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My Quotes


"um..ok whatever"

"Just ignore me"

"I'm not payin' attenion, can't ya tell?"


"Sure...I guess"

"Whoa baby!"



"Ah nuts!"

"What the heck?"

"Well Duh!" OR "No Duh!" OR "Duh -----(Name goes there)

"Math Rules, Ohh yah!" *Mr Holck, my math teacher, taught us this...*

"Ew that was disGUSTing!"

"You're gonna actually eat that?"

"I wonder what this is.."

"I'm a normal innocent 13 year old with an IQ of a 2 year old!"*In other words, I'm stupid lol*

"I'm not a devil...or an angel, I'm somewhere in the middle"

"He's cute, geez..."

"Ohhh lookie! He's gotta cute butt!"

"(pause, as if thinking)...did I just say that out loud?"

"MALOU started it!"

"DONT BLAME ME! I'm a blonde!"

"Ima blond..can't ya tell?"

"Mr Holck has a shiny head hehehe!"

"Mr Binder has a shiny head! It's so..shiny..."

"Don't say I like Will......I'm not Nikki"

"Nikki's not my sister. We could be twins, but we aren't. Best friends...that's what we are..."

"It's weird. People go, 'How can you like him'...I just do.."

"No Nikk isn't my sister..We just pretend!"

"We're close, she knows everything about me."

"Ew yuck..gym is required in high school?"

"Zac is cute...."

"The first time I saw a picture of Tay, I thought he was a girl...I still have the picture, actually..."

"I just do?"

"Let me guess! IT was Mr Renzlemann!"


"Okie Dokie"

"Life can be hard. Life can be confusing. Life is a lot of things...."

"Dude, how can you like him?"

"He's kinda cute, Malou...I'll agree with ya here"

"I meant ta say Andy-Lover, I swear..It just slipped."

"Let's go bug Mrs Rhodes..or Mr Phalen..whoever's first"

"I AM joggin, Ms Gabriels...just slowly"

"I jog SO slow that Alicia can WALK next to me!" *True lol*

"The Dance team rules, ya know?"

"North is just..don't even SAY North.."

"Becky T? I hate her. She's so....*Shivers*"

"Do you?"

"I can prove it...You can't"

"THat's why North--"*Becky T, Mallorie, or Samantha inturupts Me here*

"Do you defend North because you like the school-or because Becky has a brother there?"

"I have two so haha"


"He's so cute when he's mad"

"Oh puh-lease"

"My life is so...lifey.."

"That's a big duh on my part!"

"Can I pleaseeee skip ccd?"

"He's so cute when he's confused!"

"I'm not gonna tell you...why should I?"

"I never said your name...why would I?"

"I'm to innocent."

"Last year I was so...shy. Now it's like I won't shut up. all my teachers (especially Mrs Rhodes) tells me to leave, except Mr Holck.."

"Wear yours 'morrow, kay?"


"Okay, Malou, will you please og to my locker tomorrow? I'm gonna flip if I'm near Chris!"

"Yep, I'm paranoid!"

(Singing)"Tell me why, ain't nothing but a cute butt! Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a big crush! Tell me why, I never wanna hear ya say, I want it Chris's way!"


"No way. You're crazy."

More Later, I say lots of stuff over!