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It's A Girl!

Zoe Fe
Born: September 5th 3:10am
7 lbs 8 oz 19 1/2 inches

Kim and Christian were expecting their first baby and were very committed to a natural chidbirth for their daughter. They had read a lot of Bradley information and wanted absolutely NO unneccesary interventions done during the birth of little Zoe.

Kim began contractions early in the morning on (yes we are serious!) Labor Day! They came steadily throughout the day and she ignored them as much as possible, going for a walk with her dogs, and husband. She kept in close contact with me, and my husband and I invited them over to eat. After having some tomato, garlic, pesto pasta and taking some doses of Black and Blue Cohosh, she was soon asking to lie in the spare bedroom I offered to her.

Contractions were 4 minutes apart, a minute long, and really began taking Kim's breath away. I stayed beside her, rubbing her feet and hands with an aromatherapy relaxation blend I had mixed for her. Soon she was breaking out in a sweat and trying to hold back cursings. But still beautifully surrendered to her body's work. They made the decision to go to the hospital. So we loaded up in the car and Kim struggled to breathe slowly, so I suggested she make some light breaths as the contraction builds. We got to the hospital to find her two centimeters dilated. Baffled at the report after such a long time of good strong contractions.

I told her I was sure a walk around the halls would have her progressed another few centimeters in an hour. The way the contractions were going, I knew that more progress was around the corner. So we walked, Kim stopping for every contraction to lean her back against the wall and sink into it, shaking in her breath. I told her after we do this for awhile, we can head for a nice shower and body massage. She is very withdrawn and contractions do indeed pick up in frequency. They are now 2 minutes apart, and a few closer here and there.

We go back in about 35 minutes to have her checked again. I will not believe anything less than four centimeters, and four centimeters it is. She is admitted, and I immediately go ahead of them to the room to start her bath and get massage oils ready. She answers admittance questions between contractions, while I massaged her back, and Christian wiped her head with a cool cloth, she is ready for her shower.

She decides a bath would be better and lies in the tub for about 30 minutes. She soon feels like she wants to go back to the bed to lie on her side, and is now quite sick to her stomach. ( I am glad to see this, knowing that she is likely approaching 7 centimeters. ) Christian lovingly holds a container near her so it is ready when she needs it. I keep at work on her feet, hands, and back.

She is checked and found to be a "good, loose six" and tries to sleep between contractions. She initially reacts to her contractions by rubbing her feet together, until I give them a gentle, but firm squeeze, rubbing out the tension, and reminding her to keep loose. Soon she is 9 centimeters and feeling *strong* urges to push. Unfortunately the cervix will not open the rest of the way when she pushes so the nurse instructs her not to push for awhile.

I lead her in some short blowing breaths and stay near to her ear to whisper words of encouragement. Finally, she is completely dilated and can push. Two hours of position changing, and VERY intense pushing go by, and little Zoe is not handling things well, nor is she coming down into the birth canal. The midwife uses suction twice, then refuses to use it any more. She explains to Christian and Kim that Zoe needs to come out, and that forceps would be their last resort unless they wanted a Cesarean.

The on call doctor from her care group comes in and places the forceps. While feeling to find where he will place them, he finds Zoe's head presenting straight and not flexed, explaining the difficulty in descent. He explains to Kim how to work with him to have her baby, and with a few last warrior-like pushes, Kim delivers her daughter Zoe Fe! The doctor holds her up, and hands her to the nurses. Christian immidiately follows little Zoe to the warmer where the nurses are examining her.

I embrace Kim and kiss her forehead, telling her what a strong and wonderful woman she is. She is exhausted and asks in her raspy, tired voice if Zoe is okay. Little Zoe fared some marks on her head from the forceps and a little bit of blistering on her scalp from the suction, but was very happy to be in her momma's arms soon after she was weighed and wrapped.

