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Ash’s View:

I listened as the phone rang. Instead of picking it up I sat there and stared at it. I was waiting to see if n e one would pick it up. After I decided that no one was going to I answered it.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey Girl!” Zac said.

“Howdy.” I replied.

“What are you doing up this early?” He asked me.

“I’ve been up for an hour.” I told him.

“WHY?!” He exclaimed.

“I’m stuck on school times.” I replied.

“Oh.” He said.

“So do you wanna go do something today before you go on tour in like 3 days?” I asked.

“Yeah sure.” Zac said.

“How bout we go to the mall.” I suggested.

“Ok, kewl.” Zac said.

“I’ll be there in 20 minutes. BE READY!” I said loud enough so I was sure that he heard me.

“I will!” He said laughing.

“Bye twin.” I said.

“Bye.” He replied and hung up the phone.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I went to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I looked at Hallie who was reading the same book again. I laid my clothes on my bed so that that I could look for my shoes Hallie looked at me.

“Where are you going?” She asked.

“To the mall with Zac.” I replied.

“Now u 2 better not be making out n e more.” Hallie said with a smile.

I got off my knees and looked at her. “We’ve had our fun. But it’s over now.” I told her.

“Aww man!” She said laughing.

“Yeah, I know how ya feel.” I said walking into the bathroom to change.

I walked back out and down the stairs. I grabbed some money and walked into the den where my parents were. They smiled as if they knew what I as about to say.

“Have fun with Zac.” Dad said.

“I will.” I said leaving the house.

I walked over to the Hanson’s house. I knocked on the door and no one answered at first, but then I heard footsteps. Walker opened the door.

“Hey dad!” I said.

“Hey Ash.” He replied.

Our families were really close. Zac’s parents were like my 2nd parents. And mine were his. So sometimes we called each other that.

“Zac will be down in a second.” He said.

“Thanks.” I replied as he walked out of the room.

Pretty soon Zac had came down stairs and we walked to the mall. We just looked around and saw what there was to see.

1 Hour Later:

Zac and I had just been roaming around doing nothing. We went into a few stores and bought something occasionally. But we just weren’t in a shopping mood today.

“Hey Ash!” Justin yelled at me.

“Come on Ash.” Zac said pulling me as a sign to leave.

I kept walking.

“Hey, wait up!” Justin said running up to us.

I ignored him and so did Zac.

“Is this how you treat all of your boyfriends?” He asked.

After hearing that I was so mad inside that I couldn’t hold it in n e longer. Zac tried to stop me by tugging at my shirt but I didn’t follow.

“LISTEN HERE! You are not my boyfriend!” I replied turning around.

“Since when?” He asked.

“Since last night!” I screamed.

“What did I do last night?” Justin asked.

“Well, let’s see your to stupid, and you were probably to drunk to remember!!!!” I yelled as Zac pulled me and we left the mall.

“Sorry about that.” I said to him.

“Why?” He asked.

“I’m ruining ur last few days here.” I told him.

“Nah, actually it’s pretty funny.” Zac replied laughing.

“Only you would think that.” I said.

“Yup, but hey I’m me, and that’s all that matters.” He said.

“That’s true.” I replied.

We walked to my house to see that Ike’s car parked outside of our house. I walked into the house and saw Ike, Tay, Jules, and Chris sitting in the kitchen.

“Perfect timing!” Ike said.

“Why?” Zac asked.

“Because we’re trying to decide on going to the mall or to a movie.” Tay said.

“Movie!” Zac and I said at the same time.

“Why?” Jules asked.

“Because the mall is boring today.” I replied.

“Ok, well then a movie it is.” Ike said.

We all walked out to Ike’s car and hopped in. Zac, Tay, and I were in the back. And Jules, Chris, and Ike were in the front. We listened to the radio, on the way there. Mmmbop came on. Everyone looked at Zac.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” He yelled.

We all laughed, and sang along to Mmmbop. When we arrived at the movies we decided to go see Snow Day. Ike and Tay went to get the snacks while we found seats. We sat in this order, Ike, Jules, Chris, Tay, Zac, and me.

1 hour later:

It was a really good movie, but we were all about to conk out when we got to the car. Zac said something smart to Ike but I really don’t remember what it was. I remember falling asleep and that was it.

15 minutes later:
“Ash, wake up.” Zac said shaking me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you’re home.” He said.

“Ok.” I said looking to see that the guys were the only ones in the car.

I got out and walked into my house. I went upstairs and fell asleep on my bed. I knew it would take a couple days for me to get use to the summer times.

3 Days Later:

I got up and looked at my alarm clock. It read noon. Crap! I thought. On all of the days I get used to the summer times Hanson is going on tour! I got dressed and ran across the street. I knocked on the door but no one answered. I looked to see that their van wasn’t in the driveway. Dang it. I said under my breath. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my best friend whom which I wouldn’t see for 2 months. I walked into the house, and upstairs. I flipped off my shoes to see Hallie sitting on the bed still in her pajama’s.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?!” I asked.

“You didn’t tell me to.” She said.

“Man.” I replied.

“What?” Hal asked.

“I missed Zac.” I said.

“Oh.” She replied.

I walked downstairs and into the living room and sat down in a chair. I looked at my parents that were sitting on the couch looking at books and magazines.

“You missed Zac.” Mom said.

“Yah, I know.” I said looking down.

“But he did leave this.” Dad said taking a note from off of the coffee table. It said 2: Ash F: Zac. I smiled and went back upstairs reading the note. Here is what it said…


Well, you finally got used to the summer schedule. Wrong day though!  I’m sorry I missed you. I didn’t want to wake you up. Well, I’m going to miss you lots! I’ll call you when I get to LA. Bye bye. TTYL.

Your Twin,

PS: check your e-mail!!

I smiled and went to my computer. He had e-mailed me saying bye. I felt so bad for not getting to say good bye to him. He didn’t seem upset or mad though. That was a good sign. I decided to just lay around the house today so I grabbed a book and started to read.

Home Chapter 7