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Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 2 eggs; 3 ounces butter; milk.
Mix flour and butter, add enough milk to make a stiff dough, beat
the eggs and add to the dough. Roll out lightly on a board and cut into any size required. Hake on a girdle or
a solid frying pan. Serve hot.
KAIL BROSE ( Kail is any kind
of cabbage that has no heart or head )
Ingredients : -
½ ( half ) a cow heel or ox head; 2 lbs green
kail; a little salt; ' tea cupful oatmeal; 6 pints water.
Boil the cow heel or ox head in the water until the fat floats on the top. Shred the kail and add to the broth
and cook until tender. Stir a little off the top of the broth into a basin with the oatmeal and then add to the
pot for a few minutes. Stir well and serve hot.
Ingredients : -
1 rabbit; 1lb. green kail; a little salt; a little
pickled pork; water.
Cut the rabbit into pieces and place in a saucepan with the pickled
pork and enough water to cover; cut the kail into pieces and boil the whole for 3 hours. No salt is needed if the
pork is very salty. Serve with oatcakes.
Ingredients : -
1 large rabbit; a little grated nutmeg; 1 pint gravy
or stock; forcemeat balls; 1 lb. pickled pork; salt and pepper to taste; rough puff pastry.
Cut the rabbit into joints and put into cold water for an hour. Cook the carcase and liver to make a gravy and
slice the pork and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Boil the eggs until hard and slice.
Forcemeat: 1 rabbit kiver ; 4 ounces bread-crumbs; 1 rasher bacon; a little grated nutmeg and lemon rind and thyme;
salt and pepper; a little milk to bind; a little chopped parsley
Chop the liver and bacon, add dry ingredients, bind with milk and make into little balls.
Place the forcemeat balls with the rabbit, pork and eggs in a pie-dish, add half the gravy and cover with puff
pastry. Prick the pastry with a fork to let the air in. Bake first in a hot oven and then for 2 hours 30 minutes
in a moderate oven. When cooked, pour in the rest of the gravy. If the pie is to be eaten cold, add a little gelatine
to the gravy.
MEAL - AND - ALE (a variety
of Crowdie eaten at harvest time). See also Fuarag,
Ingredients : -
2 quarts ale; 8 ounces oatmeal; 6 ounces treacle; whisky to taste.
Fill a large earthenware bowl with ale, and add the treacle, slightly warmed. Stir in the oatmeal until the mixture
is smooth. Pour as much whisky in it as desired. The dish is prepared in the morning to be served up at the end
of the harvest feast. A ring is always put inside and the one who gets it will be the first to be married.
Ingredients : -
12 ounces loaf sugar; 1 tea cupful water; a little
ground ginger; 4 ounces treacle; 3 ounces toasted oatmeal.
Bring sugar, treacle and water to the boil in a saucepan and boil
for 10 minutes. Then stir in the oatmeal and ginger gently. Pour into shallow tins lined with oiled paper. When
cool, cut into slices and serve for tea.
(or White Puddings)
Ingredients : -
1 lb. oatmeal; 1 onion; tripe skim; 8 ounces suet;
a little salt, pepper and sugar.
Toast the oatmeal a little under the grill and mix with the shredded
suet, onion, salt, pepper and sugar. Put the mixture into the tripe skins but allow enough room for them to swell.
Tie with string at both ends and boil for 1 hour. Prick the skins every now and then to prevent them bursting.
The puddings keep for a long time if hung up in a dry place or put in oatmeal. When wanted boil them a little in
water, dry and fry in a little dripping.
A gypsy dish consisting of game and poultry of all kinds, stewed with vegetables. See Guy Mannering .
Ingredients : -
3 ounces butter; a little grated lemon rind; 4
ounces corn flour; 2 ounces castor sugar; 1 egg; a little baking powder.
Cream the butter and sugar and add the lemon rind. Add most of the
corn flour together with the beaten egg. Mix the baking powder with the last bit of corn flour and add to the mixture.
Grease 12 patty pans and put a teaspoonful of the mixture in each. Bake in a moderate oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
Serve at tea-time.
Ingredients : -
4 ounces butter; 2 eggs; 3 ounces currants; a little
brandy; a little milk; 4 ounces sugar; 4 ounces flour ; a little nutmeg; a little rosewater; a little baking powder.
Cream butter and sugar. Beat the eggs and add the flour, nutmeg, baking
powder, currants and lastly the milk, rosewater, and brandy. Beat well and half fill some greased patty tins. Bake
in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
Ingredients : -
2 pints mussels; ½ ( half ) a pint water; ½
( half ) a pint milk; 2 ounces oatmeal.
