After reading what the earliest Christians had to say, many converts to the Catholic Church did so because they soon realized that Church Fathers were very Catholic. The Church Fathers, many of whom were martyred for their faith, believed in the primacy of the bishop of Rome, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and they certainly did not believe in sola scriptura, sola fide, the Rapture, or many other Protestant distinctives. Below are several very helpful links to their writings found online:

  • Early Church Fathers - Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library - online Church Fathers
  • Father Knows Best - topical tracts from Catholic Answers
  • Corunum Catholic Apologetics - outstanding Church Father page by Joe Gallegos
  • The Ecole Initiative - Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History
  • Two Thousand Years of Catholic Writings
  • Internet Christian Library Guide to Early Church Documents
  • Medieval Sourcebook

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