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Interpretation of the Proper Names ( N - Z )



- From a Bible 200 years old -

NAAMAH, beautiful, gen. 4, 22
Naaman, fair, or beautiful, gen.. 46, 21
Naarah, a maid, or watching, jofh. 16, 7
Naariah, a child of the Lord, 1 chron. 3, 22
Naboth, buds, or prophecies, gen . 25, 13
Nabal, a fool, 1 fam. 25, 3
Nadab, a prince, or liberal, exod. 6, 23
Naggai, clearnefs, luke 3, 25
Naioth, beauty, or a dwelling place, 1 fam. 19,18
Nahaliel, the inheritance of God, num, 21, 19
Naham,, Nahum, a comforter, or repentant, 1 chron. 4, 19
Nahas, a ferpent, 1 chron. 4, 12
Nahor, hoarfe, or angry, gen. 11, 21
Naphtali, wreftling, or comparifon, gen. 30, 8
Nathan, given, 2 fam. 5, 14
Nebuchadnezzar, which is written for the moft part n Jeremiah, and fometimes in
Ezekiel, Nebuchadrezzar, fignifies the mourning of the generation, 2 kings 24, 1 Nepheg, weak, 2 5, 15
Nephtuim, an opening, gen. 10, 13
Ner, a light, 1 fam. 14, 51
Nethaneel, the gift of God 2 chron. 35, 9
Nethaniah, a gift of the Lord, 1 chron. 1-12
Nimrod, rebellious, gen. 10, 8
Noadiah, the witneffing or teftifying of the Lord, ezra. 8, 33
Noah, reft gen. 5, 29
Nogah, brightnefs, 1 chron. 14, 16
Nun, fon, or pofterity, numb. 13, 9

Obadiah, fervant of the Lord, 1 chron.3,21
Obed, ferrvant, judg. 9, 26
Obed-edom, the fervant of Edom, or fervant ,2 kings 6, 10
Obil, born or brought, 1 chron. 27, 30
Omar, fpeakiig, or exalting, gen. 36, 11
Onam, forrow, ftrength, gen. 36, 23
Onan, forrow, or iniquity, gen 38,4
Ophel, a tower, or darknefs, 2 chron 27, 3
Ophir, afhes, gen. 10, 29
Ornan, rejoicing, 1 chron. 21, 18
Orpah, a neck, ruth. 1, 4
Orthofias, rectified, 1 macc. 15, 37
Othni, my time, 1 chron. 26, 7
Otholiah, time to the Lord, 1 chron. 8, 26
Othniel, the time of God, jofh. 15, 17
Ozaziah, the ftrength of the Lord, 1 chron. 15. 21
Ozziel, the help of God, 1 chron. 27, 19

PAGIEL, God hath met, numb. 1, 13
Palal, praying, or judging, nehem 3, 25
Palti, deliverance, numb. 13, 10
Paltiel, deliverance of God, numb. 34, 36
Palu, marvellous, gen. 46, 19
Pharaoh, vengeance, exod. 8, 1
Paruah flourifhing, or fleeing, 1 kings 4, 17
Pafhur, increafing liberty 20, 3
Pedahel, the redemption of God, numbers. 34, 28
Pedahzur, a mighly redeemer, numb. 1, 10
Pedaiah, the Lord's redeeming, 2 kings 22, 1
Pekaiah, the Lord's opening, 2 kings 15, 22
Pelaiah, the miracle of the Lord, 1 chron. 3, 24
Pelaiah, a miracle of the Lord, nehem. 8, 7
Pelatiah, deliverance of the Lord, 1 chron. 21
Peleg, a divifion, gen. 10, 25
Pelet, deliverance, I chron. 2, 33
Penuel, feeing God,, 1 chron. 4, 4
Perefh, a horfeman, 1 chron, 7, 16
Pere, a divifion, gen. 38, 29
Perudah, a divrfion, ezra 2, 5
Pethaiah, the openeth, ezra. 10, 23
Phichol, the mouth of all, 21, 22
Phinehas, a bold countenance numb. 25, 7
Puhah, a mouth, gen. 46, 13

