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Ingredients : -
8 ounces Gloucester Cheese; a little mustard; ½
( half ) a pint ale; brown bread.
Cut some Gloucester cheese into thin flakes. Place in a fire-proof dish. Spread some mustard over the cheese and
cover with ale. Cook in the oven until the cheese is dissolved. Make some toast with thick slices of brown bread
and moisten with hot ale. Pour the cheese over the toast and serve very hot.
Double Gloucester is the shape of a grindstone with rounded edges. Its texture is crumbly, hard and close. It takes
about 6 months to mature, Double Gloucester has a mellow flavour. Single Gloucester or Gloucester is less known;
it is soft and has an open texture.
Figures of men made of gingerbread pressed into wooden moulds, baked and gilded.
This pie was made with lampreys caught in the Severn. It was decorated with gilt ornaments and sent annually to
the King by the Corporation of Gloucester. A pie weighing 20 lb. was sent to Queen Victoria, decorated with truffles
and crayfish on gold skewers, and aspic jelly. On the top was a gold crown and sceptre and at the base four golden
lions, and a banner with the Gloucester coat of arms.
These are apple dumplings.
Ingredients : -
2 ounces butter; 1 lb. flour; ½ ( half ) ounce
yeast; 2 eggs; lard; 1 oz castor sugar; raspberry jam; 1½ ( one & half ) gills of warm milk; pinch of
Mix flour, salt and sugar and divide into two basins. Rub butter into one, yeast and milk into the other. Let batter
mixture rise for ½ ( half ) an hour, then mix
both together and beat in the eggs. Let the batter stand for an hour to rise. Knead and make into 24 round balls,
make a hole and put a little jam in the centre of each. Close up securely. Leave to stand for a little on a floured
tin to prove. Drop into a deep bath of boiling fat and fry until a golden brown; then roll in castor Sugar.
Ingredients : -
6 good cooking apples; 3 ounces butter; 2 ounces sugar;
4 egg yolks; grated lemon rind; cloves or nutmeg to flavour; 4 ounces bread-crumbs.
Bake the apples till tender. Scrape out the pulp. Cream butter and sugar, add lemon rind and pulp and grated cloves
or nutmeg. Grease a pie-dish and sprinkle with bread-crumbs. Beat the yolks into the apple in the pie-dish, pour
the mixture over, cover with bread crumbs, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour
30 minutes till firm and set.
Ingredients : -
8 ounces flour; 4 ounces brown sugar; 4 ounces sultanas;
a little milk; a little round ginger; 2 ounces grated peel; 4 ounces black treacle; 1 egg; a little mixed spice;
a little bi-carbonate of soda.
Mix dry ingredients. Warm the treacle with milk, add the eggs beaten well, whisk; dissolve the bi-carbonate in
a little milk, add to the mixture, mix all well together and place in 2 separate tins. Bake in a moderate oven
for at least 2 hours.
Ingredients : -
4 ounces flour; 4 ounces castor sugar; 1 egg; 4 ounces
corn flour; 4 ounces butter; a little baking powder; a little jam.
Beat butter and sugar until creamy, add egg and beat well, then mix in the other ingredients. Put 1 teaspoonful
on a greased tin. Put two together when all are baked with a little jam in the middle, They take 10 minutes to
bake in a moderate oven.
Hampshire Lard Cakes are the big cousins of tardy Johns of Sussex, recipe applies except that they are larger.
Ingredients : -
2 tablespoonful cream; 2 tablespoonful Sugar; 2 tablespoonful
flour; 1 tablespoonful orange flower water.
Beat all together for 30 minutes, spread very thinly on a flat greased tin, about 6 inches diameter. Bake in a
hot oven. Roll over a stick as soon as they are a light golden colour. They are very crisp when dry, and are served
with jelly.
VECTIS PUDDING ( Isle of Wight
Ingredients : -
2 ounces currants; 2 chopped apples; 8 ounces self-raising
flour; a little spice; 4 ounces suet; 2 ounces sugar; a little lemon rind; 2 tablespoonful golden syrup.
Mix flour and suet to a stiff paste with water. Roll out thinly and spread with a mixture of currants, apples,
golden syrup, sugar, lemon rind and spice. Roll up, close the ends firmly. Wrap in a floured cloth and steam for
2 hours.
Ingredients : -
A calf's heart ; 4 ounces bread-crumbs ; 2 tablespoonfuls
shredded suet; 2 ounces minced ham ; a little mustard ; 4 or 5 slices of fat bacon; 2 teaspoonful chopped parsley;
1 teaspoonful marjoram; a little lemon rind; salt and pepper; 1 oz broken-up vermicelli; gravy made with tomatoes.
