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My favorite teacher(s) are; Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Jech, Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Culp, Mrs. Gale, Mr. Chapman, Zollinger, Mrs. Crouch, Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Muzingo, Mrs. Patrick... I guess I liked them all because they advanced me every year..( They didn't want me 2 years in a row). I am grateful to each and every teacher I had 1 thru 12 grade at Crescent schools. I loved the cafeteria workers also. Great meals to include the cinnamon rolls and real food. I am very proud to have been a Crescent Tiger for 12 years.
Trish Drye Coker, Super Class of '70
I guess my favorite teacher was Coach Hollis Scott, mainly because he was my dad. I never had him as a teacher because I attended Crescent Junior High while he was teaching History, Geography, Problems of Democracy, and the Newspaper Class (as stated in Ron Skagg's e-mail) in the High School during the early 60's. However, I really enjoyed the notes and beautiful drawings he would confiscate during class from such people as Mike Brogdon. What an artist! An additional note: my mother, Vera Scott, was the person who called Supt. Daniels to advise him that President Kennedy had just been shot. What a sad day that was.
Terry Scott Chapo, 1968 Graduate of Putnam City, but a Crescent Tiger at heart.
My favorite teacher was Helen Kerfoot. Miss Kerfoot worked with a great handicap. She had really bad Rheumatoid Arthritis. I thought about her many times during my 35 years as a practicing physician. She worked with great pain and I'm sure with serious stiffness. In spite of this she was always cheerful, kind and nice. She read to us each day after lunch to get us calm and ready for an afternoon of learning. She never complained and I don't remember her missing any school days. She was truly the example of a dedicated teacher. She had courage and determination beyond belief. I respected her greatly then and still do. Jim Dzur
I would like to recognize Coach George Dickey. I didn't have Coach Dickey as a teacher; however, he was an outstanding coach. He led the 1958 Tigers to the Class "C" State Championship game, which we lost. He taught us the principals of sportsmanship. He gave us sound advice about life. He was genuinely interested in all his players. He has continued to be interested in us and how we have done in life. He has attended both our 40th and 50th Class 1959 Reunions. Thanks Coach for your leadership and superior example.
Bob Dzur, Class of 1959
I don't think I would have ever passed my math class without one special teacher in my life. Mr.Bob Robertson saw I was struggling to get a passing grade and gave up a little of his time to teach me after school many times and I thank You so very much for those moments,now I help my own child through his math thank you.
Brenda (Fox)Wolf.
Well i had so many:Mrs Stetler(RIP),Bob Robertson,Mr Landis(RIP),Bill Miller and in grade school hands down Mrs Herd i dont have a favorite teacher but i do have memories of teachers teaching me wrong from right all my childhood life from Mrs Patrick to Mr Carris i had some great teachers and i dont like to say i have a favorite but i will say this all of you had an extreme affect on who i am today from the bottom of my heart and mind thank you for all you have done for me and my sister Katherine and my little brother Micheal ma y god show you th elight and keep you safe and warm in his arms.
Dwayne Wall
Our united thanks to ED & staff, who 'Keep' the past current in our minds...'Around the world' in 80 Years...That's me. But Crescent & CHS, are forever in my mind...To all - I wish a 'continued happy life'... with too many 'special ones' to mention.
OUR teachers with their devotion to 'duty', guided US, AND, by extention, the lives of those around us, not just at the time - but have & will throughout our lives... TO those who served, with GOD as your guide, WE thank & salute you... CHS Alumni.
GOD gave each of us many blessings not the least of which WAS the dedicated people whose lives were consumed with the ambition to fill us with the necessities of success.... Our minds, hearts, and lives are enriched... THANK YOU each & all...
GREETINGS TO ONE AND ALL... Remember when we were in school, HOW 'OLD' the teachers were ??? And, how could they understand 'OUR youth' problems... Now that I have reached far beyond what they were then, I have begun to realize how smart they were... AND from what I read in this column, most of you have also grown in thought... WE at Crescent school, were very fortunate to have had the dedicated ones that cared for us, only a few of which I ever had the pleasure of knowing...
Getting old is not, all that we expected when WE were young.... But one thing I enjoy growing up, I was taught many 'rules of courtesy', such as stand when your elders enter the room, to hold the door for seniors, etc...
At long last some of these chickens are coming home to roost... When younger, I held the door for the lovely ladies /// NOW /// they hold the door for me... And again, Thank you ED.
