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Chapter 10

“Are you sure you don’t mind being alone for a while?” Zac asked Taylor nervously.

Taylor, who had just taken his shower and put on a fresh pair of red sweats, sat down on the couch and propped his feet on the coffee table. It had been a tiring week. He had been to Ferndale Woods every day, and was beginning to feel like Molly and Frank and the other residents were a kind of second family to him. They kept him busy and they kept his mind off drugs. In a lot of ways, they kept him sane.

“I’ll be fine,” he assured Zac. “I want you to go. You’ve spent all your spare time with me since you got home.”

“That’s why I came home,” Zac reminded Taylor.

Taylor gave his brother a sideways look. “I’ll be fine. Take Maeve to dinner and a movie. I can handle it.”

“What are you going to do while I’m gone?” Zac asked.

Taylor shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s Friday night, so TV always sucks. Maybe I’ll read a book or something.”

“Why don’t we call Ike and see what he’s up to? Maybe he could come over,” Zac suggested.

“Ike and Taryn took the kids and flew out to New York to spend a long weekend with Taryn’s mom, remember?” Taylor reminded Zac.

Zac looked thoughtful. “Maybe Jess and Avie will come over.”

Taylor looked at Zac sternly. “I have to learn to be alone sometime, Zac,” Taylor said. “I’ll be okay. I promise.”

Zac sat on the couch beside Taylor. “What if you…you know, slip up?”

Taylor shook his head. “I won’t.”

Zac locked gazes with his older brother. “Okay,” he said.

Zac rose from the couch. He put on his black leather jacket and picked up the keys to Taylor’s Jeep. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to use your car?”

Taylor nodded. “I’m in for the night.”

“Okay,” Zac said. “I’m out of here. I’ll be back by, I’d say 11 at the latest.”

“Don’t feel like you have to rush home,” Taylor instructed. “And don’t be taking out the cell phone or sneaking off to payphones to call me every five minutes, either. You pay attention to Maeve and show her a good time.”

Zac left, and Taylor felt strangely like a preteen being left at home alone for the first time.

He flipped through the television channels; finally discovering that a movie he liked would be starting on one of the premium channels in 10 minutes.

Taylor got up, and decided he’d weigh himself before he prepared his drinks and snacks for the movie. He was thrilled to discover that he had gained 12 pounds since he had stopped using. He made a mental note to be sure and tell Isaac and Zac.

Taylor popped a bag of microwave popcorn and filled a tall glass with ice and Dr. Pepper. He dumped a bag of Jelly Bellies into a bowl, and carried his treats out to a TV tray. He arranged his snacks and wrapped himself in a thick blanket before he turned out all the lights and snuggled down on the couch.

Taylor had made it through most of the movie, all of the popcorn and half of his jellybeans before he started having the worst drug craving of his recovery.

Do not call Zac, he told himself. Pretend you don’t even know his cell phone number. He’s done everything for you these past few weeks. He deserves a night to himself. Suck it up.

Taylor dialed his N.A. sponsor’s number with a shaking hand, only to get an answering machine. Ike wasn’t to New York yet, so he couldn’t call him. He didn’t want to flip his parents or sisters out.

Taylor rose from the couch and retrieved a phone book from a kitchen drawer. He flipped the book open to the B’s shakily, and located Rory’s number. He dialed it quickly.

Rory picked up on the first ring. “Hello?”

“Rory?” he asked quietly.


“This is Taylor,” he said, his voice wavering.

“Taylor? Are you all right?” Rory asked.

“Not really,” Taylor confessed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m by myself,” Taylor said. “I can’t get a hold of either of my brothers, I don’t want to worry my family and my sponsor’s not home. I’m kind of in a bad way.”

“What happened?” Rory asked.

“Nothing,” Taylor said. “Nothing yet. I’m having a pretty severe withdrawal craving. I’m sorry to call you … I know we barely know each other … but you’re one of the only people who knows about my … problem.” Taylor paused. “Can you just talk to me for a minute? Please?”

In her tiny cottage on the other side of town from Taylor’s apartment, Rory was in her cotton pajamas getting ready to go to bed. It had been a long week, and she had promised herself she would turn in early on Friday and try to catch up on her sleep.

As tired as she was, she decided she would help Taylor out.

“Of course I can,” Rory said, curling her legs up underneath her and sitting on her couch. “I can talk to you for as long as you need me to.”

Taylor breathed a sigh of relief. “Zac didn’t want to leave me, but I told him I’d be okay on my own."

“Who’s Zac?” Rory asked.

“My 18-year-old brother,” Taylor replied. “He’s a graphic design major at the University of Michigan, but he took a school hiatus to come stay with me while I was recovering.”

Taylor and Rory talked for close to two hours, and found themselves telling each other much about their respective lives. Taylor told Rory all about his family, his musical career, Isaac and Taryn’s bumpy romance and subsequent marriage, Maeve and Zac’s problems, and his colorful past with many different women. He told her about his taste for Dr. Pepper and red jellybeans.

In turn, Rory told Taylor that she had a degree in social work from Tulsa University. She was 25 years old and had moved out of her parents’ house five years ago. She had been raised on a farm and had been heavily involved in horse shows when she was younger. She had a 19-year-old brother named Dane, a 22-year-old brother named Patrick and a 27-year-old brother named Mark. She liked flavored coffee and movies that made her cry, and had only had one serious, long-term boyfriend in her life.

Toward midnight, Taylor heard Zac’s key in the door. He closed his eyes and sighed with relief. He had made it through. “Zac’s home,” he said.

Rory let out a breath. “Good,” she said. “Did I help? Are you okay?”

Taylor smiled softly. His thumping heart and racing breath had calmed down some time ago, and he was starting to feel normal. “Yes to both,” Taylor said. “Thank you so much.”

Zac walked into the living room and sat in a chair opposite Taylor. Taylor gave him the “just a second” sign.

“You’re welcome,” Rory said. “I know we’re not exactly friends or anything, Taylor, but I admire what you’re doing. I know it can’t be easy. If you ever need my help with anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

Taylor nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll see you on Monday, okay?”

Rory smiled. “Good night, Taylor. Sleep well.”

“You too.”

Taylor set the phone gently back in its cradle. Zac cocked his head at his brother curiously.

“Who was that?”

“A friend,” Taylor said with a knowing smile. “I think.”

Chapter 11
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