Cook the vermicelli, drain and leave to get cold; remove all the pipes from the inside of the calf's heart, wash
and put in cold water for an hour. Make a stuffing from bread-crumbs, a little of the egg and all the herbs, salt
and pepper, ham and lemon rind. Dry the calf's heart, fill it with the stuffing, wrap the bacon round it and fasten
with small skewers. Wrap up in greaseproof paper and cover with fat. Bake in a baking tin for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Remove the paper and brush over with the yolk of egg. Then roll in bread crumbs mixed with vermicelli. Put back
in the tin and bake in the oven till nicely browned. Serve with tomato gravy.
There are many whortleberries and crowberries in the neighbourhood of Hereford and a steamed suet pudding made
with them is a great delicacy.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 1 lb. sugar; 12 ounces butter; a little
baking powder; 2 ounces cornstarch; 16 egg whites; lemon or almond extract or rose water.
Cream butter and sugar with 8 egg whites. Sift flour, cornstarch and baking powder and add to mixture. Beat the
remaining egg whites very stiff and fold in gently. Add the flavouring.
Grease 2 baking tins, pour in the mixture and bake in a slow oven for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Coots are abundant on marshland and open in-land waters. They are best in pie or stew and should be skinned like
Moorhens (or water hens) make their homes on ponds, streams and lakes, and as coots and rooks should be skinned
and well-cooked.
Dabchicks (or Little Grebe) are not a popular dish these days.
Watercress actually grows in the water of streams, big and small. In many places it is specially cultivated.
Ingredients : -
8 ounces flour; 1 egg; 3 ounces castor sugar; a little
baking powder; 5 ounces suet; quarter of a pint of milk; 1 pint gooseberries.
Mix the flour and shredded suet, add sugar, baking powder and gooseberries.
Stir well. Beat up the egg in milk, and add to the mixture gradually. Steam in a greased basin for three hours
and serve with golden syrup.
This was Cromwell's favourite dish. When his wife had no oranges she
used beans instead.
Stilton is a village in Huntingdonshire where the cheese was first made; it was first sold at the Bell Inn there
at the close of the 18th century by a relative of the inventor, Mrs. Paulet. Most of the genuine Stilton to-day
comes from Leicestershire and Rutland.
Stilton should be from 6 to 9 months old (it is made between May and September). It should be white with blue veins
running through it evenly. The rind should be crinkly.
Cakes given to all the poor of Biddenden, in memory of the two maids of Biddenden, once a year. The custom has
been kept up to this day.
These used to be a delicacy in Cranbrook.
The name given to the tastiest of the soles to differentiate it from the lemon or Torbay sole.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 1 pint milk; 1 oz butter; 2 teaspoonful
of baking powder .
Rub flour and butter, then add baking powder. Make into a stiff dough
with milk. Roll out on a board to one inch thickness; cut into small rounds and bake for about 15-20 minutes in
a hot oven.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 1 egg; a little salt; 1 lb. of flear or
leaf ( "flead " in Kent ); ½ ( half ) a pint of cold water to mix.
Mix flour and salt. Serape a little of the flead and add to the flour.
Mix into a dough with water, knead and roll out on a board. Put some flead over the dough, fold over and roll out
again. Repeat this until flead is used up. Roll out to one inch thickness and cut into small circles or whatever
shape desired. Brush over with egg, bake in a hot oven until golden brown and eat hot. This pastry is also used
for making fruit and meat pies, tarts and turnovers.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 3 ounces butter; 3 ounces lard; 3 eggs;
1 pint milk a ½ ( half ) ounce of ground rice; 2 ounces currants; 1 tablespoonful sugar.
Make a short crust with flour, butter and lard, roll out, cut into
circles and line some breakfast saucers with it. Heat three-quarter of the milk in a saucepan. Mix ground rice
and sugar in the rest of the milk, turn into the hot milk and stir till it thickens. Leave to cool a little and
mix in the eggs slowly, stirring vigorously. Pour over the pastry. Sprinkle the currants over and bake till golden
Gurnets were caught early in the morning in Hastings and brought to Cranbrook where the people made puddings with
them tied in a cloth with suet pastry, and then boiled.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour (plain) ; ½ ( half ) a teaspoonful
salt; 2 and a ½ ( half ) gills warm milk and water; 1 ounces lard; 1 oz compressed yeast; 1 teaspoonful
Warm the mixing bowl. Sift flour and salt and rub in the lard. Cream yeast and sugar in another basin. Add milk
and water. Then pour into the flour and make a light dough. Stand in a warm place for an hour to rise. Knead well.
