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Reviews of Lost Ark Found

Author/Librarian, Sabine Muir, March 2005

"Lost Ark Found: A powerful adventure story.
Take a grandfather, five teenage boys, a 300 year old journal, place them in the wilds of the stunning Vancouver island mountains and you have a powerful adventure story. Smell the forest, look into the eagle’s eyes, meet the mountain man. Experience the vivid exhilaration and fear that climbing a mountain brings.

You’re almost there with the characters as they reach the top, eager to get to the treasure, not realizing that the biggest treasure of all lies waiting for them.

This well written work carries a profound message for all of us. It is sure to stir the hearts of many, planting seeds of faith in even the hardest heart. It’s wonderful material for a film. Are you listening, Mr Spielberg?

All teens should read this great modern day story. Actually, make that everyone between the ages of 12-99.

Sabine Muir, author of ‘Matthew and the Highland Rescue’
Sabine Muir, Scotland, UK

Author, Daryl Worcester, March 2005

"Rob Sargeant has created a great read for the teen in your life. When I started reading his book, "Lost Ark Found" I felt like I was being compelled back into my younger years of life. The years when I wanted to explore the unknown.

Rob has developed a very unique way to take a few friends,a grandfather, and a mountain man, combine their ingenuity, and develope the experience of their lives, spiritually! An adventure story which has a very profound way of bringing into the life of several young men the righteousness of God. Not so much as using the scriptures in the writing of the book, but in the actions of the characters.

I believe this book would make a great gift in any season. With or without a reason to buy the book as a gift, you will enjoy the read. It is a perfect book to read to your children. I was able to read it's 70 pages within a 2-3 hour span so this takes away the keeping my interest part of the book. Very well written, Rob!"

Daryl Worcester
"The Chapters Of Life" 1-4137-3414-6
"Concepts Of Life" 1-4137-5993-9
Daryl Worcester, Kansas, USA

Peacekeeper Turns Absence From Family Into Children’s Novel
By: 2Lt Ryan McClement, April 28, 2005

"What does a group of five teenagers, a wise grandfather, a three hundred year old journal, a mountain hermit, and the lost Ark of the Covenant have in common? Well, an amazing adventure children’s novel ...”

"Rob Sargeant, A 19 Wing Comox military supply technician, husband, father of two, and now author, wrote the majority of “Lost Ark Found,” while he was serving on a six-month tour in the Golan Heights in 2004 as a United Nations Peace Keeper. While his comrades were out at the mess, enjoying the sun, and taking pleasure in what little leisure time they had, Pte Sargeant would go back to his room and write. Rob explains, “I took two trips while on UN leave to visit the religious sights around Galilee and the Dead Sea. I was privileged to have local guides on both occasions. One Israeli guide, who took us to Massada had actually worked with an archaeologist for several years searching for the Ark of the Covenant. He told me of his adventures while we drove across the hot Negev desert on safari. These trips definitely helped to get the creative wheels rolling.”

At first he used his story to entertain his children over the phone, doing what any father would do trying to stay connected with his family while he was not present. As the months progressed, so did the story Rob told, keeping his children enthralled and making his absence much easier on the family.

Once Rob returned to Canada, he decided to share the story he created with others in his church group, who gave him great reviews. With their encouragement, and the support of his wife, Rob decided to send out his manuscript to various publishing companies. Publish America agreed to publish the new novel, and now Rob Sargeant can place ‘author’ with his other accolades.

The novel is a modern day children’s book about a grandfather and five teenagers who take up a quest to find treasure high up in the mountains in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. While they seek and find physical treasures in the mountains, their lives are powerfully influenced by certain truths they encounter. According to Rob, “Having kids of my own sure helped me to write about how a group of young teenagers would interact on an adventure like this. The teenagers in my book were based mostly on some friends I knew while growing up. I was an avid camper as a teenager, part of a Boy Scout troop that went camping one weekend almost every month of the year, in every possible kind of weather. We were crazy back then.”

Using a three hundred year old, hand written journal found in an attic, the group of six solve riddles, overcome daring obstacles, confront their own fears, and finally arrive at a mountain top where they find an ancient aboriginal temple, and inadvertently they discover much more than they could have ever imagined, the Ark of the Covenant. However, the Ark is not easily attained, as only those who are pure of heart can cross through the threshold. One teenager among the group, proves to be pure of heart, and is the chosen one, predestined to enter the holy of hollies.

When asked why Rob chose to write about the Ark of the Covenant he replied, “The Ark of the Covenant was the meeting place between God and man. As a physical artifact it wasn't much, just a wooden box with a veneer of gold, with two carved angels on the lid. The true wealth of the ark lay in what it symbolized. It was a place where God met with man, where he extended atonement and forgiveness. I wanted to write a story for my kids that would show them that the greatest treasure you could find in life is the ability to love and forgive others. This is what the ark symbolized.”

Lost Ark Found was officially released on April 21st 2005 at a book opening at the Engedi Café in Courtenay. During the book release, Engedi Café made a social evening out of the event with ‘Mountain Man Stew’, a recipe from Lost Ark Found, and Rob Sargeant read excerpts from his book. The local Many Waters Band preformed during the interludes. It was a great kick-off for a new author, and it proved that creative juices are flowing through CF members, waiting to be tapped."

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