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"I know that something very strange has happened to my brain. I'm either feeling very good, or else I am insane." ~Sweet Young Thing~

"Life is like a cartoon movie, being with you makes it groovy." ~Do You Feel It Too~ Mickey and 

"People come and people go, movin' fast and movin' slow, I'm in a crowd and yet I'm all alone." ~I'll Spend My Life With You~

"The grass is always greener growin' on the other side." ~No Time~

"The only difference between me and Peter is that I'm just stone legal." ~Mike

"My mommy doesn't let me play with toys that bang, bash, scratch, or go BOOM!" ~Micky bang.gif

"You must be out of your birds!" ~Davy

"I can't think with this light bulb over my head." ~Micky

"He's not evil, crafty and selfish, maybe, but he's not evil." ~Mike smilevil.gif

"Oh, man, keep your dress on!" ~Mike

"Cause I'm a mean lttle girl!" ~Micky

"One more remark like that and I'll hit you with my purse!" ~Davy

"Who turned on the dark?" ~Peter

Davy: "Now Micky, as my personal driver, how would you help a lady into the back seat of a car?" Micky's reply:"As quick as I can"

"The fish eat my furniture." ~Mike fish.gif

"Wow, what a great looking cardboard box!" ~Micky

"Won't some innocent bystander please help me? How about you sir?" ~Davy

"Behind every dark cloud there is usually rain." ~Mike rain gif

"You're pretty tough with a fist in your hand!" ~Micky

"Man, it takes me 10 minutes to get a dial tone" ~Micky

"Holy frog legs! That really makes me mad!" ~Davy

Peter: No one except Frogman
Davy: and Rubin The Tadpole

Mike: Man, we've been searching for this castle for three days. We're liable to get lost.
Micky: No, we won't! I have a plan!
Mike: What?
Micky: We'll split up, go in three separate directions, leave a trail of bread crumbs where ever you go and we'll follow them back.
Mike: What if the birds eat the crumbs?
Micky: Follow the birds.
Mike: Hey, good thinking!
~Fairy Tale~

"And he came across the wicked stepladder" ~Mike

"Kretch" ~Peter

"Here's your weather forecaster, Tex Nesmith" ~Peter

"Hey, you got some friends Pete? Bring 'em over sometime!" ~Micky

"It always points to Davy!"arrow.gif ~Peter

"Save the Texas Prairie Chicken" ~Mike