Then divide into three oval cakes about ½ ( half
) an
inch thick. Make a hole in the middle. Flour the cakes and place on a warm tin. Leave in a warm place to "prove"
until well risen. Bake in a hot oven for about 10 - 20 minutes, according to size. Take out and wrap the cakes
in a warm cloth until cool. This will keep the crust soft and tender.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 4 ounces butter; 4 ounces lard; 12 ounces
cheese cut in very thin flakes, mixed with butter; 1 egg; cayenne pepper and salt to taste.
Make some flaky pastry with flour, butter and lard. Roll out very thin on a board and cut into circles the size
of a saucer. Put a tablespoonful of the cheese in the centre and sprinkle with salt and cayenne pepper. Moisten
the edges of the pasties and fold up. Brush over with beaten egg. Bake in a hot oven for about 15-20 minutes and
serve hot.
is best stewed.
This pie can only be made at lambing time since the tails have to be absolutely fresh.
Lambs' tails; parsley or mint sauce; short crust .
Pour boiling water over the tails and skin after a few minutes. Cut up in pieces and lay in a pie-dish. Make a
parsley or mint sauce and pour over. Cover with short crust and bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 2 ounces sugar; 4 ounces lard; a little
lemon juice; 6 ounces currants; 1 teaspoonful baking powder; a little salt; a little water to mix.
Mix dry ingredients and rub in the lard, add currants. Make a light dough with a little water and add lemon juice.
Shape the dough into small pieces and roll out on a board. Fry in lard until golden brown. Serve hot.
A cake was given with every glass of cherry brandy at one of the inns in Sarre.
Ingredients : -
Codfish; mashed potatoes; a little milk; 1 egg; salt
and pepper; bread-crumbs; a little fat.
Divide the remains of codfish or cold salt fish into flakes. Mix in twice as much mashed potatoes. Add a little
milk. Season with salt and pepper and make into balls. Dip into the egg, roll in bread-crumbs and fry in fat until
Whitstablc oysters have a very small beard and a sweet, nutty flavour. The shell is particularly pearly. Oysters
should never be eaten during a month without the letter "r" in it - that is from May to August. Oysters
are rich in vitamins, iodine and organic phosphorous.
Bannocks are flat round breads, usually the size of a dinner plate, baked on a girdle. They can be made with wheat
meal, oatmeal, barley or peasemeal.
A large sausage made from pig's blood and suet; it can be eaten fried or boiled.
Brewis dates from the " Hungry Forties
" when the people of Lancashire were very poor. Pour boiling water over a crust of bread, pour the water off
and sprinkle salt and pepper on the bread. Serve. Another kind of Brewis is made with the water in which pork has
been boiled, poured over oatcakes which are then mashed, seasoned with salt and pepper and served by themselves
or with black pudding.
A drink made of honey and ale fermented, or of sugar and spices and ale. Mid Lent Sunday is called Braggot Sunday,
from the custom of drinking mulled or spiced ale on that day.
Ingredients : -
1 pigs head; 1 heart; 1 tongue; a little lemon rind,
cloves, mace, pepper and salt; three quarters of a pint of vinegar.
Simmer the meat very gently in a saucepan with enough water to cover. When tender remove the bones and cut the
meat into small pieces. Return to the water, add seasoning and vinegar. Boil up once and pour into a mould. Turn
out when cold.
Ingredients : -
Short crust pastry; 4 ounces golden syrup; a little
nutmeg; a little lemon juice; 4 ounces currants; 1 ounces ground coconut; 1 ounces ground almonds.
Line some patty pans with short crust, put in each a layer of syrup, then currants, spice, lemon juice, coconut
and almonds. Cover with pastry. Roll over with the pin very gently. Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes.
When cold cut into pieces.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 12 ounces butter; 2 ounces castor sugar;
a few caraway and coriander seeds.
Rub flour and butter and roll out to ½ ( half
) an inch thickness. Sprinkle with sugar and spices. Bake next day
on a greased tin in a moderate oven for 20 minutes.
Ingredients : -
Dripping; 1 onion; 1 apple; 4 ounces oatmeal; a few
currants; pepper, salt, and sugar to season; 1 tablespoonful water.
Melt the dripping in a frying pan. Chop the onion and apple very finely
and fry. Add the currants and water, put the oatmeal in when it boils and stir, adding the Seasoning. Fry very
quickly and serve hot.
A variety of bread. The word jannock also means straightforward or genuine in Lancashire.
The best Lancashire cheese is made in the Fylde. It is a hard cheese, resembling Cheshire cheese.
