*A butterfly standing on a rose* talks to me of sunshine and memories of my sweetest days when i was young,a solemn image of my childish heart, chasing wings from brooks to bushes till the breezes meet us on tulips- ground under azure blue skies....
*A lovely song* I uttered as i climbed mountains of spruce, swam rivers of jasmine ,crossed roads of developed beauty,slept in the cradle of passion,and through it all I whispered to the wind: "love is my whole world."
...*The storm* that once swept my smiling sky turning my days into droplets of darkness. Across flashing of lighting and murmur of thunder, a sudden hope emerged from the clouds,aspired my wings once again to fly...
...*Sorrowful words* in written poems beautifying my whole life like the dew giving the flower a more beautiful hue.It produced pity,added to sincerity and brought me down to the ground of reality.
*My soul garden* which I water with silence to put me in harmony with my inner world,cultivate it with fertile dreams to become a garden of "Love", "peace ", "beauty" and "understanding...
"Romantic verses", a blend of love,romance and sensuality flowing in my veins feeding my soul with flammable balls of eternal love...Always willing to give away to souls who meet me half way...
"Ocean red skies" that witnessed so many sunsets in a woman's life accompanied with so much innocent tears and weathered dreams that left their marks in the horizon remaining there for the memories when rocking alone until her time here on earth is through...
"A music box" i had since i was a child of a ballerina dancing on a wishing well.Deep in my thoughts i digged through that well looking for hope for all to keep the tear unshed...
*Silver joy *of his love so long was denied...When droplets of his words were replaced with flutters of sadness as he vanished through the night...through such love I endured as I passed surely through every storm...Everyday in my heart his memory will be a world shining hope for him and me.I will always love him in my dreams for in my dreams i'm always free....
"In the cradle of my heart",there lays blooming roses for the hungry eye to see...where brilliant stars and moonbeams shine on you and me renewing us with new gypsy love songs to sing and to fall asleep in the arms of love's delight....
*Rainbow dancers* performing their daily ritual to a rainy soul across that hidden sun, enchanting its sunshine,keeping my eyes fixed on them,mesmerized by their divine glance,falling prey to their beauty....
*Colorful Flowers* picked up from picturesque gardens adding fragrance to drying souls...resembling the perfect gift which fulfills the desires and soothe an aching heart...
*Beauty* that does not wrinkle with age,like a frost-bitten tree,but it is viewed more admiringly with time like a jewel of gold.
*A smile* which warms up a stranger's face with its free sunshine lit...
*Heartgifts* that are the world's masterpieces wrapped in mirrors reflecting a graceful and a giving soul...
*A crystal ship* carrying memories of long ago across bright waves of starry nights and sunny days...aiming to reach the harbor where my tomorrows are reflections of wing's footprints left at yesterday's bay......
And finally * Midnight whispers* singing me a new born song of the wind everyday, whisling the sound of a loved one's voice...with such Midnight whispers, I pick up the fabric thought, stitch each space with the needle of hope, fastening every seam with the thread of passion, binding them all with the cord of love, and lo, I possess a golden tapestry of life...
Therese copyright,1999 |