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Luvn' *Nsync

Luvn Nsync 2 is My Nsync pics page. I was running out of memory on this account so I started the other one. It's still underconstruction but you can go see the pics I got.

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If you have a fan fic that you would like you share with my site, then please email me at and send me your story. If you have guestions also email me. Thanks!

Howdie there *NSYNC fans!!! I just want to say that (IN MY OPINION!!! For those who have problems with this)LANCE is mine! He's my baby's daddy. = )

Fellow Nsyncers and Lance lovers please do not take this comment offensively. It is purely comical and There is no need to get offended

I actually got harrassed by this one girl about this comment. She emailed me insulting me and saying lance was hers. I am just joking! :) Obviosly she didn't get that!

Pround winner of 'N the groove award for most creativity

justiN chriS joeY lansteN jC

Vote for me at and the top 100 Nsync sites.

...first annual nsca awards

vote for me at nso's top.100 nsync web.sites

These boys are smokin'!

Nsynclover2000 is a proud supporter of both 'N SYNC & 98 Degrees. Two great bands, one great friendship.
Wanna show your love for the boys? Click here.

Chat about NSYNC here!

There will be more added soon. Don't fear!

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