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Sleeping Helpless

Okay guys, this is one of the first stories I ever wrote, so no too much critism about it PLEASE. I hope you like in, and tell me what you think.

Thanks- Sariah

His face is pale, almost lifeless.His blond hair sweeps down onto the pillow his delicate head rest upon. If it weren't for all those damn tubes stuck up his nose, and in his mouth I could swear he was already dead. But he isn't.He's just asleep. A very long sleep.

Odd how I never knew how at peace he looks like that. Asleep. Personally watching my brother sleep isn't a favourite past time. It just happens I'm here, watching him, in a cold dark hospital. I hate hospitals.

I can hear the nurses roaming up and down the corridor, their trays squeaking as they pass. Stupid hospitals. It hurts my ears, and if Tay was awake too, I know he'd be annoyed just as much.

His heavy breathing gives the only signal he's alive there somewhere. I swear, watching his chest rise and fall is spellbinding. Up, and down, up, and down.

"Zac? Mom wants you to come to the family room, and have something to eat. You haven't eaten in a while"

"I've eaten"

"Yeah, but not much. Crakers and fruit juice isn't exactly a meal Zac.C'mon Zac."

"I'm not leaving yet. Maybe later"

Isaac leaves it at that, and turns down the hall. I can't leave. At anytime I'm ready for Tay to get up and start cracking jokes about me. But still, there is nothing. Silence. Pure Silence as Tay lies in his coma, not willing to wake up just yet.

I don't remember all what happened that night, blurs and flashes, but I can't forget either. If only things hadn't gotten out of hand.

we were having a big blowout for Taylor's 17th Birthday. It was being held at a small hall, outside the city. All Tay's friends were there, and Ike and I were directing people about, and having fun too.

Mom and Dad had decided this was Taylor's night, and stayed right away from the party, something we were all pretty pleased with.

I don't know how it got there, but alcohol seemed to line the tables. Bottles and bottles of it. Everywhere.

I remember cringing when I smelt it on someones breath, not mentioning just feeling sick at the sight of it.

Poor Tay. I'm not sure if he was pushed into, or if he willingly accepted the bottle of beer, but one lead to many more. I kept to myself for most of the night, but glancing to Taylor every so often to make sure he was okay. Before long he was as drunk as hell. I honestly thought he had more sense than that.

He was barely able to stand, his eyes fluttered, and his words were slurred. I wanted to find Ike, but he was busy helping some girl throwing up her stomach outside.

I wasn't too worried at first. Tay always took care of himself, though somewhere inside me this nagging feeling was there. Something bad was going to happen. From his corner there was loud yahooing, shouting, and laughing. I just took it as sign he was having fun.

Then, I glanced back and he had gone. The last real clear bits I remember was asking where he had gone. Where had Taylor gone?

"Have you seen Tay?" I asked Allison, one of the girls he had been partying with.

*hiccup* "nooooooooo Zaccy *hiccup* Oh, oh wait......*hiccup* he's gone for a.....*hiccup* Drive. Yeah, that's it." Stupid drunk girl.

And that's when things became a blur. I remember looking for Isaac, but the loud stereo, and obviously way too drunk teenagers were distracting me. I kept calling anyway. In between that, and when I recieved the phone call is lost. I know I was over come with panic when my back pocket started to vibrate. My cell phone. Tay had been in a accident. Head on collision. Someone had been killed. He was driving his jeep.

The images are all a blur until I remember being in the emergency wating room. Mom was crying hysterically, and Dad too had tears rolling from the sides of his eyes.They were both lecturing Ike about responsibility, and how they trusted him the party would be a safe one. Ike was taking all the battering, when it wasn't his fault. Not at all.

Tay had been speeding, and was deterred by one of his friends grabbing the wheel. They crashed right into another car, killing the driver. No one else had been seriously hurt, but Tay also took a good knocking.

You know, I'd always admired my brother, but now, things were different. Very Different.

Now, it's been 3 weeks, 2 days and 16 hours. One things for sure, and that is Taylor has slept a lot. I guess we've coped well, especially having to live in the hospital like this. Well me, mom, Ike and Dad. The younger sibs are at relatives.

It's just too hard to leave his side, knowing I could miss him waking up, so I haven't. And we haven't lost faith. Not at all.

Mom comes up every morning, talking to Taylor. He was always first up, and I remember always listening to the conversations Mom and him have. I like to leave the room at that point. Just letting them (well her anyway) talk like before.

The doctors say there is a chance he could never wake up, but I believe he's in there somewhere. Fighting. For the band, for us, his family.

News spreads fast though. Our house was filled with enough cards and flowers from all over the world, that we have a new bunch beside his bed every hour. Just to keep a nice smell in the room. God only knows how badly he needs a shower right now. Not to mention the odd fact, Tay looks a little chubby. Don't see how though when he's getting fed through those horrible tubes.

I hate hospitals.

"Tay..." I whisper " I don't know if you can hear me.....but if you can, thats's good. I don't wanna lose you, you know that right? well in case you didn't, I'm just saying. Don't feel bad about what happened. Mom and Dad will probably be so happy if you woke up, you'll only get grounded until you're like 30!"

I stare out the window. "You know, I really hope you're listening, cos I swear, I'm never saying this to you AGAIN. I just want you here, bugging me about my hair, and doing your chores. Hell, I have been stuck with them, so you owe me big time. By the those tubes hurt being so far up your nose?"

Movement! His hand. Clutching on to mine. "Ike, get mom and dad. Tay, he's moving!" I closely inspect his hands, to make sure I'm not dreaming. Yes movement. "Tay? How are you?"

His eyes are wide open, hazy, but open. A small tugging is occuring in the corner of his mouth. A smile.

"Zac?" He asks, his voice quiet and humble.His voice seems so distant, out of place almost.

"I'm right here man. How's your life been?"

"They do hurt now I can feel them." He smiles again, but too weak to do anymore.

"It's okay Tay. Maybe that can be the look for the new Moe Mag. But Tay, I'm glad you're here now....really glad."
