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Time Line of Biblical Dates - Old Testament

NOTE: Many of these dates are based on the available evidence and in some cases approximate dates are given.

4026 B.C.E. Creation of Adam   Genesis 2:7;
3896 B.C.E. Cain kills his brother Abel   Genesis 4:8;
3896 B.C.E Adam 130 years old begat a son - Seth   Genesis 5:3;
3404 B.C.E. Jared 162 years old begat - Enoch   Genesis 5:18;
3339 B.C.E. Enoch 65 years old and begat - Methuselah   Genesis 5:21;
3152 B.C.E. Methuselah 187 years old begat - Lamech   Genesis 5:25;
3096 B.C.E. 930 years old Adam dies   Genesis 5:5;
3039 B.C.E. Enoch walked with God who was taken at 365 years of age   Genesis 5:23, 24;
2970 B.C.E. Lamech begat Noah   Genesis 5:28, 29
2490 B.C.E. The Nephilim (Fellers - the offspring of angels and women - Giants) on the earth prior to the Flood   Genesis 6:1-5; Numbers 13:33;
2470 B.C.E. Noah begat - Shem - Ham and Japheth,   Genesis 5:32; 9:24;
2370 B.C.E. Death of Methuselah at 969 years old   Genesis 5:27;
  Noah was 600 years old when the Floodwaters fell   Genesis 7:6, 11 ;
2369 B.C.E. Flood waters dry up   Genesis 8:13; 9:16;
2368 B.C.E. Shem begat - Arpachshad   Genesis 11:10;
2269 B.C.E. Building of the Tower (Babel)   Genesis 11:4;
  with which they wished to reach heaven    
2020 B.C.E. Noah dies   Genesis 9:28, 29
2018 B.C.E. Birth of Abram   Genesis 11:26;
1943 B.C.E. Abraham crosses Euphrates going to Canaan;   Genesis 12:4, 7; Exodus 12:40;
  Abrahamic covenant - the start of the 430-year Law covenant   Galatians 3:17;
1933 B.C.E. Lot rescued; Abraham visits Melchizedek   Genesis 14:16, 18; 16:3;
1932 B.C.E. Hagar bares Abraham a son Ishmael   Genesis 16:15, 16;
1919 B.C.E. Every man to be circumcised   Genesis 17:1, 10, 24;
  Rain of brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah   Genesis 19:24;
1918 B.C.E. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son Isaac   Genesis 21:2, 5;
1913 B.C.E. Weaning of Isaac; Ishmael sent away;   Genesis 21:8; 15:13; Acts 7:6;
  400-year affliction starts    
1881 B.C.E. Sarah dies   Genesis 17:17; 23:1;
1878 B.C.E. Isaac and Rebekah married   Genesis 25:20;
1868 B.C.E. Shem dies   Genesis 11:11;
1858 B.C.E. Twins born Esau and Jacob   Genesis 25:26;
1843 B.C.E. Abraham dies   Genesis 25:7;
1818 B.C.E. Esau at 40 years old marries two wives Judith and Bashemath   Genesis 26:34;
1795 B.C.E. Ishmael dies   Genesis 25:17;
1781 B.C.E. Jacob sent away to Haran -   Genesis 28:2, 13, 19;
  promise that through his seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed    
1774 B.C.E. Jacob marries Leah and Rachel   Genesis 29:23-30;
1767 B.C.E. Rachael gives birth to Joseph   Genesis 30:23, 24;
1761 B.C.E. Jacob returns to Canaan from Padan-aram - Haran   Genesis 31:18;
1761 B.C.E. wrestled with an angel ; Jacob's named is changed to Israel   Genesis 32:24-28;
1750 B.C.E. Joseph sold as a slave to Midianite merchants by his brothers   Genesis 37:2-28;
1738 B.C.E. Isaac dies   Genesis 35:28, 29;
1737 B.C.E. Due to God revealing the dreams to Joseph he is set over all   Genesis 41:40, 46;
  the land of Egypt    
1728 B.C.E. Famine Jacob with his family enter Egypt   Genesis 45:6; 46:26;47:9
1711 B.C.E. Jacob dies   Genesis 47:28;
1657 B.C.E. Joseph dies   Genesis 50:26;
1613 B.C.E. Job's test by Satan of his integrity To God   Job 1:8; 42:16;
1600 B.C.E.

