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Chapter 4

Taylor couldn’t face telling his parents what had happened to him, so Isaac offered to go with him and help him through it.

Diana Hanson was devastated by the news. She burst into tears, which in turn made Taylor fall apart. Isaac and Walker didn’t do much better holding it all together.

After the initial shock wore off, Diana and Walker and their two older sons tried to figure out what the best way would be to inform all of the younger family members of what would be going on in the next couple of months and why.

Although Taylor would have liked to have been able to explain everything to his younger siblings and his nieces, he didn’t think he could handle it. Isaac took Taylor back to his and Taryn’s place, and Taylor assured Isaac that he would be okay there by himself for a little while.

Isaac returned to his parents’ house, where he and Walker ended up sitting down with Jessica, Avery and Iris and telling them the unvarnished truth. Taryn and Diana gathered Mac, Zoe and Clara and explained that Taylor was “sick” and wouldn’t be himself for a while.

The older girls were horrified.

Drugs?” Jessica gasped. “Taylor’s on drugs?”

Isaac nodded sadly. “I’m afraid so,” he said.

“Is he going to jail?” Avery asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

“We hope not,” Walker said. “We got him the best lawyer we could, but I guess it all depends on what kind of mood the judge is in when he gets sentenced. But we do have to prepare ourselves for any possibility.”

Isaac looked gently at all three girls. “You do understand that this doesn’t make Taylor a bad person,” he said.

Iris nodded. “He’s sick,” she said. “He just needs to get better.”

Isaac smiled warmly at his stepdaughter and his sisters. God, they’re good girls, he thought. And they’re so strong. I can’t believe they’re only 13, 15 and 16 years old.

“That’s right,” he said. “And he’s going to need all our help. There are probably going to be some times here in the very near future when Taylor’s not going to be very nice to be around. We have to remember that we love him and that he’s not going to be able to help how he is for a while.”

Avery nodded. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll do whatever I can to help him.”

Jessica and Iris nodded. “We will too,” Jessica said.

“This doesn’t mean we treat Taylor like an invalid,” Walker cautioned. “But we just need to give him a little extra love and understanding. The first few weeks are going to be the hardest.”

Avery, who had always idolized Taylor more than anyone, looked at Isaac with sadness in her brown eyes. “Can we go see him?”

Isaac bit his lip. “He’s not doing real well right now, Avie.”

Avery stood up. “If you’re going to your place and he’s there, I’m going with you. I want to see him,” she said stubbornly.

Isaac sighed. He knew better than to argue with a Hanson woman who had her mind set on something.

“Okay,” he said. “Jess, Iris, where are you guys spending the night?”

“I’m going to stay here with Mom and the kids,” Jessica said. “Tell Tay I’ll call him tomorrow after court.”

Iris nodded. “I think that Taylor needs some quiet tonight,” she said. “I can stay here tonight with Clara if Grandma and Grandpa can get us to school tomorrow.”

Walker nodded. “That’s fine,” he said.

Avery grabbed her coat. “Let’s go, Ike,” she said. “I have to come back home tonight. I have school tomorrow.”

Isaac kissed Iris and Jessica. “You’re good kids,” he said. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

Taryn and Isaac slid into the front seat of Isaac’s car, and Avery climbed into the back. When they were on the road, Taryn turned to look at Avery.

“You sure you’re ready for this, sweetie?” she asked.

Avery nodded. “I’m not going to go months without seeing my brother,” she replied. “I have to face it sometime.”

Taryn reached back and squeezed Avery’s hand. “You’re a good sister.”

Avery’s eyes filled. “I’m going to try.”

When they arrived at the townhouse, Avery hung back behind Taryn and Isaac in the foyer. “Let me tell him you’re here,” Isaac said quietly to Avery.

Isaac went to the living room, where Taylor was lying on the pulled out couch. He had managed to drag the garbage can from the kitchen, and had evidently been throwing up in it for the majority of the evening. He had also missed the can a couple of times, and there were small spots on the carpet. Isaac tried not to be startled that Taylor was throwing up blood as well as what little was in his stomach. His hair was soaked with sweat, and his clothes clung to his skeletal frame. His eyes were tired, but Isaac thought he looked like he was shivering less than he had been earlier.

Isaac sat gently beside Taylor. “Tay?”

Taylor lifted his tired head. “I’m sorry about the mess, Ike.”

Isaac shook his head. “No worries,” he said. “Um, someone is here to see you.”

Taylor’s bloodshot blue eyes flew open. “Ike, I told you I didn’t want any of the kids to see me for a while,” he said.

Isaac smiled gently. “Well, one of them wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Taylor tucked a strand of his limp, wet hair behind his ear. “It’s Avie, isn’t it?”

Avery stepped into the living room. “Hi, Tay.”

Taylor’s eyes filled with tears. “Hey, Avie.”

Despite her alarm, Avery bravely sat on the other side of Taylor. She stroked his blonde hair away from his flushed face. “I guess it would be stupid to ask how you were doing,” she said.

Taylor forced a weak smile as his teeth began to chatter uncontrollably. “I’m hanging in.”

Avery held out a battered-looking teddy bear to Taylor. “Clara sent this for you,” she said. “She told me to tell you that his name is Arthur, and he always makes her feel better when she’s sick.”

Taylor took the bear from Avery. He smiled weakly.

The tears that had been hiding behind Avery’s eyelids finally spilled over. “Explain this to me, Taylor,” she said quietly.

Taylor shook his head. “I wish I could,” he said. “I couldn’t even tell you where it started, Avery. But it did, and before I knew it, it had eaten me alive.”

Isaac rose from the couch, and joined Taryn in the living room doorway. He put his arms around her gently as they continued to watch the exchange between Taylor and Avery.

Avery kicked off her shoes. She pulled herself up onto the bed with Taylor. She laid her head gently on his and took his hand. “I’m here for you,” she said. “We’re all here for you. You’re so strong, Tay. You’re going to get through this.”

Taylor squeezed Avery’s hand with what little strength he had. “I don’t feel like it right now,” he confessed.

“I know,” Avery cooed. “But it’s going to get better. Little by little. Zac’s coming home tomorrow to stay with you. You’ll feel better when you’re in your own bed in your own place.”

Taylor nodded and closed his eyes. “I’m tired. I’m just really, really tired.”

“Sleep then,” Avery said. “Nights are always roughest. Things will look at least a little better in the morning.”

In short order, both Taylor and Avery were asleep.

“I don’t think she’s going home tonight,” Isaac told Taryn quietly.

Taryn smiled. “I’ll call your parents.”

Chapter 5
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