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Ash’s View: Noon the Next Day:

I sat in front of the tv with my sisters, and Diana. We were waiting for the press conference to come on. We heard the doorbell ring. I got up 2 see who it was.

“Tylor?!” I exclaimed.

“Hey Ash!” he said.

“I thought you were leaving.” I said.

“I am but I have an hour 2 kill so here I am.” He said smiling.

“Kewl, lemme go tell Diana where I’ll be.” I said.

“K.” he replied.

“Diana?” I asked.

“Yes.” She replied.

“I’m going to go for a walk with Tylor before he leaves. I said.

“Ok honey.” She replied.

“Will you guys tape the press conference?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Diana said.

“Thank you!” I said running out of the room.

I got 2 the door and Tylor and I left the house. He grabbed my hand. I just smiled. I knew that we were just friends now. I told him about yesterday. But then I told him that I would miss him. He told me if we ever wanted to get back together that he wouldn’t hesitate on saying yes. It had now been about 45 minutes. So we decided to head back. When we got to the door he kissed my cheek and we said our goodbyes again. I walked in to see my sisters and Diana laughing their heads off.

“I’ve never seen him that shade of red before!” Diana said laughing.

“Who?” I asked sitting down.

“Zac.” Chris replied laughing.

“Ok?” I asked confused.

“Here we’ll rewind it so you can understand. Jules said.

I watched it. Questions and stuff same ol same ol. Zac was drawing something the whole time. I wandered what it was….. I watched as reporters directed questions at Zac, but he was to into his drawing 2 pay attention. Finally some camera guy spoke up.

“Let’s zoom in on Zac’s drawing.” He said getting right in front of him.

Zac didn’t notice he just kept coloring. I read the paper that had “I Love You” in fancy letters and little roses and other things on it. Finally Ike and Tay cracked up laughing, Zac looked at them. Then 2 the camera that was right in his face. He looked down @ his paper as his face turned red. Tay spoke up.

“Ike you know what this means.” Tay said.

“Yup, we’re gonna have to give Zac “the talk” when we get home.” Ike said.

Ike and Tay cracked up laughing again. Zac’s face turned a dark red. A shade of red that said he was embarrassed and mad. I watched Zac stand up. He grabbed Ike and Tay’s cups of pop. With both hands he shoved them causing the pop to spill all over there clothes. Ike and Tay jumped up and started to chase Zac. Walker stepped out and Zac ran behind him.

“Whoa stop!” he told Ike and Tay.

“Look what he did!” Tay yelled.

Walker laughed. “You guys had it coming.”

Ike and Tay looked at their dad like he had gone nuts. They couldn’t believe what he just said. They crowd began 2 laugh. Zac put on a small smile.

“Let’s go home.” Walker said to Zac.

“Good idea.” Zac replied.

I watched as the 4 left the building. I looked at everyone in the room. They were about 2 bust out laughin again. I just smiled. Diana looked at me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’m just tired.” I replied.

“At 2 o’clock in the afternoon? R u sick?” she asked.

“No, just tired from the late nights.” I said.

“I bet, the guys are gonna start working more so there shouldn’t be TOO many late nights.” She said.

“Yeah, I’m gonna take a nap so I’ll be able to stay awake later.

“Ok, sweet dreams.” She said.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I kicked my shoes off, and laid down. I looked around the room wandering if that drawing was 4 me. I didn’t know. Soon enough I fell asleep.

Zac’s View: 7 o’clock:

We finally got home. We had decided to not go out partying tonight. I walked into the house, and looked at everyone. We told Chris and Jules about our decision they said it was fine. Ash had already fallen asleep. So we just sat around and talked. Around 9 I decided to go to bed.

Ash’s View: The Next Morning:

I got up and walked 2 the dresser 2 get some clothes. I looked at an envelope that had my name on it. I picked it up and opened it. I pulled out a picture and a letter. The letter read….


Hi. Sup? I thought you would like this pic. Dad took it right after I splashed Ike and Tay. =) hehe. I had to do it. Well, I hope you have a good morning/day and night. Bye.


I looked at the pic and laughed. Then I started 2 think bout yesterday. So the drawing wasn’t for me. I had to face it. I just didn’t understand how he could say he loved me 1 minute then love someone else the next. I changed and went downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table. I sat down beside Tay.

“Morning Ash.” Walker said.

“Good Morning.” I replied with a smile.

“We missed u last night?” he said.

“Sorry, I was really tired.” I told him.

He just smiled, and continued on with his breakfast. Talking about the weather, and things like that. I just thought about Zac and other things. I picked at my food a couple times. Finally Tay realized it and elbowed me. I looked at him as he laughed.

Chapter 61