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Strong's Numbers Reference    
Mashiyach: 4899
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun Masculine
from (04886)
King James Version Word Count   1. anointed, anointed one
anointed 37   a. of the Messiah, Messianic prince
Messiah 2   b. of the king of Israel
    c. of the high priest of Israel
    d. of Cyrus
    e. of the patriarchs as anointed kings
Strong's Numbers Reference    
Nagiyd: 5057
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun Masculine
from (05046)
    1. leader, ruler, captain, prince
King James Version Word Count   a. ruler, prince
ruler 20   b. prince-overseer
prince 9   c. ruler (in other capacities)
captain 6   d. princely things
leader 4    
governor 3    
nobles 1    
excellent things 1    
Sheba`: 7651
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun
from (07650)
KJV: (+ by) seven(-fold),-s, (-teen, -teenth), -th, times).   1. seven (cardinal number)
    a. as ordinal number
    b. in combination - 17, 700 etc
Compare H7658.    

Strong's Numbers Reference    
Shabuwa`: 7620
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun Masculine
properly, pass part of (07650) as a denom. of (07651)
King James Version Word Count   1. seven, period of seven (days or years), heptad, week
week 19   a. period of seven days, a week
seven 1   1. Feast of Weeks
    b. heptad, seven (of years)

Shuwb: 7725
Word Origin: Hebrew, Verb
a primitive root
    - to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point);
    - generally to retreat;
    - often adverbial, again;

Strong's Numbers Reference    
Shishshiym: 8346
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun
multiple of (08337)
King James Version Word Count   1. sixty, three score
threescore 47    
sixty 12    

Strong's Numbers Reference    
Shnayim: 8147
Word Origin: Hebrew, Noun
dual of (08145)
King James Version Word Count   1. two
two 533   a two (the cardinal number)
twelve 105   1. two, both, double, twice
both 69   b. second (the ordinal number)
twelfth 21   c. in combination with other numbers
second 10   d. both (a dual number)
twain 7    
both of them 5    
twice 5    
double 5    
miscellaneous 8