RDF Shadowhawk Original stats by destroid@hotmail.com Changes by sithcult@aol.com This small versitile Destroid would eventually be taken out of service due to cost effectivenss.Elements would later be seen in the Southern Cross battloids and REF shadow fighters. The idea of the Shadowhawk was to create a mecha useful in covort and espionage operations, with a cloaking device very similar to the ones later used in the shadow fighters, made this mecha perfect for infeltration into enemy territory such as the Zentraedi Control Zone and the E.B.S.I.S..Also, due to its small size and humaniod shape, was used in a limited scale for urban combat and protection. Vehicle type: Destroid Crew: 1 Sensors - RDF Destroid Standard M.D.C. by location: Head - 75 Arms(2) - 75 each Legs(2) - 125 each Main body - 225 Shoulder missile pods (2) - 100 each Head searchlight - 10 Hands(2) - 40 each Heavy lasers(2) - 75 each Running Speed: 100mph HT: 8.5m WT: 15 tons 12 year protculture generator Weapon Systems: Shoulder and Arm Lasers (1 each linked) Purpose: Assault/Defense Damage: 4d6 each. 1D4x10+8 if fired together Range: 1800m Payload: Unlimited ROF - Equal to pilots HTH Shoulder Launchers (2 linked) Purpose: Anti-aircraft/Anti-armor Damage + Range : See Missile Table Payload: 6 Hammerhead Missiles each ROF - 1, 2, 3, 6 each Can us ethe following gun Pods: GU-11 (VF-1), GU-12(Weapons), EU-11 (VHT-1 hovertank), GU-13 (VAF-6), EU-13 (VAF-6) Hand to hand combat: Punch - 1D6 M.D. Kick - 1D8 M.D. Tackle/Body block - 1d6 M.D. Leap kick - 2D8 M.D. critical hit Stomp - 1D4 M.D. Hand to hand combat bonuses: See VF-1