Here are all my sweeties!
Chris:Is my first. You are more of a sweetie than you think! You can always make me laugh. On top of that, you're so easy to talk to, you can tell when I'm notn feeling good or if somethings bothering me, and you can keep secrets. THanks Chris!
Sami-J:Sami! You're such a little sweetie pie! Luv ya 'lil cousin!(2nd cousin whatever)
Andrea:You too Andi Pandi! Little sweethart=)
Tyler:Keep an eye on your little sister, Ty! I'm trusting you(Even if you are only 6) Keep a smile on your face bud!
Brianna:Ahh you're an adorable baby!!
Marissa:Rissa! Don' be so shy! You're sooo cute!!
Frankie:Okay, so you can be annoying! Oh well!!!
Amber:You're so cute! I can't beleive you and I are related! Hehehe! That's all for now!!