Ingredients : -
2 lbs. mutton chops; 3 sheep's kidneys; 2 lbs. potatoes;
1 lb. onions; 8 ounces mushrooms; 2 ounces butter; 2 ounces ham (or bacon); ½ ( half ) a pint stock (or
water); pepper (cayenne) and salt to season.
Cut the kidneys, peel and slice the onions and potatoes and chop the ham,. Place a layer of chops in a casserole,
then the kidneys, mushrooms, ham, onions and potatoes, and season every layer; the last layer must be potatoes.
Pour over the stock and put little pieces of butter on top. Cover the casserole and cook very slowly for about
3 hours. Take the lid off and brown the top before serving.
1½ lb. best end neck of lamb, 2 lambs' kidneys,
1 lb. Potatoes, ½ lb. (half a lb) Onions, Salt and pepper ¼ (quarter) of a pint of stock or water,
1 oz. butter, melted (8 shelled oysters may be added if desired)
Cut the lamb into cutlets remove surplus fat; Peel and core kidneys, cut into slices.; Thinly slice potatoes and
onions ; Cover base of 2 to 3-pint casserole dish with some of the potato slices, stand lamb on top. ; Cover with
kidneys and onions, sprinkle with salt and pepper. & Arrange overlapping rings of rest of potatoes attractively
on top ; Pour in stock or water, brush heavily with butter ; Cover dish with lid or aluminium foil, cook in centre
of moderate oven for l hour 15 minutes ; Uncover, continue to cook for further a 30 minutes (or until potatoes
are golden brown).
Serves 4
Ingredients : -
Short crust pastry; jam (stoneless); 2 ounces butter;
2 eggs; 1 ounces castor sugar; ½ ( half ) a pint milk; the rind of 1 lemon; a tablespoonful brandy; 2 ounces
Boil the lemon rind in milk and pour over the bread-crumbs. Take the rind out and beat in the yolks after 5 minutes
with butter, sugar and brandy. Line a pie-dish with pastry and spread some jam over it. Cover with the bread-crumbs
mixture and bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes. Whip the whites of the eggs with some castor sugar and lay
over the dish, sprinkle with sugar and return to the oven for a minute to set. Serve cold.
Ingredients : -
10 ounces flour; 12 ounces butter; 1 lb. treacle; 1
lb. sugar; quarter ounce cinnamon; quarter ounce mace; ½ ( half ) ounce ground ginger; a little grated lemon
Melt the butter and mix with treacle and sugar, add flour, lemon, cinnamon, mace and ginger. Beat the mixture well.
Drop very thinly on a well-greased tin and bake in a moderate oven. Cut it into squares and turn it round your
finger. Keep in a tin.
Ingredients : -
1½ lbs.(one & half lbs. ) oatmeal ; 1 lb.
treacle; 8 ounces brown sugar; 8 ounces butter; 1 teaspoonful ground ginger; 1 teaspoonful allspice.
Mix the dry ingredients. Heat treacle and butter; add to the dry mixture and leave to stand overnight. Place in
a well-greased shallow baking tin and bake in a moderate oven for about 2 hours. It is done when the parkin springs
back when touched.
Ingredients : -
1 pint shrimps;4 ounces butter; 1 blade ground mace;
a little cayenne pepper; a little ground nutmeg.
Only the freshest shrimps should be used. Melt the butter, add seasoning and shelled shrimps. Heat through gently
but do not boil. Pour into small pots and eat when cold.
Ingredients : -
8 ounces plain flour ; 8 ounces fine oatmeal; 8 ounces
treacle; a little milk; 4 ounces brown sugar; 4 ounces butter and lard mixed; a teaspoonful of ground ginger, mixed
spice, nutmeg and bi-carbonate of soda.
Rub butter and lard into the flour, add oatmeal and other dry ingredients,
then the treacle. Dissolve the bi-carbonate of soda in milk, then add to the mixture. Pour into a well-greased
tin and bake in a moderate oven for about 1 hour.
Tripe is the culinary term for the first and second stomachs of ruminants, but of the ox particularly. The texture
of the first stomach is smooth, of the second, honey-combed.
Ingredients : -
Tripe and Onions : 1 lb. tripe; ½ ( half ) a pint milk; ½ ( half ) a
pint water; a little flour; 2 onions; salt and pepper.
Wash the tripe well, cut into square pieces and bring to the boil in water. Throw the water away and add water
and milk, chopped onions, salt and pepper, Thicken with flour after having boiled the tripe for a good 3 hours
by stirring it in with a little milk. Bring to the boil again and serve.