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*~Angel In My Eyes~*

A Tribute to Michael Cuccione

Thanks for checking out "Angel In My Eyes" I made this site about Michael because he truly is an angel in my eyes. He's been through so much but alwayz smiled .

*Im sorry to tell everyone that Michael has passed away. He passed away on January 13, only 8 days after his 16th birthday. It is a horrible tragedy to happen to someone so young and so loved. He was a great person and will truly be missed. Please help in keeping michael's memory alive.Michael was someone who showed, no matter what, dreams come true,and the most important thing, never give up. Michael, you are such a sweet, and courageous person, We love you and miss you baby. I love you Michael.*



"I'll never know why God took you so soon, Michael, but I know this: Heaven is truly heaven now that you are there."- Ashley

Updated on March 18, 2001

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