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Ash’s View: 1 pm:

I looked at the clock knowing that Jill would be home soon. Zac was watching the news on the tv in the guestroom. They had pictures of us on, and asking everyone if they saw us to contact the police. I just looked at Zac and he sighed and flipped off the tv.

“So what’s up?” he asked me.

“Nothing.” I replied.

We sat around waiting for Jill when she got home, she said if I wanted I could take a shower. I asked her if I could borrow some clothes, and she said yah. We walked into her room. I sat down on her bed as she went through her drawers.

“PJ’s or normal clothes?” she asked.

“Normal clothes for now.” I told her.

She grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top out of her drawer. She laid them on the bed, so I could grab them when I needed em.

“When are you and Zac gonna get back together?” Jill asked me.

“I dunno.” I replied.

“Do you want to get back together?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t think he wants to.” I said.

“Well, good things come to those who wait.” She replied.

“Yeah, I know.” I said.

“Well, you guys are all over the news.” She said.

“It’s our families fault.” I replied.

“Yeah, I know. Well you better take a shower.” She said.

“Okie dokie.” I said getting up and walking into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and let the water hit my back. I thought about the conversation Jill and I had just had. I wanted to get back together with Zac. But I didn’t know if he wanted the same. I mean he most likely did. I mean we ran off to California to be together. I didn’t know.

3 Days Later:

Zac and I sat in the guestroom, as we waited for Jill to get back from the store. She was going to get some donuts and stuff. I looked at Zac, he was sitting on his bed in only jeans. I watched as he got up and sat down beside me on my bed.

“So what’d you tell your parents when they found out about the phone calls?” Zac asked.

“I told them that they were unfair, and I ran up to my room.” I replied.

“Oh.” He replied.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Well, I told them that we were meant to be together, and that I loved you and if I wasn’t with you I would die.” He said all together.

“Oh.” I replied.

“Yeah.” Zac said.

I listened as I heard the front door open. Jill said something so that we knew that it was her, and came into the room. She laid out the donuts on the free bed. We went and grabbed one. She told us that she couldn’t hide us for very much longer considering her parents would be back tomorrow. We finally decided we would have to give in. Jill said she would call our families and have our aunt and uncle go to Tulsa, or stay there if they were already.

1 Hour Later:

We watched as Jill picked up the phone and talked to my aunt and uncle. She told them that she was sorry and if she saw us n e where that she would call. When she got off we looked at her.

“Well, they’re all in Tulsa.” She said.

“Ok, I guess we’ll leave tonight.” Zac said.

“Yeah.” I replied.

I looked at Zac, he knew that I didn’t want to go back. I could tell that he didn’t want to either, but we couldn’t hide out n e where else. So we changed into the clothes we had originally came in. And got ready to leave.


I thanked Jill for all of her help. We hugged and then Zac and I got on a bus to go to the airport. Nobody recognized us. When we got to the airport we bought our tickets and got on the plane. I gave Zac an uneasy stare and he just smiled. I watched as he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled at him, and then looked out the window. I remember that and then falling asleep.

8pm Tulsa Time:

Zac and I got off the plane and slowly walked to the bus stop. We got on and rode to the nearest bus stop by our house. When we got off the bus, we walked as slowly as we possibly could. When Zac’s house came in site, we looked at it and then stopped. Zac turned to face me.

“Whatever happens, remember I’ll always love you.” He said as he kissed my cheek.

“I love you, too.” I replied.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to Zac’s house. He opened the door and we walked in as quietly as we possibly could. When we walked out of the entryway we heard voices in the kitchen. We decided that it would be best to go out for a little while. So Zac went to his room and grabbed some money really quick. Just in case. We walked outside and just walked around. We walked hand in hand just enjoying the scene.

1 Hour Later:

We walked back to Zac’s house and into the living room. Everyone was still in the kitchen. So I looked at Zac and we slowly walked through the hall that led to the kitchen. We stood inside the entryway waiting for them to say something. Nobody had see us yet. Zac still had my hand. I stood their quietly and then felt Zac pull me into a hug. We still loved each other but weren’t ready to go out again. Not yet atleast.

Chapter 51