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Well I see you finally found your way

to my little Tea Room.

What kind of cookies do you like

with your Tea?

I like lemon and Chocolate.

Would you like to stay a little while

and have a cup of tea?

I just baked a fresh batch of cookies

Go ahead and help yourself to

some jellybeans.

Don't forget to save some for

those cute critters.

Go ahead and have a seat, and I'll

go and put on the Tea kettel.

Lemon Delight

~~For the crust:~~

1 cup Chalet Cremes (crumbled)

1/2 stick low fat butter (melted)

1 1/4 cup pecans, chopped

Press the mixture into an ungreased 7x11 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes and then let cool. For the next layer: Mix 3 cups skim milk with 2 packages Lemon flavored instant pudding. Prepare according to package directions, except MAKE SURE you use the skim milk. Let cool, spread over Chalet Creme layer. For the top layer: Take 1 cup Lite Cool Whip and spread over pudding layer.

Tea Time Tables

In many parts of the world, tea time is an honored tradition of refinement and elegance. When you're planning a tea party whether for a shower, graduation, birthday, or just for fun adorn your table with your best china, silver, and linens. These add polish and grace to the occasion, and in our "paper cup" world they remind us fondly of earlier times.

Hosting an Afternoon Tea Party

As the custom has evolved, tea time is usually scheduled from mid to late afternoon. It's a between meal snack that is a lot more elegant than a bag of chips from the vending machine. It needn't be extremely fussy, although the meal often includes savory, bite size sandwiches, scones or biscuits, and sweets (along with a good pot of tea, of course!) .

An Afternoon Tea Party is suitable for many celebrations. When you'd like to host a party that isn't as involved as a dinner party, a tea party can be the answer. It's an ideal format for a bridal or baby shower, a retirement party, a birthday celebration, or time to catch up with good friends. The food is prepared before your guests arrive, and is either presented buffet style, or by passing plates of goodies at the table. The only thing you need to actively serve is the tea itself, leaving you plenty of time to relax and enjoy your guests. Your guest list can include dozens of people or only one good friend with whom you'd like to share an intimate conversation. It can be a very formal affair as you'll find at some of the more elegant hotels, or it can be as casual as a pot of tea and some cookies.

10 Tips for Tea Party Etiquette

1. Since it is a tea party, it’s okay to eat with fingers. However, if an item is particularly messy (has a runny filling), then use a fork.

2. If all the courses are laid out on the table, eat them in this order: first the scones or muffins; then the tiny sandwhiches, and last the sweets. Think of it like a meal where you can start with bread, then have the main course, but save the dessert for last.

3. For scones or muffins, break off a bite-size piece, then put a small amount of jam or butter on it. If Devonshire or clotted cream is available, a small amount can be dabbed on after the jam. This thick cream is for scones, not for the tea.

4. Take bites of the tiny sandwiches. Never stuff the whole thing in their mouth, even though it’s small.

5. If using sugar, be careful to not dip the sugar tong or sugar spoon into the tea.

6. Stir sugar and/or milk with their teaspoon, then place the teaspoon on their saucer.

7. When drinking the tea, they can hold the cup and saucer near their chest, then take the teacup off the saucer and bring it up to their mouth to drink.

8. If the tea is hot, do not blow on the tea. Leave your teacup on the table to cool.

9. Do NOT stick your pinky out when drinking tea. Just hold the teacup normally.

10. Hopefully, the tea will be served from teapots, rather than having individual tea bags, which can get very messy, especially with kids. If there are tea bags, then there should be a small dish at her place setting on which she can place the used tea bag.

Check out some of my Tea and Cookie recipes!