Although Raymond Reid claims his book, The Gate Seldom Found, is "largely fictitious", the back cover does make the claim that "this novel dramatizes the true story of a little known Christian fellowship that flowered late in the 19th century". What it amounts to, in reality, is probably one of the most comprehensive apologias for the Fellowship of the Friends & Workers ever written. What it provides is a substantial opportunity to engage the beliefs and practices of this group through the context of the story. Therefore, the contents of this page will include critiques of the various aspects of this book.
A Review by D.L. Sisk - Friends of Truth Website
What Reader's [sic] Are Saying -
Raymond Reid Responds
Seldomgate - A Plodding Polemic - a delightfully clever and insightful review by Marti Knight
First Impressions - Clay Randall
Rebaptism in The Gate Seldom Found - Clay Randall
Poisoning the Well - Clay Randall
Ben Aberlochy - his death and funeral triggered the course of events in the story.
Alistair Stanhope - the founder of the Home Meetings fellowship.
Priscilla Stanhope - Alistair's supportive and loving wife.
Timothy Stanhope - son of Alistair and Priscilla; initially studying to enter a worldly seminary, but eventually gives up all to become a traveling worker.
Phoebe Stanhope - daughter of Alistair and Priscilla.
George Farnham - had planned to marry Laura and inherit his father's farm, instead he answered the call to ministry to become a homeless worker.
Jack Gillan - friend of George's who becomes his traveling companion as the prototypical 2 by 2 worker. He has a joyful reunion with his birth mother years after she gave him up for adoption.
Laura Chapelton - initially devastated by George's decision; eventually becomes the first sister worker.
Stephen & Emily McElderry - friends of the Stanhopes
Bill & Alice Jones - friends of the Stanhopes
Morgan Butterwick - bank manager who becomes a street preacher and sells honey to raise funds.
Malachi Jackson - alcoholic who mends his ways through the fellowship.
Evelyn Applebee - plump and congenial lady from Elora who took in George and Jack during their first missionary excursion.
Katie Keats - gives up teaching to become Laura's worker companion.
Amelia & Robert Hunter - the couple from Belwood who took in Jack and George on their second mission trip.
Rev. Walter Merrick - Methodist minister who feels drawn to the Fellowship.
Eddie Summers - wealthy merchant who leaves his father's successful business to become a worker.