(UPDATED DEC 2000)This was compiled from several e-mail's Sye had sent to a friend. When asked permission to put it on the website Sye didn't think anyone would find it interesting. But with her consent here it is.....

I am living in Tahlequah on a pecan grove called "Harmony Grove" My husband, Mike, and I have 7 kids all together, four are mine. We also have 5 grandkids, all are mine again.
Mike's oldest daughter, Rachel, is 27 and is an actress in Washington D.C. and also acts for a company in New York occasionally. She is starring in a movie called "Intimacy" and talked the producers into hearing some of my songs, therefore, I am also in the movie. It was supposed to just be one of those scenes where someone is singing in the background and the action is going on on the dance floor, but Terry Leveck, the producer, gave me five lines to say and a part. He liked me well enough that I am in another scene this summer, (I just got my script) and they are coming here to shoot it. Cool? Anyway, That's Rachel

.....Next in line is my oldest son, Jerry, 25. He works for the Williams Company in Memphis, TN and is married with two kids, Ashley, 5, and Austin 3. Next there is Julie, my daughter, 23. She is living in Cushing and studying to be a dental hygenist and working as a CNA in Linwood Nursing Center. She has two kids, Derrian, 4, and Caleb, 7 months. She is divorced and not looking for another man at the moment, thank God! Next there is Wesly, my son, 21. He is in the army in Ft. Eustis, VA, studying to be a veterinary. He is married with a daughter named Skyla, 8 months. Next there is Mike's son, Evan, 19, (5 days older than Dave) a senior at Muskogee High school. He is a straight A student that is wanting to be a cardiologist. He wants to start OU next year. The next is my son, David, 19. He graduated last year and is now taking advanced computer courses (At and Cisco for example) and wants to be a computer whiz of some sort. Then last but definitely not least is Cole, Mike's son, 17, a genius at acting, writing, directing, editing, you name it. His part-time job in high school is at a television station filming a show and editing it...geez...I flipped burgers!
 I mainly work the Pre-paid Legal business for now. Mike (My better half) still works full time at Northeastern State University, here in Tahlequah. He is the Director of the Video Technology department. He will retire in about five years and join me full time then, if I'm not retired by then myself. In that case....we'll just play a lot!! Mike is a handsome, talented, and loving man. He is 51, 6 foot 4 inches tall, and built like get the picture. I'm sure I am biased on this account, but I count my blessings every day for him. I have been married for 6 years to him.

I went into the recording studio yesterday to record my latest Christmas song, "I sing of Him" and it went well. I adore my composer, Brad Henderson. He is a genious! He makes my songs come alive and he makes me cry, he's so wonderful! It's always cool when one of your creations, or your babies, so-to-speak, comes alive. Click to listen to some of Sye's music

I am performing today (Dec 15, 2000) at 11:00 at a Christmas party at NSU. I will sing it for the first time there. I have two other performances this season, and that's really why I wrote it. This one today sprang from someone hearing it yesterday in the studio and asked me to biggy, but a good opportunity to see what people say about it, you know?

You can reach me at this one: or ( I prefer) I travel a lot and I can pick the latter one up anywhere in the U.S.