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A Deed showing the basic terms in a Tenancy Agreement

1. The names of the landlord and tenant or their agents
2. The name or description of the property to be let
3. The length of the tenancy and when it is to begin.
4. The amount of the rent to be paid

The rent payable, and the time and manner of payment are normally set out in the section of the lease called the reddendum which is then followed by a list of covenants.





Made the ---- ( day ) of -------- ( month ) ------ ( Year )

    BETWEEN ( Name ) --------------------------------  

(Address ) --------------------------------
    ( hereinafter called the Landlord ) of the one part  
    and ( Name ) ----------  

(Address )
    ( hereinafter called the Tenant ) of the other part  


    THE Landlord shall let and the Tenant shall take the premises known as  
    --------------------------------------------- ( Address of property )  
    from the ------ ( day ) of ------ ( month ) ---------- ( Year ) for a period of -------- ( three) years  
    at a rent of £ ----------- ( pounds ) A Year payable quarterly in advance on each quarter-day  
    The tenant hereby covenants with the landlord as follows :  
  (1) RENT & RATES   
    To pay the reserved rent and rates on the days and in the manner aforesaid without any deductions whatsoever.  
  (2) PETS  
    Not to keep any Dog, Cat, Bird, insect or any other animal of any kind in the Premises without first obtaining the Landlords consent . (Qualified Covenant )  
  (3) OUTGOINGS   
  (a) To pay general and water rates service charges and other rates, taxes, duties, assessments and outgoings in respect of the premises and to indemnify the Landlord against any charge in respect of the premises and their occupation .  
  (b) To pay the cost of oil, electricity and gas consumed and the cost of all telephone calls made at the premises and not to do anything to cause the disconnection of the electricity or gas supply.  
    To keep the interior of the Premises and the fixture and fittings and the Landlords installations and the doors and the glass in the windows in good and tenantable repair.  
    Not to cut, damage injure alter, rearrange or interfere with any part of the Premises: Or make any additions or alterations the landlord's consent ( such approval not to be unreasonably withheld ) .  
  (5)  Not to assign or sub-let the property ( Absolute Covenant )   
    The Landlord hereby covenants with the tenant as follows :  
  (1) The Landlord covenants with the Tenant that the Tenant paying the rent and observing the covenants reserved and contained above shall peaceably and quietly enjoy the Demised Premises and shall not disturbed by any lawful act of the Landlord any person claiming under or in trust for him .  
    It is agreed by both parties as follows  
  (1) If any part of either of the rents reserved above shall remain unpaid for 21 days after the same shall become due, it shall be lawful for the Landlord to give the Tenant notice in writing determining the term granted by the Lease and immediately upon the giving of such notice the Term shall absolutely determine and the Landlord may resume possession of the whole of the Demised Premises but without prejudice to any right or remedy which may have accrued to the Tenant in respect any previous breach of covenant by the Tenant.  
  (2) The tenancy may be determined at any time by the Tenant giving the Landlord one months previous notice in writing  
  (3) Any person authorised by the Landlord shall have the right to enter the premises for the purpose of seeing if the terms and conditions of this agreement are being complied with, or to carry out repairs or alteration to the premises provided that either the tenant or his agent are are present or the tenant has been given 7 days notice in writing .  
    IN WITNESS where of the parties here to have here unto set their hands the day and year first before written  
  By the above - named

( Landlord )



  Date ..........................     
  In the presence
of a witness :

SIGNED ...........................................


  Date ..........................     
  By the above-named

( Tenant )

SIGNED ...........................................


  In the presence
of a witness :

SIGNED .............................................



When entering into an agreement the professional help of a solicitor or chartered surveyor is recommended for,

1 surveying the property

2 serving the special notices within the statutory time periods,

3 negotiating a rent review,

4 going to court,

5 dealing with compensation matters.