RAAMIAH, lord of the land, nehem. 7, 7
Raddai, ruling, 1 chron. 2, 14
Rahab, proud, or ftrong, jofh.. 2, 1
Raham, mercy, or compaffion, 1 chron. 2, 44
Rachel, a fheep, gen. 29, 9
Ram, high, 1 chron. 2
Ramiah, exaltation of the Lord, ezra 10, 25
Rapha, releafe, or medicine, gen. 46, 21
Reaiah, a vifion of the Lord, I chron. 5, 5
Reba, the fourth, jofh. 13, 21
Rechab, a rider, '2 kings.10, 15
Reelaiah, a fhepherd to the Lord, ezra 2, 2
Rehoboam, dilating the people, 1 kings 11, 43
Rehum, pitiful, or pitied, ezra 2, 2
Remaliah, the exaltation of the Lord, 2 kings 15, 27
Rephael, medicine of God, I chron. 26, 7
Rephaiah, medicine of the Lord, 1 chron. 3, 21
Reu, his fhepherd, gen. 11, 19
Reuben, the fon of vifion, fo named becaufe the Lord did fee his mother's affliction gen. 29, 32
Reuel, a fhepherd of God, exod. 2, 19
Rezon, a fecretary, or lean, 1 kings 11, 23
Ribai, ftrife, or increafed, 2 fam. 23, 29
Ribkah, fed, gen. 22, 23
Rinnah, fong, or rejoicing, 1 chron. 4, 20
Riphath, medicine, or releafe, gen. 10, 3
Rogel, a feetman, or an accufer jofh. 18, 5
Ruth, watered, or filled, ruth 1, 4

SABTAH, a compafs, or old age, gen. 10,7
Sabteca, the caufe of Smiting, ibid.
Sarah, a lady, or dame gen.17, 15
Sarai, my dame or miftrefs, gen. 11, 29
Seba, a campafs gen. 10, 7
Seled, affliction, 1 chron. 2, 10
Semachiah, cleaving to the Lord, 1 chronicles 26, 7
Shaal, Shaul, afked, ezra 10, 29 1 fam 9, 2
Shaaph, flying, or thinking, I chron. 4, 7
Shabbethai, my reft, nehem. 11, 16
Shachir, wages, 1 chron. 11, 35
Shage, ignorant, 1 chron. 11, 34
Shallum, peaceable, 2 kings 15, 10
Shalman, peaceable, ruth 4, 21
Shamgar, defolation of the ftranger, judges 3, 31
Shammah, defolation, deftruction, 1 fam. 16, 9
Shammua, obedient, num. 13, 5
Shaphan, coney, or one hid, 1 chron. 5, 12
Shaphat, a judge, num. 13, 6
Sharezer, a treafurer, 2 kings 19, 37
Shealtiel, afked of God, hag. 1, 1
Sheariah, the gate of the Lord, 1 chron. 8, 38
Sheba, captivity, gen. 10, 7
Shebarim, hope, jofh. 7, 5
Sheber, hope, or wheat, 1 chron. 2, 48
Shecaniah, the habitation of he Lord, 1 chron. 3, 21
Shechem, a part, or portion, nun. 26, 31
Shedeur, a field of fire, or the light of the Almighty, num. 1, 5
Shegub, exalted, 1 kings 16, 31
Shehariah, the morning of the Lord, 1 chron. 8, 26 Sheir, rough, or hairy, gen. 36, 20
Shelah, diffolving, gen. 38, 5
Shelah, fending, or fpoiling, gen. 10, 24
Shelemiah, peace of the Lord, ezra 10, 39
Sheleph, drawing out, gen. 10, 26
Shelefh, a captain, 1 chron. 7, 35
Shelomith, a peaceable, levit. 24, 11
Shelomoh, peaceable, 2 fam. 5, 15
Shelumiel, the peace of God, num. 1, 6
Shemaiah, hearing the Lord, 1 chron. 4 37
Shemariah, the keeping of the Lord, ezra 10, 32
Shemed, deftroying, 1 chron 8,12
Shemer, a keeper, 1 kings 16, 24
Shemida, a name of knowledge, num. 26, 32
Shemuel, appointed of God, num. 3, 4
Shemuel, heard of God, 1 fam. 1, 10
Shephatiah, the Lord judgeth, 2 fam. 3, 4
Sheraiah, a prince of the Lord, 1 chro. 4, 14
Sherug, a bough, or plant, gen. 11,20 Sheth, fet or put, gen. 4 25
Shethar, a remnant, or hid, efth. 1, 14
Sheua, vanity, 1 chron. 2, 49
Sheciah, the protection of the lord 1 chron.8, 10
Shemei, hearing, or obedient, exod. 6, 17
Shimeon, hearing, or obedient, gen. 20, 33
Shimfhon, there the fecond time, becaufe the angel appeared the fecond time at the prayer of his father
Shiphtan, a judge, num. 34, 21
Shiprah, fair, exod. 1, 15
Shubah, returned, 2 fam. 5, 14
Shobal, a path, gen. 36, 20
Shobnah, a builder, 2 kings 8, 18
Shua, crying, or faving, gen. 38, 2
Shuah, praying, or humiliation, gen. 25, 2
Shubael, the returning of God, 1 chron. 24 20
Shuhah, a pity, 1 chron. 4, 11
Shumathi, renowned, 1 chron. 2, 53
Shuni, changed, or fleeping, gen. 46, 16
Sithri, my fecret. Exod. 6, 22
Sodi, my fecret, num 13, 11
Suah, rooting up, 1 chron. 7. 36

