1795 The Chefter Guide
Nearly oppofite to the church, is the Conduit which was built in 1582 towards the expences of the work, a collection
was made in the city the Offleys contributed largley; Mr. Thomas Alderfey gave ten Pounds , which accounts for
his arms ; being placed on the face of the Edifice ; lower down the Bridge street, than thofe of the Earl of Leicefter's
chamberlain of chefter, and the Earl of Derby's Lord lieutenant of the counties of Chefter and Lancafter, both
within the garter .
The Pentice is an handfome building, and ftands in the centre of the city, near the junction of the four principal
streets . the antient part of it was lately taken down, in order to widen Northgate fleet, it is here the Mayor
and Juftices fit to tranfact the bufinefs of the peace, and here the town office is kept.
Eastgate street A large fpacious street, where the markets for fowl, butter and cheefe are kept , which the cheappnefs
and plenty, equal moft in the kingdom . it is about 209 yards in breadth. on the right - hand fide is Fleshmonger's
Lane, or newgate street, and oppofite, is St, Werburgh's Lane leading to the cathedral.
Over - crofs this ftreet is a magnificient arch, erected in 1769, at the expence of Richard Lord Grofvenor, upon
the fite where, a few years ago, the old Eaft Gate ftood ; which confifted of two wide arches, of Roman architecture
; the eaft fide was covered by a large rower, of later workman fhip, on the face of which were placed four fhields
, with the arms of edward III and is faid to have been erected by him .
This had been the Porta principals, was the grand - entrance into the town, and was upon the great Watlin street
road from dover to this place . this was the Gate formerly held by the Earls of Oxford . Paffing under the Arch
you ente , Foregate , or Foreft street which is a fpaciopus airy ftreet, about 572 yards in length , and in moft
parts 18 yards in bredth; On the oppofite fide is cow Lane , which croffing the canal, leads to warrington. On
the fame fide is Queen Street the houfes in which have been built within thefe few yeats ; here is a Meeting houfe
for a fect of Independants .Nearly oppofite to this ftreet, is Love Lane .
( Chester Guide & Directory 1795 )
1791 ( A history of Chester ) as quoted in Bagshaws Directory of Chester 1850
The Fish and vegetables Market is in the square, opposite the Exchange, which in general are plentiful and reasonable.
In that useful article, salmon no market in the kingdom did, some few years ago excel it indeed such was the profusion
of this valuable fish, that masters were often restricted, by a clause of indenture, from giving it more than twice
a week to their apprentices. Though the bounty of providence, in this particular, is yet unabated, such restriction
is no longer necessary -- some artificial cause or other, very kindly rendering this fish, at the present day,
a delicacy even to the masters themselves .