First Biblical world power Egypt

  Exodus 1:8;
1593 B.C.E. Moses found in ark of bulrushes on the river   Exodus 2:2, 10;
1553 B.C.E. Moses kills Egyptian ; flees to Midian   Exodus 2:11, 14, 15; Acts 7:23
1514 B.C.E. Moses sees burning bush that is not consumed   Exodus 3:2;
1513 B.C.E. 10th plague - Passover; Israelites depart Egypt;   Exodus 12:-14: 14:27, 29, 30;
  Red Sea parted by the Almighty God ;    
  Egypt loose power - end of 400-year period of affliction   Genesis 15:13, 14 Exodus 12:40,
  End of the 430-year period from validating of Abrahamic covenant   Galatians3:17;
  Bible writing starts with Moses      
 1512 B.C.E. Genesisesis - Writer Moses Place Written Wilderness c. 1513   John 5:46 Lev. 27:34
  Exodus - Writer Moses Place Written Wilderness c. 1512   Numbers. 1:1 
  Leviticus - Writer Moses Place Written Wilderness c. 1512    
  Tabernacle constructed   Exodus 40:17;
  The Aaronic priesthood   Lev. 8:34-36;
1473 B.C.E. Job Writer - Moses Place Written Wilderness   Job 42:16, 17;
1473 B.C.E. Numbersbers - Writer Moses, Place Written Wilderness/   Numbers. 35:1; 36:13;
  Plains of Moab    
  Covenant with Israel at Moab,   Deuteronomy 1:1-3; 29:1;
  Deuteronomy - Writer Moses, PlaceWritten Plains of Moab    
  Moses dies on Mt. Nebo in Moab   Deuteronomy 34:1, 5, 7; Joshua. 4:19
  Israel enters Canaan under Joshua    
1467 B.C.E. Major conquest of the land completed;   Joshua 11:23; 14:7,10-15;
  end of the period mentioned in Acts 13:17-20 of 'about 450 years from the exodus out of Egypt to Samuel the prophet.    
1450 B.C.E. Book of Joshua completed Death of Joshua   Joshua 1:1; 24:26, 29;
  Joshua Writer - Joshua Place Written Canaan c. 1450    
1117 B.C.E. Saul chosen as king of Israel   1 Samuel 10:24; Acts 13:21;
1107 B.C.E. David chosen to be King born at Bethlehem   1 Samuel 16:1;
1100 B.C.E. Judges - Writer Samuel, Place Written Israel   Judges 21:25;
1090 B.C.E. Samuel completes the book of Ruth Place Written Israel   Ruth 4:18-22;
1078 B.C.E. Book of 1 Samuel - Writers Samuel, Gad, Nathan   1 Samuel 31:6;
  completed c. 1078; Place Written Israel    
1077 B.C.E. David becomes king over the house of Judah   2 Samuel 2:4;
1070 B.C.E. David becomes king over all Israel at Hebron;   2 Samuel 5:3-7;
  Jerusalem becomes his capital    
1070 B.C.E. The Ark brought into Jerusalem; covenant -   2 Samuel 6:15; 7:12-16;
  I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels , and I will establish his kingdom.............    
  ...... And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee:    
1040 B.C.E. Gad and Nathan complete 2 Samuel c. 1040   2 Samuel 24:18;
1037 B.C.E. David is succeeded sas king of Israel by Solomon   1 Kings 1:39; 2:12;
1034 B.C.E. The temple construction begun by Solomon   1 Kings 6:1;
1027 B.C.E. Completion of the temple in Jerusalem   1 Kings 6:38;
1020 B.C.E. Solomon completes The Song of Song of Solomon   Solomon 1:1;
  Place Written Jerusalem    
1000 B.C.E Solomon completes the book of Ecclesiastes   Ecclesiastes 1:1;
  Place Written Jerusalem before the year 1000    
997 B.C.E. Solomon is succeeded by Rehoboam;   1 Kings 11:43;
  The kingdom is split : Jeroboam begins reign as king of Israel   1Kings 12:19, 20;
993 B.C.E. Judah is invaded by Shishak who takes treasures   1 Kings 14:25, 26;
  from the temple    
980 B.C.E. Rehoboam is succeeded as king of Judah by Abijam (Abijah)   1 Kings 15:1, 2;
977 B.C.E. Abijam is succeeded as king of Judah by Asa   1 Kings 15:9, 10;
976 B.C.E. Jeroboam is succeeded as as king of Israel by Nadab   1 Kings 14:20;
975 B.C.E. Nadab is succeeded as king of Israel by Baasha   1 Kings 15:33;
952 B.C.E. Baasha succeeded as king of Israel by Elah   1 Kings 16:8;
951 B.C.E. Elah succeeded as king of Israel by Zimri   1 Kings 16:15;
  Zimri succeeded as kings of Israel by Omri and Tibni   1 Kings 16:21;
947 B.C.E. Omri rules as king of Israel alone   1 Kings 16:22, 23;
940 B.C.E. Omri succeeded as king of Israel by Ahab   1 Kings 16:29;
936 B.C.E. Asa succeeded as king of Judah by Jehoshaphat   1 Kings 22:41, 42;
919 B.C.E. Ahab succeeded as sole king of Israel by Ahaziah   1 Kings 22:51, 52;
917 B.C.E. Ahaziah of Israel succeeds as sole king by Jehoram   2 Kings 3:1;
913 B.C.E Jehoram of Judah 'becomes king,' with Jehoshaphat   2 Kings 8:16, 17
906 B.C.E. Jehoram succeeded as king of Judah by Ahaziah   2 Kings 8:25, 26;
905 B.C.E. Queen Athaliah destroys the seed royal - Joash saved   2 Kings 11:1-3;
  Jehoram succeeded as king of Israel by Jehu   2 Kings 9:24, 27; 10:36;
898 B.C.E. Ahaziah succeeded as king of Judah by Jehoash   2 Kings 12:1;
876 B.C.E. Jehu succeeded as king of Israel by Jehoahaz   2 Kings 13:1;
859 B.C.E. Jehoahaz succeeded as sole king of Israel by Jehoash   2 Kings 13:10;
858 B.C.E. Jehoash succeeded as king of Judah by Amaziah   2 Kings 14:1, 2;
844 B.C.E. Jeroboam II succeeds Jehoash as king of Israel   2 Kings 14:23;
  Jonah Writer - Jonah c. 844   Jonah 1:1, 2;
829 B.C.E. Amaziah succeeded as king of Judah by Uzziah (Azariah)   2 Kings 15:1, 2;
820 B.C.E. Book of Joel Writer Joel, Place Written Judah c. 820   Joel 1:1;
804 B.C.E. Amos completed Writer Amos, Place Written Judah c. 804   Amos 1:1;
792 B.C.E. Zechariah rules as king of Israel (6 months)   2 Kings 15:8;
791 B.C.E. Zechariah succeeded as king of Israel by Shallum -   2 Kings 15:13, 17;
  succeeded as king of Israel by Menahem    
780 B.C.E. Menahem succeeded as king of Israel by Pekahiah   2 Kings 15:23
778 B.C.E. Isaiah starts his prophesy   Isaiah 1:1; 6:1;
777 B.C.E. Uzziah (Azariah) succeeded as king of Judah by Jotham   2 Kings 15:32- 33;
761 B.C.E. Jotham succeeded as king of Judah by Ahaz   2 Kings 16:1, 2;
758 B.C.E. Hoshea reign's as king of Israel   2 Kings 15:30;
745 B.C.E Ahaz succeeds as king of Judah by Hezekiah   2 Kings 18:1-2;
745 B.C.E. Hosea completes the book of Hosea Place Written Samaria   Hosea 1:1;
  (District) c.. 745    

