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That awful night relayed back to me.

"Hey Hayden!"I called. He turned around and looked at me with a glare. "Ok, I guess you didn't wanna see me..."

"Amanda left me! What did you tell her?!"he asked.

"I just told her y--you've dumped a million girls in your lifetime and you just date girls to be popular."

"W--what?! Why did you tell her that?!"

"Well, I just--"

"You know, I hate you these days."

"She asked me if you ever dumped any girls. I could lie to her."

"I loved her! I wasn't ever going to dump her. But no! You had to tell her I dumped every girl just to be popular!"he yelled at me. That was the first time Hayden Turner had ever yelled at me.

"How did I know that?! You dump every other girl!"I yelled back. He got this really mean look on his face and kicked me. There's a certain part of your ankle that if it gets hit by something, your legs just go out on you. Well, that's what he did. Kicked me right in the ankle. Pain shot through my legs and they just collapsed, right in the middle of the street.

That night, the fog was heavy and you couldn't see two feet in front of you. I just heard it. The station wagon, barreling down on me. It was all a haze from there. I can barely remember what happened. First of all, the fatal arguement was on the sidewalk in front of my house. My dad must have been outside and seen what was going on. When the station wagon was heading for me, he ran into the street and tried to get me out of the way of the car, but it was too late. We were both hit by it. I felt the painful impact, then blacked out.

'Oh the lights. The noises. Where am I? Oh, my head. What happened?'I thought. Then, I remembered. I was hit by a car.

"Emma? Omigod, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry,"a familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes. Hayden Turner was sitting beside me, holding my hand. "Omigosh! My dad!"


"Hayden, what about my dad?"

"He's gone, Emma."

"Get out of here,"I said, coldly.

"I'm sorry!"

"I said, get out."

"I'm sorry,"he whispered, walking out the door.