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As printed in the St.Louis Post-Dispatch,
Dated :Monday June 7, 1999

Molester warns: If an adult spends lots of time with your child, BEWARE!

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Dear Ann Landers,

I am your average, everyday child molester.   Please understand that I'm not talking about a guy who hides behind bushes or hangs around schoolyards and playgrounds.  I could be anyone-- your neighbor, your friend,your brother, your father, and even your grandfather.  I am the guy who becomes your friend so I can get close to your child. Ann, the best warning I can give your readers is this: If an adult is spending a lot of time with your child, there is a reason, and it's probably a bad one. Why else would an adult want to take your child to the movies, to the mall, to video arcades, to the swimming pool, to car race's, to amusement parks, or on overnight camping trips?  Be alert to any adult who is giving your child a lot of special attention and is willing to take him or her anywhere. That adult may seem kind and helpful, but there could be a motive behind the kindness. If this is happening to your children, you need to start asking questions.  And be aware that children could lie to you about what's gong on because they are afraid the molester will harm them or they will get into trouble with you, their parents.  When I was molested as a child, I lied to my father when he asked about it because I was afraid he would punish me.  Had I told him, the molestation surly would have stopped, and I would have received help?  Instead, the molesting went on for years.  It destroyed my life and the lives of others because I became a molester and did the same things that were done to me.  I prey mostly on the children of single mothers, who welcome someone who will take their child off their hand for awhile, and they like the father figure I provide The children welcome me because I act like a big kid and take them places they enjoy.   If your child is lonesome, he is the perfect target for a pedophile.  Whoever is reading this, please think about what is going on in your family.  If you are a grandparent, consider your son or daughter's household.  If everyone would just take the time to talk to their children, thousands of kids could be spared the trauma, heartache and pain that a peephole can create.  A molester can also turn the child into a pedophile, too.  A molested kid has a one-in-four chance of becoming a molester.  I know this is true because it happened to me.  Carefully ask your child questions that will get truthful answers, not turnoffs.  Don't put any blame on the child. Show children you care about them.  And remember:  If an adult is going out of his way to spend time with your child, find out why.  Something may be wrong.  NO NAME, NO CITYANN responds, Here is your letter, which is sure to generate some negative response from adult males who fit your description but will deny there is anything unwholesome about their relationship with the children they be friend. And in most cases, these relationships are perfectly innocent.  Denials notwithstanding, you have sounded an alert well worth heeding.  Thank you.

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