Assyria the second world power

740 B.C.E. Assyria subjugate Israel, and take Samaria   2 Kings 17:6, 13, 18;
732 B.C.E. In the tenth year of Hezekiah,   2 Kings 18:13;
  Sennacherib King of Assyria invades Judah    
732 B.C.E. Isaiah - Writer - Isaiah - Place Written Jerusalem   Isaiah 1:1;
717 B.C.E. Micah -Writer - Micah - Place Written Judah   Micah 1:1;
717 B.C.E. Compiling of Proverbs - Writer Solomon; Agur;   Proverbs 25:1;
  Lemuel - Place Written Jerusalem    
716 B.C.E. Hezekiah succeeded as king of Judah by Manasseh   2 Kings 21:1;
661 B.C.E. Manasseh succeeded as king Judah by Amon   2 Kings 21:19;
659 B.C.E. Amon succeeded as king of Judah by Josiah   2 Kings 22:1;
648 B.C.E. Zephaniah - Writer Zephaniah Place Written Judah c. 648   Zephaniah 1:1;
647 B.C.E. Jeremiah commissioned as prophet   Jeremiah 1:1, 2, 9, 10;
632 B.C.E. Isaiah - Writer Isaiah Place Written Judah c. 632   Isaiah 1:1;
632 B.C.E. Nineveh falls to Chaldeans and Medes Babylon now in line to become   Isaiah 3:7;
  third world power    
628 B.C.E. Jehoahaz, successor of Josiah,rules as king of Judah   2 Kings 23:3;
  Jehoiakim succeeds Jehoahaz as king of Judah   2 Kings 23:36;
628 B.C.E. Habakkuk - Writer Habakkuk Place Written Judah c. 628   Habakkuk 1:1;

