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  Food though the Ages

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There is no single food that supplies all the body requirements, so eat a variety of food to get the nutrients and vitamins you need. This requires wise planning - if you want to reduce food costs and still eat well choose moderate priced foods, or mix some cheaper foods with more expensive ones.

You can save money by purchasing meat, vegetables, and fruits in quantity and preserving them at home. Freezing is the easiest method and requires the minimum of time and energy. Other methods, principally for fruits and vegetables, are canning and preserving, for meats, marinating, corning, brine and dry curing, and smoking. Remember that meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese contain the top-rating proteins and some of these protein foods are needed each day .

Use up every scrap of food if possible, but, unless you have a refrigerator, throw out anything that has been cooked and is more than two days old. ' Even if it seems fresh '.

Left-over Meat and fish can be minced, mixed with soft bread-crumbs, seasoning and a beaten egg, and formed into rissoles, which can be quickly fried.
Left-over Vegetables can be cut up and added to vegetable stock; add rice or barley and a freshly minced onion and you have a nourishing broth.
Left-over Steamed puddings should be cut into neat slices and fried, or heated on a plate in the oven.
Left-over White fish, with the addition of lettuce, tomatoes, shredded orange and sliced banana, makes a good luncheon salad.
Left-over Sandwiches may be dipped in batter, left to soak for some time, then fried golden brown and served as a savoury supper dish.
Cold boiled potatoes May be mashed, mixed with a beaten egg, a very little milk and a pinch of mixed dried herbs; form the mixture into triangular cakes and fry, preferably in bacon fat.
Stale buns Can be made delicious by soaking them in milk and heating them in a slow oven. Butter while hot.