Wash the mussel shells well and leave in clean water for a time. Drain
and put in a covered saucepan with a little water and cook until the shells open. Take off immediately and strain
the liquor into a bask. Take the mussels out of their shells, remove their beards and put back in the liquor together
with some milk and boil for 10 minutes. Toast the oatmeal and put in a cup and pour a little of the liquor over
it, stir well and add to the broth. Boil for another minute or two and serve hot. Cockles can be used equally well.
A small loaf or cake eaten at midday, sometimes with wine, in Roxburgbshire. Nackit in Galloway and Nackie in Ayshire.
There are many varieties of bread in Scotland, such as Soutar's Clods in Selkirk, a coarse brown wheat bread with
a thick crust or clod. Derrins, Fage, Fadge, Foal, Tod ( Roxburghshire ), Toly Toddle ( Clyde ), Snoddie, Birlin,
Bake, Breid o' Mane, Breid o' Trayt, Bakin-Lotch, Ankerstock, Pan-loaf-bread, Manche, Ravelled, Cheat and Rancher
( all wheat ).
Ingredients : -
4 ounces oatmeal; a little dripping; a little salt;
a little bi-carbonate of soda; a little hot water.
Mix oatmeal with salt and bi-carbonate of soda in a basin; make a
well in the centre and put in the dripping and a little hot water to make a very stiff dough. Roll out on a board
with oatmeal on it, as thin as possible; put some more oatmeal over it and cut into a round with a plate. Cut into
quarters or farls or fardels and bake on an oatmeal strewn baking sheet in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes
until slightly browned and curled up at the edges. They can be eaten with butter and marmalade or jam, honey, cheese
or fish. Chicken, goose or bacon fat are best used for the dripping. If not eaten while fresh, heat slightly before
serving. In Scotland oatcakes are baked on a girdle or frying-pan. The implements used are: the porridge-stick
or spur tie, the rolling-pin or bannock-stick, a heart-shaped implement with a large handle to turn the cakes called
the spathe and the toaster or banna-rack.
Ingredients : -
1 pint milk; 2 tablespoonful castor sugar; 3 tablespoonfuls
ale; 2 tablespoonfuls oatmeal flour;3 tablespoonfuls sack ; a little nutmeg and cinnamon.
Boil the milk with nutmeg, cinnamon and oatmeal until cooked. Put
the sack and ale and sugar into a saucepan and make very hot, then add to the milk and stir over the fire for a
minute. Serve hot in a bowl.
Ingredients : -
8 ounces oatmeal; 8 ounces flour; ½ ( half )
a pint buttermilk; 1 teaspoonful salt; 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar; 1 teaspoonful bi-carbonate of soda.
Soak the oatmeal in buttermilk for 2 hours. Add the flour mixed with the other ingredients, knead well, shape the
dough into a loaf and bake on a pan in a hot oven for about 40 minutes.
Ingredients : -
2 partans (crabs); 1 pint milk; a little salt and pepper;
a little cream; 6 ounces rice; 3 pints white stock; a little anchovy essence.
Take all the meat off the crabs and put the claws on one side. Boil
the rice in milk until soft and pass through a sieve with the crab meat. Add to the milk in which the rice was
boiled. Pour over white stock gradually and stir until smooth and of a creamy consistency. Season with salt, pepper
and anchovy essence. Place the soup in a pan and simmer, but do not boil. Add the claw meat and a little cream.
Serve hot.
PARTAN PIE ( Isle of Skye )
Ingredients : -
1 partan (crab); a little vinegar; a little butter
or oil; salt, pepper, nutmeg, mustard and breadcrumbs.
Take all the meat off the crab and add all the ingredients mixing
them together except the butter, vinegar and mustard, which should be beaten up and heated. Then add to the mixture
and fill the shell. Put the shell under the grill or in the oven and brown the meat slightly.
Ingredients : -
12 ounces pease-meal; a little bi-carbonate of soda
and tartaric acid; a little salt; 4 ounces flour; butter milk or thick sour milk.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and make into a soft dough with
the milk. Roll out on a board ½ ( half ) an inch thick, cut
into bannocks with a plate and bake on a fairly hot floured girdle for 10 minutes; turn the bannocks after 5 minutes
and finish on a lower heat. They can also be baked whole like a loaf in the oven or cut across into scones.
Petites Gatelles )
Ingredients : -
12 ounces flour; 1 teaspoonful caraway seeds; a little
milk to mix; 4 ounces butter; 1½ ( one amd a half ) ounces sugar.
