Endless thoughts are encapsulated on deserted walls and bleached bones, for generations to come to know exactly what went on behind the gates of past glory. Still moments in time are crowned with perpetual truth,a truth which sets the minds and spirits on fire, to keep holding the torch, our only hope to regain the glory of long past ago. Scars are left there to remind us of the cost we paid when we tried to live separately from one another.
Humans are bound to live under the laws of humanity. Shifting from such an endeavor will lead the whole human race into vanishment. Humans in their virtues and ideals reach the ranks of Gods in their kingdom of pride and glory. The path is quite complex ,but the achievement is definitely rewarding. Lessons learned from our mistakes armor us with shields of confidence and assuredness that another version of mistakes will be avoided this time only to be replaced with the truth itself based upon mastering thoughts. The masters of truth are always there,ready to be discovered by our own willingness and appeal to accept our own differences. The truth is knocking on the doors of destiny. Our past glory can be replaced by submitting our own will to agreements based upon the truth itself in all its aspects. The truth to live in dignity under the law of humanity. The truth to face unpredictable moments in time with no fear of the unknown. The truth to respect and accept one another without any judgment based upon ignorance and false allegations. The truth to live in our own boundaries without enforcing our beliefs on one another. The truth to live free in the land of time where wings of liberty and songs of glory will link the present to the future. Let us lay down our lives to truth and beauty for walking on the heights of beings will keep us in steps with the seeing.