Babylon the third Biblical world power

625 B.C.E. Nebuchadnezzar (II) becomes king of Babylon; first regnal   Jeremiah 25:1;
  year counts from Nisan of 624 B.C.E.    
620 B.C.E. Nebuchadnezzar Of Babylon makes Jehoiakim tributary king   2 Kings 24:1;
618 B.C.E. Jehoiachin becomes king after Jehoiakim in Judah   2 Kings 24:6, 8;
617 B.C.E. Nebuchadnezzar takes first Jewish captives to Babylon   Daniel 1:1-4; 2 Kings 24:12-18;
  Zedekiah is made king of Judah    
613 B.C.E. Ezekiel begins prophesying   Ezekiel 1:1-3;
609 B.C.E. Nebuchadnezzar comes against Judah a third time;   2 Kings 25:1, 2;
  begins siege of Jerusalem    
607 B.C.E. Fifth month (Ab), temple razed and Jerusalem destroyed Seventh month,   2 Kings 25:8-10; Jeremiah 52:12-14;
  Jews abandon Judah;   2 Kings 25:25, 26; - Luke 21:24;
  "appointed times of the nations" begin to count    
  Lamentations Jeremiah Place Written Near Jerusalem c. 607    
607 B.C.E. Obadiah Writer - Obadiah   Obadiah 1;
591 B.C.E. Ezekiel completes the book of Ezekiel Place Written Babylon   Ezekiel 40:1; 29:17;
580 B.C.E. 1 Kings Writer - Jeremiah - Place Written Jerusalem and Judah   Jeremiah 52:31; - 2 Kings 25:27;
  2 Kings Writer - Jeremiah - Place Written Jerusalem and Egypt    
  Jeremiah Writer - Jeremiah - Place Written Judah and Egypt    

Medes and Persians the fourth world power

539 B.C.E. Babylon falls to the Medes and Persians; Medo-Persia   Daniel 5:30, 31;
537 B.C.E. Decree of Cyrus the Persian permitting Jews to return to Jerusalem takes   2 Chronicles 36:22, 23;
  effect; Jerusalem's 70-yeardesolation ends   Jeremiah 25:12; 29:10;
536 B.C.E Daniel completes the book of Daniel   Daniel 10:1;
  Place Written Babylon c. 536    
536 B.C.E.  Foundation of temple laid by Zerubbabel    Ezra 3:8-10 ;
522 B.C.E. The temple-building work is interrupted   Ezra 4:23, 24;
520 B.C.E. Haggai - Writer Haggai Place Written Jerusalem   Haggai 1:1;
518 B.C.E. Zechariah - Writer Zechariah Place Written Jerusalem   Zechariah 1:1;
515 B.C.E. Zerubbabel completes second temple   Ezra 6:14, 15;
475 B.C.E. Mordecai completes the book of Esther Place   Esther 3:7; 9:32;
  Written Shushan, Elam c. 475    
468 B.C.E. Ezra and priests return to Jerusalem   Ezra 7:7;
460 B.C.E. Ezra completes the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles Place Written Jerusalem   Ezra 1:1;
  Psalms completed Writer - David and others   2 Chronicles 36:22;
455 B.C.E. Jerusalem's walls rebuilt by Nehemiah;   Nehemiah 1:1; 2:1, 11;
  prophecy of 70 weeks begins fulfillment   Nehemiah 6:15; Daniel 9:24;
443 B.C.E. Nehemiah completes the book of Nehemiah Place Written Jerusalem   Nehemiah 5:14;
  Malachi - Writer Malachi Place Written Jerusalem c. 443   Malachi 1:1;
406 B.C.E. Rebuilding of Jerusalem is completed   Daniel 9:25;

Greece the fifth world power

331 B.C.E. Grecia ( Greece ) rules Judea   Daniel 8:21;
280 B.C.E. The Greek Septuagint began    
165 B.C.E. Rededication of temple after desecration by Greek idolatry;   John 10:22;
  Festival of Dedication    
  Continues Time Line New Testament