TABEEL, good God, lfa.7, 6
Tahafh, hafting, gen. 22, 24
Talmai, fear, I chron.. 6, 37
Talmai a furrow, jofh. 15, 14
Tamar a palm tree gen. 38, 6
Tanhumeth, confolation, jer.40, 8
Talmon, dew prepared, 1 chion. 9, 17
Taphath, a little one, 1 kings 4, 11
Tebah, a cook, gen. 22, 24
Techinnah, merciful, or prayer, 1 chron. 4,12
Terah, fwelling, gen. 11, 24
Tiknah, hope, 2 kings 22, 14
Tilon, murmuring, 1 chron .4, 20
Tiras, a deftoyer, gen. 10, 2
Tirhanah, a fearcher of mercy, 1 chron, 2, 48
Tiria, a learch 1 chron.. 4, 16
Toah, a dart, 1 chron. 6, 34
Tobiah, the Lord is good, ezra 2, 60
Togarmah, ftrong or bony, gen. 10, 3
Tohu, living, 1 kings 1, 1
Tola, a worm, gen 46, 13
Tom, a twine, mat. 10, 3
Tubal, born, or brouht, or worldly, genefis 10, 2
Tubal cain, poffeffion, gen. 4, 22

VANIAR, nourifhment of the Lord, ezra. 10, 36
Vafhni, changed, chron. 6, 22
Vafhti, drinkink, efth.1, 9
Vopfi, a thing broke or patched, num. 13,15
Uri, my light, 1 chron. 2, 20
Uriah, the light of the Lord, 2 fam. 11, 3
Uriel, light or fire of God, 2 chron. 13, 2
Uthai, mine iniquity or time, 1 chron. 9 4
Uzal, wandering, 10,, 27
Uzzah, ftrength, 1 chron. 6, 29. 2 fam. 6, 3
Uzzi, my ftrength, 1 chron. 6 5
Uzziel, the ftrength of God, 1 chron 7, 7

ZAAVAN, trembling, gen. 36, 27
Zabad, a dowry, 1 chron. 2, 36
Zabadiah, a dowry of the Lord 1 chron. 8, 15
Zabdiel, a dowry of God, 1 chron. 27, 2
Zaccur, mindful, 1 chron. 4, 26
Zachai, pure, ezra 2, 9
Zachnriah, mindful of the Lord, I chron. 5,7
Zadok, juftified or juft, 2 fam. 8, 17
Zalmonah, our image, num. 33, 41
Zanoah, forgetfulnefs, nehem. 11, 30
Zebulun, a dwelling, gen. 30, 20
Zech, a wolf; judg. 7, 25
Zelophehad, a fhadow of fear, num. 26, 33
Zemirah, a fong, 1 chron, 7, 8
Zephaniah, the hiding of the Lord, 2 kings 25, 18
Zephi, a honeycomb, gen. 36, 13
Zera, clearnefs, or rifing up, gen. 36, 11
Zeraiah, the Lord arifing, 1 chron, 6, 6
Zerefh, fcattering heritage, efth. 5, 10
Zerubbabel, ftrange from a confufion, or a ftranger at Babel, hag. 1, 1
Zethan, their olive, 1 chron. 26, 22
Zia, fweat, or fwelling, 1 chron. 5, 13
Zedekiah, the juftice of the Lord, 2 kings. 24, 17
Zidon, a hunter, gen 10, 15
Zimri, a fong, 1 chron. 2, 6
Ziphorah, a mourning, exod. 2, 21
Zoheth, a feparation, 1 chron. 4, 20
Zuph, a watch or a covering, 1 chron. 6, 35
Zuriel, the rock of God, num. 3, 35
Zurifhaddai, the rock of Almighty, num. 1, 6