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Survivor's Bill Of Rights
Drafted by the New Directions Rape Survivors Group 1991-1992

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1.The right to be safe from real or imagined dangers.

2.The right to be accepted unconditionally by others.

3.The right to autonomy in decision making.

4.The right to own my successes and failures; to change my mind without judgement and of my own accord.

5.The right to personal safety by any means of my own choosing.

6.The right to financial independence regardless of gender.

7.The right to trust, respect, and honesty in interactions with others.

8.The right to say NO without guilt and have that right respected by my friends, family and others.

9.The right to total control of my mind, body and spirit.

10.The right not to have the will of others forced upon me.

11.The right to happiness and peace of mind.

12.The right to ask for what I need when I need it.

13.The right to fulfill my hopes, needs and dreams.

14.The right to be treated as a sound-minded individual and not as a victim.

15.The right to take control of the night; to own and appreciate the darkness, and sleep without fear, anxiety or nightmares.

16.The right to love and be loved by others without fear of being hurt.

17.The right to own my past; feel pride in my accomplishments and use them as a tool to strengthen myself and others.

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