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wrote a number of contemporary poems ,war - songs dealing with the events of Edward III's French war .
David Bruce, son of Robert and king of Scotland, invaded the North of England about the time of the battle of Cressy, .He was an ally of the French but was overthrown and taken prisoner, at Neville's Cross .


Sir David the Bruse
Was at distance,
When Edward the Baliolfe
Rade with his lance;
The north of Ingland
Teched him to dance,
When he was met on the more
With mekill mischance.
Sir Philip the Valayse
May him noght avance;
The flowres that faire war
Er (are ) fallen in Fraunce.
The floures er now fallen
That fers war and fell ;
A bare with his bataille
Has done tham to dwell.
Sir David the Bruse
Said he suld fonde
To ride thurgh all Ingland,
Wald he noght wonde;
At the Westminster hall
Suld his stedes stonde,
While oure king Edward
War out of the londe.
But now has Sir David
Missed of his merkes,
And Philip the Valays,
With all thaire grete clerkes.

Sir Philip the Valais,
Suth for to say,
Sent unto Sir David
And faire gan him pray,
At ride thurgh Ingland
Thaire fomen to flay,
And said, none es at home
To let hym the way.
None letes him the way,
To wende where he will
Bot with schiperd (shepherd ) staves
Fand he his fill.

From Philip the Valais
Was Sir David sent,
All Ingland to win
From Twede unto Trent.
He broght mani bere-bag
With bow redy bent;
Thai robbed and thai reved
And held that thai hent.
It was in the waniand
That thai furth went ;
Fro covaitise of cataile
Tho schrewes war schent.
Schent war tho schrewes,
And ailed unsele
For at the Nevil Cross
Nedes bud tham knele.

At the ersbisschop of York
Now will I bigyn.
For he may with his right hand
Assoyl us of syn
Both Dorem and Carlele
Thai wald nevir blin
The wirschip of Ingland
With wappen to win.
Mekill wirschip thai wan,
And wele have thai waken ;
For Syr David the Bruse
Was in that tyme taken.

When Sir David the Bruse
Satt on his stede,
He said of all Ingland
Haved he no drede.
Bot hinde John of Coupland,
A wight man in wede,
Talked to David,
And kend him his crede.
Thare was Sir David
So dughty in his dede,
The faire toure of Londen
Haved he to mede.

Sone than was Sir David
Broght unto the toure,
And William the Dowglas,
With men of honowre.
Full swith redy servis
Fand thai thare a schowre
For first thai drank of the swete,
And senin of the sowre.
Than Sir David the Bruse
Makes his mone,
The faire coroun of Scotland
Have he forgone.
He luked furth in France,
Help had he none
Of Sir Philip the Valais
Ne yit of Sir John .