Dr. D. Linson, Class of 1949
The two teachers who had the most profound effect on my life and future education were Mrs. Gale and Mr. Dzur. Mrs. Gale helped me see the joy of studying literature and the importance of using proper grammar. Mr. Dzur taught me the wide applicability of mathematics and the importance of thinking anaytically.
Delbert Heskett, MD, Class of 1958
Mr. Mitchell was my favorite teacher.. It was great watching students shoot rubber bands at him.. It was equally great when he'd paddle Michael Bennett in the hallway and you'd hear Mike laugh.. Good times.. What a joke that guy was.. Now Mr. Ruckman.. That was the man. The best baseball coach and Algebra teacher, hands down..Benny Vaught Class of 1988
Mrs. Judy Rayburn was my favorite teacher. She was my English teacher my Jr & Sr. years; as well as the Creative Writing/Newspaper Teacher. She was strict, but fair-she pushed you to prepare you for the future and I will always respect her for that. In this day and age we need more "old school" teachers like her-because she actually had control of her students and not the students having control of her. My husband feels this way too (Tim Kiser class of 1985), she was also his teacher. Thank you for the creative writing assignments we had to turn in on Fridays based upon anything we wanted-I was able to express my feelings on paper. Thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to.
Jennifer Kiser (Pennington) Class of 1992
I will always have many good memories from Head Start all the way up to 12th grade of all the wonderful teachers and coaches at Crescent that taught me so much.. Mrs. McConnell for 1st and 5th grade. Mrs Jech for 2nd . Mrs Briggs for 4th who really helped me value the importance of learning. Mrs.Leazer and Mrs. Anderson both were great 6th grade teachers. To the great coaches such as Mr. Boxley and Mr. Landes, who had a big influence on my life . Also to all the classmates , most of whom I grew up with during my childhood. Darryl Sade Class of 1981
I had many great teachers in my years at Crescent High but my favorite was Mrs. Gale who taught me English the last half of my junior & all of my senior year at Crescent High. We used to go round-n-round, but as I got a little older, I realized that the reason was, she saw something special in me & did her best to bring it out. I broke my back on October 31, 1961, the year I graduated & she came many times to the Guthrie hospital to visit me. C'Ya &/or talk @ Ya later
Leon C. Garrett, Class of 1961
I attended 3 different high-schools and had fantastic teachers who were extremely dedicated at each of them. However, none of them surpassed the teachers at Crescent high-school. They are all special to me. I particularly remember MRS, MURRAY, MR. MARTIN HOWELL, MRS. CULP, AND MRS. HOPKINS. How Crescent was able to have so many outstanding teachers at one time is a mystery to me but one that I truly appreciate.
ALBERT BROWNLEE, Class of 1950
I would have to say my favorite teacher and bus driver was Bill Miller. Mr. Miller taught Shop (Industrial Arts) for I don't know how long, but he taught me from 1986-1989. Bill was an outstanding teacher, his patience with us "rowdy boys" was remarkable. He never judged us or made us feel lower than other students. Bill taught us what it was to earn trust and respect, he treated us as equals. I still remember all the USMC posters up in class ( as an USAF SGT, I won't hold that against him). Bill was an exceptional driver, always getting us to class, Mr. Miller drove my bus when I was 9 years old until high school. We even had a little nick-name for him as a bus driver " Miller, Miller, the dog killer". I don't ever remember him hitting someone's dog, but you know how kids can be. I would just like to thank Mr. Miller, you are the reason I am what I am today and not what some teachers would have thought I would become. Thank you Mr. Miller, thank you for molding some of us the right way. SSgt Dale Coonfield, USAF Computer Network Attack Analyst
Okay I know everyone thinks most of the coaches are the greatest teachers, and they are awsome, but I am going to have to say my favorite teachers were Mrs. Walker,and Mrs. Whitefeild. They were very understanding, even though it didn't seem. I just want to thank them for being there when you needed them. Kasey Watts Class of 2000
I attended school in Crescent from 1954 -1959, 1st – 6th grade (well the first two weeks of 6th grade. My favorite teacher was Ms Shaffer, she taught 3rd grade. She was the first Adult I had ever known who changed her mind after making a decision. Marilyn Bland Wallar
My favorite teachers were Mrs Farley, Mrs Loper, Mrs Murray and I liked Mr Dzur a lot, I believe he was Principal and also he drove the Bus that I rode. Also the Home E.C. Teacher, whom I cant remember had a great influence on my life, like cooking etc.. I enjoy all the Crescent news.
