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Ash’s View: 6pm:

We finished dinner and Zac led me to his room. He told me to sit down on the bed. So I did. I wondered what he was going to do. I looked at him as he stood in front of me.

“Ash, I need to tell you something.” Zac said.

“Ok.” I replied.

“It’s about the person we’re having over in an hour.” He said.

“Ok, what about em?” I asked.

“Her name is Kelly, and I…. I’ve been going out with her for about 3 weeks now.” Zac said.

I looked at Zac as he finished the sentence. I didn’t know what to say, I was shocked and upset for sure. But I didn’t think he would find another girl that soon. I just stared at him for a while. He looked at me nervously.

“Are you mad?” he asked.

“Why would I be mad?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” He said.

“No, I’m not mad.” I said putting on a fake smile.

On the inside I was crying, but on the outside I had to pretend it didn’t matter. I knew that this might happen one day. I didn’t think it would happen this soon though. I just had to accept it, this was the way things were and that’s how they were going to be. Even if I didn’t like it that’s how it would be. Zac smiled at me and changed the subject. We started talking about some of the songs they had written.

1 hour later:

I sat on the couch in the living room between Tay and Ike. They smiled at me every once in a while. I waited to see Zac’s new girlfriend. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t told me about her sooner. But things happen for a reason. We heard the doorbell ring and watched as Zac went down the hallway to answer it. I watched as he came back with her. She was very pretty, now I knew why Zac had gotten a girlfriend so fast. She had long blonde hair, and green eyes. She was about my height. I looked at their intertwined hands and remembered when that was my hand in his.

“Ash, this is Kelly. Kelly, this is Ash.” Zac said.

“Nice to meet you.” I said shaking her hand.

“Same here.” she replied.

We all sat down, and talked. Ike, Tay, and I were still sitting on the couch. Zac and Kelly were sitting in a chair together. Walker and Diana were sitting in separate chairs. The younger kids were in bed by now.

1 Hour Later:

I watched as Zac and Kelly left to go to a movie. I was left stranded in the middle of nowhere. Ike and Tay were trying to amuse me, but weren’t doing a good job at it. They knew I was kinda upset about Zac, but they didn’t know how upset I really was. I didn’t show it though. I kept it inside.

“Ike, we gotta face it. She doesn’t like us n e more!” Tay said jokingly.

“I know man.” Ike said playing along.

“I like you guys.” I told them.

“Well, get over Zac.” Tay said.

“I did.” I replied.

“Good!” Ike said.

“You guys are weird.” I told them.

“THANK U!” they said together.

We joked around for most of the night just laughing and telling jokes. I decided to forget about Zac and get on with my life, and have a good time. Tomorrow we had a party to go to and I was looking forward to every moment of it.

The Next Day:

Ike, Tay, Zac, Kelly, and I got into Ike’s car to go to a party. When we got there everyone went their separate ways. I stuck with Tay, finally he decided to stay still and talk to someone. I stood on one side of him looking around. In a far corner I could see Zac and Kelly dancing. I looked around some more. I watched as a guy walked up to me.

“Hi.” He said.

“Hello.” I replied.

“My name’s Tylor.” He said stretching his hand out.

“Ash.” I replied shaking his hand.

We talked for a little while. He was really nice, and not to mention cute. I loved his personality. Not afraid to say something that was true. I looked at Zac and Kelly who were still dancing in the corner. I turned around and forgot about them.


I had been talking to Tylor for a long time. I enjoyed his company and I could tell he enjoyed mine. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Tay, with Ike close behind him.

“We gotta go.” Tay said.

“Ok.” I told him.

I looked back at Tylor.

“So I’ll c u tomorrow?” he asked.

“Yeah definitely.” I replied with a smile.

“Bye.” He said.

“Bye Tylor.” I said as Tay pulled me.

Ike had gotten Zac and Kelly while I was saying my goodbyes to Tylor. We walked out to the car Ike and Tay had smirks on their faces. We drove to Kelly’s house and dropped her off. Zac said goodbye and kissed her. I wanted to be in Kelly’s spot, but I knew I couldn’t. So I would just have to get over it. I told myself this a kazillion times a day. I wondered when I would actually start listening to my own advice. I looked at Zac who was sitting beside me in the backseat. He was listening to the music, and looking out the window gazing off into space. Ike and Tay still had the same smirks on their faces. I wondered what they were thinking. The party had been held in a place that was an hour away from LA. So it would be a while before we got home.

Chapter 56