Melt butter in milk and pour into flour, mixed with caraway seeds.
Mix and add sugar. Knead a little and roll out very thin. Place a dinner plate on the dough and cut around it with
a paste cutter. Then place a tumbler over the centre of the dough and cut the outer edge into 8-inch "petticoat
tails." Bake on a tin with greased paper over it in a moderate oven until crisp and brown. Lay out on a plate
with the small round in the middle and the "petticoat tails" around it.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. flour; 1 pint warm milk; 1 ounce butter; 2 eggs
; brewer's yeast ; a little salt.
Melt butter in milk and add with yeast to flour, mixed with salt.
Let the mixture rise, then add eggs, which should be well beaten. Take a desserts spoonful of the mixture and put
on a hot girdle. Let it spread out so that it is quite thin. When the underneath part is lightly browned, turn
with a palette knife and bake the other side. Serve hot with butter.
Ingredients : -
1 haddock ( fresh ); a little butter; ½ ( half ) a pint of milk; a little chopped parsley; a little catsup; 2 onions; 3 pints fresh stock; 2 ounces flour; salt and pepper to taste.
Make a stock with the head, tail, fins and bones of the haddock and
some other fish if liked, the onions chopped, salt and pepper and parsley. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour,
stir well and gradually add the stock. Cut up the haddock and boil lightly in the stock for 15 minutes. Add a little
catsup and serve in a soup tureen.
Poacher's Soup is really a game stew. Any kind of game may be used, such as venison, grouse, hare, rabbit, woodcock,
etc., either by itself or mixed. The stew should contain all kinds of root vegetables and seasoning and a little
red wine may be added
Ingredients : -
1 ounce oatmeal; a little salt; ½ ( half ) a
pint water; milk, cream, buttermilk to serve.
Sprinkle the oatmeal into boiling water in a double saucepan, and
stir with a wooden spoon, and take care not to let the oatmeal get lumpy. Boil for 1 hour. Add salt to the porridge
a few minutes before it is cooked. Serve hot in soup or porridge plates with milk, cream or buttermilk and salt.
Porridge is best prepared the night before by stirring the oatmeal into cold water. It is then boiled for 30 minutes
before breakfast .
Ingredients : -
2 lbs potatoes; 1 egg ; ½ ( half ) a pint milk
; a little dripping; pepper and salt.
Boil the potatoes and mash them. Mix with milk and add salt and pepper,
bind with well-beaten egg and fry in very hot dripping.
Ingredients : -
½ lb. ( half ) boiled mashed potatoes ; 2 ounces
flour; a little butter; a little salt.
Melt the butter in the mashed potatoes. Add flour and salt and mix
well. Roll out on a board until very thin and cut into bannocks or scones. Bake on a hot girdle for 5 minutes,
and turn once. Prick the scones with a fork, They can be eaten hot or cold, by themselves or with butter and jam.
POTTED HOUGH (Hough - joint
of meat off the part of the hind leg between the knee and fetlock. Pronounced: hock )
Ingredients : -
1 nap bone; 3 lbs hough; spices such as peppercorns,
mace, etc., may be added in a muslin bag; salt and pepper to taste.
Place the hough and bone in a pot with sufficient water to cover and
salt, pepper and spices. Put on the fire and boil very gently for 6 hours. Take out the bones and meat and chop
or mince the meat. Return the meat to the pot and boil for 10 more minutes. Turn into wetted moulds when cool.
Serve as hors d'oeuvres with toast and butter.
Ingredients : -
½ ( half ) an ox head; 1 ox foot; salt, pepper,
cloves, mace, bayleaf, cayenne, mustard.
Soak the head and foot, and break into several pieces. Take off the fat and marrow. Then scald the head and foot, and when cool, scrape and clean both thoroughly. Then boil both in a large saucepan with enough water to cover them and add a little salt. Simmer very gently for 3 hours and remove the scum. Take out the head and foot, take off the all meat and return the bones to the saucepan. Add the spices and simmer for 2 hours more. Then strain the liquid off and leave until the next day. Take all the fat off the liquid which should now be a jelly. Cut up the meat and simmer with the jelly for 20 minutes adding a little mustard, Pour into wetted moulds and leave to set. When wanted turn out on a plate and serve with salad.
POWSOWDIE ( Sheep's Head Broth
Ingredients : -
1 sheep's head; 1½ lbs.( one and a half ) mixed
vegetables: onions, potatoes, leeks, turnips, carrots, swedes; salt and pepper and a few peppercorns; 6 pints water;
4 ounces pot barley; 2 ounces oatmeal; a little parsley.