Inez Johnson Blalock Class of 1949 ninebranch@bluebonnet.net
I remember all my teachers for different reasons but there is one teacher that is always and will always be apart from the rest and that is Mrs. Rayburn. She knew what to say and how to say where we could understand. I think of Mrs. Rayburn especially on Martin Luther King Day. The first time I heard Dr. King’s speech was in Mrs. Rayburn’s class. To this day I can still remember how moved Mrs. Rayburn was by the speech and how much it moved me that day and still moves me every time I hear it. I think of the wisdom she passed on to us. Thank you Mrs. Rayburn for everything, you are a truly an amazing teacher and person.Angelina Prosser Class of 1987
There are so many teachers I remember from all my years in Crescent Schools, but two remain with me on a daily basis. Mrs. Rayburn taught me so much about the appreciation of literature, whether or not you actually enjoy the piece. Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, MacBeth (Out, damn spot!), these all bring back special memories when I hear bits and pieces of them. And the absolute best `proverb' I ever heard: only the boring are bored. I quote that to my own children now, Mrs. R.! They hate it about as much as your students always did, but it's still just as true! The second teacher I remember so fondly is Mr. Robertson. The way he tried to make his class enjoyable for everyone, the way he got rid of your hiccups (!), and especially Zig Ziglar's `See You At The Top' readings. I don't remember the exact words he read, but I can remember the underlying meaning, and there have been days when those remembered meanings have been the only things that saved my sanity. I pray daily that my children will have at least one teacher that they'll remember when they're old and gray, one who will make such an impact on their lives. I was blessed with two. Kelly (Wilson)Jackson, Class of 1985
Hmm...Favorite Teacher. I remember Ida Oltmans, Leora Muck, Cindy Cerne. Yes, Mrs. Cerne. Chorus was never so fun as with her. For a short time, we girls had a taste of what it was to be a "star". Thanks Cindy! Mrs. Muck, you had such style!!! I remember the hub bub that happened your last year. What fools the administration was for ever letting you get away. I remember writing a letter to the editor of the Logan County paper voicing support of you and when you found out I had written it, you and I both cried. Mrs. Jech. What a prize you were! Teresa Lubrano taught me to think outside the box and that judging others was not the best response to being judged yourself. And I never will forgive Mr. Landes for putting that snake around my neck! Coach Campbell, I'll always remember you fondly for encouraging even the non-athletic people to run for the gold. Mrs. James, thanks for all those encouraging and special talks we had. You showed me that it was ok to be human and I have remembered that lesson from you ever since. But the very most valuable lessons of all, I have to say, didn't come from the teachers, but from my fellow students. Many of those lessons were not pleasant. Many were quite painful even to remember today. But, those lessons taught me the value of an open mind and heart. And for those and the many lessons from the teachers, I must say.....thank you. Rose (Myers) Hudson-Blaylock, class of 1979
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Culp. She was a firm disciplinarian and pushed us all to do our best. Looking back now I don't know how she managed to keep a straight face while teaching our class! She was an incredible woman.Kathy A Davis Golson
There were many teachers who were very important in my life. The first being Mrs. Lynch. She taught me not only were athletics important, but academics were just as important if not more. I really admire that more now. Coach Snowden and Coach Owens, you guys know that you mean the world to me. There is nothing that I can put on this page that can express it. You just know. Coach Fisher and Coach Watkins you guys were great too. No matter what anyone says about any of you. You were all greatest to me. Just remember I am coming for all of your jobs so you better watch out!!!Thanks for all of the great memories and I would really like to keep in touch!Braden Bagley 2001
My favorite teacher was J. C. Conrad, principal of CHS in 1930. He was a great guy and with only 22 graduating students he knew us all. Arthur Pete Parnell
My favorite teacher's at CHS were Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. They were very supportive and always knew when I needed to talk to someone. They show loyalty to the students and they REALLY care about the student. Kymberly Milligan
My favorite teacher is Mrs.Culp . She is truly a teacher among teachers. She came into my life at puberty and instilled in me the will to succeed and always do your best to learn all you possibly can about the world around you.
