In the following proclamation among the Harleian MSS. as quoted in the Magna Btitannia, these plays are attributed to Sir Henry Francis, a monk of St. Werburgh but a marginal note in another band, asserts that wee written by Randal Higden, to whom they are generally ascribed. It is probable, that Sir Henry Francis only procured the pardons mentioned In proclamation. It is said in a note prefixed to a copy of these plays in the British Museum, that Higden was thrice at Rome, before be could obtain leave of the Pope, to have them represented in the English tongue:-
"The proclamation for Whitson plays, made by William Newall, clerk of the Pentice , 24 Hen. VIII. William
second time mayor.- " Forasmuch as of ould tyme, not only for the augmentation and increase of the holy catholic
faith of our saviour Jesus Christ, and to exhort the minds of common people to good devotion, and holsome doctrine
thereof, but also for the commonwealth , and prosperity of this city, a play and declaration of divers story. of
the bible, beginning with the creation and fall of Lucifer, and endinge with the general judgment of the world,
to be declared ad played hi the Whitson week; was devised sad made by one Sir Henry Francis, sometyme monke of
this monasterye disolved, who obtayned and got of Clement the bushop of Rome a thousand dayes of pardon, and of
the bushop of Cheater, at that tyme forty days of pardon, graunted from thenceforth to every person resortinge
in peaceable manner with good devotion, to heare and see the said playes from tyme to tymne, as oft as they shall
be played within the said cittie ( and that every person or persons disturbing the said plays, in any manner wise,
to be accursed by the authority of the sayd pope Clement's bulls, untill such tyme as hee or they be absolved therefrom);
- which playes were devised to the honor of God, by John Arnway, then maior of this citty of Chester, his brethren, and whole cominalty thereof, to be brought forth, declared, and played at the caste and charges of the craftsmen and occupations of the craftsmen of the said cittie, hitherto have, from tyme to tyme, used and performed the same accordingly: wherefore, Mr. Maior in the king's name, streatly chargeth, that every person and persons, of what estate, degree or condition so-ever, he or they be, resortynge to the said playes do use themselves peaceablie, without making any assault, affray, or other disturbance, whereby the same plays shall be disturbed, and that no manor of pam or persons, whosoever he or they be, do use or weare any unlawful weapons within the precinct of the sayd citty, duringe the tyme of the sayd plays (not only upon payne of cursing by the authority of the said Pope Clement's bulls), but also upon payne of imprisonment of their bodies and making fine be to the kyng at Mr. Maior's pleasure . "