Sheeps' heads are not skinned in Scotland but singed only and this
gives the good flavour to the broth.
Soak the head overnight and clean it, taking out the eyes. Cut the head in half and take out the brains. Wash the
head again, blanch and set on the fire with cold water and barley, take scum off and add salt. After 1 hour's boiling
add the vegetables and peppercorns and simmer for 3 hours more, according to the size and age of the head. Add
oatmeal 30 minutes before serving. Add parsley just before serving.
There is red grouse, white grouse ( ptarmigan ), wood grouse ( capercailzie ) and black grouse. Red grouse is only
to be found in Scotland and the North of England. Young grouse do not keep as well as old ones. Never wash or skin
grouse but wipe with a damp cloth. They must be plucked very carefully.
Ingredients : -
Grouse; a little butter; a little lemon juice; sprigs
of heather; rashers of bacon; salt, pepper and cayenne to taste; blaeberries (whortleberries) or cranberries for
the stuffing.
Wrap the grouse in bacon rashers, sprigs of heather and greaseproof paper, having rubbed the salt, pepper, cayenne
and lemon juice in. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes according to the size of the grouse. Take the bacon and heather
off 10 minutes before serving, to brown the grouse. Grouse should never be underdone or overdone. Boil the livers
for about 10 minutes and chop up very finely. Spread them over a bit of toast and place under the grouse a minute
or two before serving. Only a very little dripping or butter should be left in the toasting tin when doing this
to avoid the toast becoming soggy.
Serve with fried bread-crumbs. Decorate the dish with watercress. Vegetables to be served with grouse should be
mushrooms, French beans and chips. The gravy should be clear or melted butter and rowan or cranberry jelly should
be served with it.
Ingredients : -
1 lb. minced beef; 1 or 2 onions; 2 ounces bread-crumbs
or oatmeal or barley; a little mushroom ketchup; a little salt and pepper; a little dripping; ½ ( half )
a pint stock; 1 egg ; toast or fried bread.
Chop the onions very finely and fry in the dripping. Add the meat
and stir well so as to avoid it sticking together and fry until brown. Add the stock slowly and then the bread-crumbs,
salt and pepper and a little ketchup. Serve on a hot plate garnished with pieces of fried bread and a cut-up hard-boiled
egg. Minced collops can also be made with veal, hare and venison.
This is the same as Mealie Pudding .
Scots crumpets are quite unlike English crumpets; they resemble pancakes.
Ingredients : -
4 eggs; 2 ounces sugar ; ½ ( half ) a pint milk;
6 ounces flour.
Beat yolks and whites of eggs separately. Mix together and add milk
and sugar. Add flour gradually, as much as will make a good batter. Leave to stand for a while. Make the girdle
hot and rub with a little suet. Take a tablespoonful of batter at a time and put on the girdle, turn after a minute
or two before the top dries. They should be of a golden colour. Serve either hot or cold with a little sugar sprinkled
over them.
Ingredients : -
8 ounces butter; 4 ounces oatmeal ; 12 ounces treacle;
4 ounces grated lemon peel; 12 ounces flour ; a little cream; 1 ounces ground ginger.
Beat butter and add sugar, flour, oatmeal, cream, treacle (slightly
warmed ), ginger and lemon peel. Mix well together and bake in a buttered tin for 45 minutes in a moderate oven.
Ingredients : -
1 ox kidney; a little flour; a little water; 4
young onions; a little butter; a little salt, pepper, parsley and vinegar.
Cut the kidney into slices, and soak in water for a few minutes. Dry
and dust with flour; fry in a saucepan with a little butter. When they are browned, pour a little hot water over
them, mince the onions, and add with the vinegar, salt and pepper, and finely chopped parsley. Cover the saucepan
and let the collops simmer a little, add a little flour to thicken the gravy and serve up with a little fried parsley.
SCOTCH STEW (Vegetarian Dish).
Ingredients : -
3 tablespoonfuls of pearl barley, ½ (half) a small cabbage or 1 lettuce shredded, ½ half) a head
of celery. 3 onions, 2 carrots, 1 turnip all cut into large pieces, to which may be added other vegetables in season,
salt and pepper to taste.
Blanch the pearl barley, cover it with fresh water, and simmer gently for 30 minutes. Place all the vegetables,
except the cabbage or lettuce, in a stew pan, add the pearl barley and the water in which it was cooked, together
with boiling water to barely cover the whole, and season to taste. Boil gently until the vegetables are nearly
done, then add the shredded cabbage or lettuce, cook for 10 minutes longer, and serve .