The best to Crescent. USR Ernest Seagroves
I had so many awesome teachers at Crescent. My favorite teacher however was my 4th Grade Teacher, Mrs. Briggs, She always believed in me and took the time to help us experience our education with hands on learning! When others made fun of me she let me know how much she cared! Thanks Mrs. Briggs for making a difference, a big difference in my life. I know God placed you there to help me to believe in myself! Dena Patterson (Wise)
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Judy Rayburn. She never gave up on me. There were times after I graduated that I would often think of her. Especially on Martin Luther Kings B-Day. Talk about an awesome speech. She could make you fell the experience...Julie A. Horinek-Rettberg Class of 87
I actually had two favorite teachers at CHS. My first was elementary, that was Betsy Lynch. She taught me in 5th grade. I can't remember ever having so much fun learning and also she could cut up with the best of us! My next favorite was in High School. I remember that I was so scared of even taking her class because of all of the horor stories, but Judy Rayburn was the best teacher I could have possibly came across. She was great. She actually made English and literature fun..no actually it was a blast and I learned so much that prepared me for college and did not even realize it!...Becki Crow
Mrs. Joanne Dodd (Jones) shared her love and passion for music and theatre with all who wanted to share. She demanded excellence and was committed to pulling it from each of us in her chorus classes. I remember the chorus productions we put on during the years from 1968 through 1971; they were only rivaled by Broadway. Thank you Mrs. Dodd for giving me a love for music and a passion for excellence that lives on today...Brenda Davis Powell
Mrs. Gale had to be the toughest teacher I ever had. But I can honestly say many a day comes through my life that I have remembered something she taught me. She was also really a good friend to us, those that would let her be. She taught me more than any other teacher I had. I had a great deal of respect for her. Wish now I had told her how much she had done for me and how much respect she deserved. So in loving memory and regret I say she was the greatest teacher I had....Tresia Brock Henry
Hollis Scott, History Social Studies and Coach. Scott was atypical in many ways due to his practical approach to education. He had a great impact on many of us dealing with current events through a class we used to call the Newspaper Class. It dealt with what was happening in our state and the world at the time and what impact it would have on us. In many ways it was the first time we were made aware of our surroundings and world events. Perhaps it was the shock of having to realize that our little academic and social world at CHS was relatively unimportant in the total scheme of things or perhaps it was just a Newspaper Class..Ron Skaggs
My favorite teacher was Coach Griggs he taught us Government...He brought a book to school "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Government They Don't Tell You in The History Books"...It was great..Coach Griggs taught me to care about what was going on in the world...He and his wife Dee let us know if we ever needed them all we had to do was knock on their door..which I did many times....Thanks Coach for everything. Robin Nelson Vallejo Class of 1978
James G. Dzur, my dad, was my favorite teacher. He provided me with a solid background in mathematics which has served me well. The moral principles of life that he taught and insisted that I follow have lead my life in a positive direction. He set an outstanding example which I have tried to emulate.Bob Dzur Class of 1959
Crescent was blessed with many great teachers and administrators when I was going to school. Teachers demanded respect from their students and were not afraid to put you on the straight-and-narrow if you got out of line. Something our schools are lacking today. Betty Jacobs, Ruby Jech, Della Sutton, Margaret McConnell, June Patrick, Joann Dodd(Jones), Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Culp(I'm still afraid to say her first name) and Roy & Betty Nowell, are just a few of the great teachers I had. Some of the coaches who remain to be successful and influenced my life greatly were Gary Higgins, Mike Sperry, David Ward, Gary Boxley, and Dennis Campbell.Pat Lewis Class of 1978
First of all I would like to say that going to school in Crescent was really a blessing. School was my home away from home. Through the years many teachers influenced me. I remember crying on the last day of school every year while I was in elementary. I would like to say thank you to a few of these teachers. First of all, Mrs. Branson-who was also my mom's first grade teacher. Mrs. Pope-whose time with us was so short yet so cherished. Mrs. Lynch-the best 5th grade teacher in the world. Mrs. Whitfield-the woman who made us learn and expanded our horizons. Ms. Allen-for making even grammar fun. And last but not least, Mr. Owens-for understanding what I stood for and for appreciating it.Randi Bagley Class of 1998
My favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Judy Rayburn. Her knowledge in the field of English and Literature are unsurpassable. She was so exciting and invigorating and made the classes fun and challenging. To Mrs. Rayburn, thank you. Traci Ballard Class of 1990.
My hardest, but probably my favorite was Judy Rayburn. She pushed you to the max, but knew each students' potential and tried to make sure you reached it. What respect I have for her now! Melody Vaughan Class of 1987
JAMES G. DZUR is my favorite teacher, "school, Sunday school and class sponsor, etc." wonderful example of what real teachers are supposed to be . Crescent has been blessed with many great teachers but he is the one I remember for all the "best" of high school memories.Jeritza Jones Bradshaw Class of 1950
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