genom being that they do everything in their power to keep the ADP (and Leon in particular) from finding out the truth and possibly having evidence to bring Genom down. The problem here is that the Chief gets so little screen time himself (which is a shame Ôcuz heÕs frickinÕ hilarious! :D) that we never really find out his name. Oops. Lot of other bit players that either show up for one episode or possibly half the series that couldÕve used more screen time (Fargo, Naoko, Lisa, etc.). Not a weakness necessarily, but it would have been better for the series as a whole.
Speaking of the series as a whole, BGC is 8 episodes long for one reason, not because the character designer ran off to do the awful Bubblegum Crash, but because the two companies working together to MAKE the BGC (ARTMIC and Youmex) came to some sort of disagreement and entered a big legal battle over who owned the property that is the BGC. The results, we have a host of new plot devices, new armor and even Mackie has a suit now! But weÕre never going to see how that turned out, ARTMIC gets Kenichi Sonoda as character designer for its horrific Bubblegum Crash and I believe Youmex lost all rights to it(?). In any case after the suit, the series hasnÕt been the same no matter what incarnation pops up. As a whole the series is simplistic and itÕs abrupt end followed by its pitiful conclusion series (Bubblegum Crash) makes it wholly unsatisfying and leaves your mind riddled with irritating questions and thatÕs if you liked the series.
While on the topic of the cons... The english dub is awful, I mean this is pretty much what got me hooked on anime, but I be the first in line to complain about this dub. It gets worse too, they made english songs based off the Japanese lyrics and music and those are just embaressing!!! It's just horrible!!! Especially that "Doot doot doot" song at the end of episode 2!!! The dubbing is worst thing about the series, easily. Not well written, barely well acted and extrememly cheesy. As a lot of casual anime fans prefer dub over sub, it's unfair that they have to endure such trash. Fortunately you can just watch it subbed.

Why it rules!: The BGC is an awesome taste of one of the best 80's animes. A quality alternative to a lot of the junk put out today. One fairly unique thing about the BGC is that in each episode youÕll notice an almost completely different look and feel, this is due to the studios having great artists and guest writers add their support and creative control for each episode such as Satoshi Urushihara from Plastic Little (Episode 7: Double Vision). Not to mention an extremely likeable cast of characters in the midst of a fascinating story. The series pulls through with some awesome action sequences, a decent story and some of the coolest villains ever. My personal favorite, definitely worth snatching up the boxed set for.

Can you say DVD?: While itÕs good to finally see the series on DVD, this set doesnÕt appear to offer anything you couldnÕt get outside of it. The menu kinda sucks, as for each DVD you see through one of the Boomers eyes atop a, roof face to face with the Knight Sabres (from Episode 6) and while each episode has a HUGE amount of chapter breaks (WOO HOOOO!!!), the only thing you can do otherwise with DVDs 1-3 is watch the episodes in Japanese or English dialogue as well as choose whether or not to have subtitles. Actually thereÕs some music videos on disc 3. The 4th disc featuring both Hurricane lives is awesome! For those of you who didnÕt know, Hurricane Live is a series of BGC music videos and live Concerts featuring the voice actresses who played Priss (a professional singer in Japan), Linna & Nene. With guest appearances by Sylia and Vision (who is also a fairly famous singer in Japan). Hurricane Live also features some original animation where you see how the Knight Sabre characters came to be while the anime Sabres play onstage. Included with this is also a HUGE collection of Line art, location concepts, vehicles and mecha technical design and Character designs. The most rewarding DVD boxed set I own. Typically $60 as a set, $80 if you buy all 4 discs separately.

Overall: This is a MUST HAVE boxed set! For the price it is simply a freakin' steal and considering what an awesome series it is I canÕt imagine not at least giving it a try. ^_^ Besides itÕs a much better value if you get the boxed set as opposed to each DVD seperately.