Through My Eyes Through my eyes you can see, A quicksilver journey to eternity, where bundles of joy, love and peace portray a priceless masterpiece, where renewal of once forgotten dreams, on wings of vision arrive to the scene, painting beauties in the sun, visting meadows of silver beams, Where books of liguid reality acclaim concepts of virtuality... Where---body mind and spirit, untouched by time,are back on track, Where sincerity still be the twin of honesty, Where passages of hope revive the wilting rose probing gently into every wind, as if in a hurry to read of spring. Where ageless secrets of love are assembled from left to right,marching through all the silent nights, pervading harmony in a word of dripping sorrow, Where dreams of his love inspire me to see... The very domain of my own individuality.
Therese, copyright,1999 |